To carry shoes at home

Shoes in the store sat perfectly, but in the process of wearing it began to give you a lot of discomfort in the form of corns, swelling of the legs? With such a situation, each person may have encountered in his life. Do not rush to refuse or blame everything for your new thing. Just try to stretch it. Moreover, in order to increase the size of the boots you should not run to the shoe workshop at all, you can distribute the shoes at home. There are many methods to stretch faux or genuine leather, leatherette, nubuck, suede or patent leather shoes. The most effective of them we will consider in this article.

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Correcting the situation with shoes made of artificial material

How to carry faux leather boots at home? Non-natural material is very difficult to increase in size. Sometimes it can crack and lose its appearance, but this is not a reason to refuse a pair of your favorite boots.

There are three methods to resolve this nuisance:

  1. Lubricate the inside of the boots with Vaseline or greasy cream. After 2-3 hours of downtime and soaking up the “mask”, you must carefully remove the remaining mixture with a napkin, put on shoes and walk for 20-40 minutes.
  2. Newspapers need to be wet and tamped tightly in the boot. When stacking paper, you must ensure that the shape of the product does not change. Dry in a natural way. Do not rush this process with special devices (you can ruin the appearance of the skin).
  3. We moisten the grain, like newspapers, and pour it inside the boots. Leave for the night. Then free from the contents, wear boots for about an hour.

Important! This method is suitable not only for increasing the size, but also for the narrow shaft of high boots.

All methods are good and low budget. If everything is done correctly, then the question of how to distribute shoes made of artificial leather at home will be resolved.

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Customize genuine leather boots

How to carry leather boots at home? Leather and suede are natural materials that can be easily and quickly adjusted. There are five most effective ways to fix this problem:

  • Boiling water is the solution to problems. It is necessary to put shoes or boots in the bathroom and rinse inside with boiling water for several seconds. Get wet with a napkin and wait for the boots to cool. Then you need to put them on their feet and walk around the house for a couple of hours.

Important! If the goal is to sufficiently increase the size, you first need to put on socks on your legs. This method is only suitable for high-quality smooth skin.

  • Ice. You need to take a tight bag or a balloon. Fill the container with water and put it inside the boot. We send the whole structure to the shelf of the freezer for the night. Frozen water turns into ice, while expanding and increasing the walls of your boots.
  • How to carry shoes at home quickly? We treat the shoes with alcohol or vodka inside and out, put them on tight socks, wear them for two hours.
  • Exposure to heat. To do this, put socks on your feet and blow off your boots with a small and gradual portion of hot air from the hair dryer. When the fabric has become hot, you need to walk around the house for several minutes.

Important! If you consider folk remedies extreme, you can use the stretching sprays purchased at a shoe store.

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How to distribute shoes from nubuck?

This material is quite moody, so it is better to use delicate methods:

  1. A special foam stretcher for nubuck will help you adjust the size of your shoes.
  2. Wooden deck, which is used by masters of special workshops. In this way, you can stretch the shoes not only in width, but also in length.
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Rubber shoes - can I resize it?

If your boots are made of ordinary rubber, then, unfortunately, they will not work. But there is a possibility that they are made of polyvinyl chloride, then the problem is solved. There is one way, but effective. This material lends itself well to change at high temperatures. For this:

  1. Pour boiling water into the boots and leave for 40 minutes.
  2. We put on two pairs of thick socks, pour out water and put on boots.
  3. You can walk around until the rubber cools completely, but there is also a quick method. We put our feet in a container with cold water, while trying to move our feet in our boots for a better result.
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Having in stock a couple of options for how to distribute shoes at home, we gain the opportunity not to give up the shoes that attracted us. Now you have seen this from your own experience!

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