DIY shoe sole repair

The sole of any shoe is subjected to a varied and constant load, and even the most durable ultramodern products are unlikely to provide insulation for the foot for a long time. Solving the problem, with the help of which to glue the cracked sole, you should well tune in at the same time to purchase a new pair. During factory repair, the sole repair itself is carried out by replacement. Quite often, during this process, the shoe loses its pristine shape, its look becomes very unpresentable. If there is no opportunity to purchase a new pair, or there is nothing to go to the shoe store, you will have to think about how to glue the cracked sole. It’s still possible to make a high-quality repair of the sole of the sneakers at home with your own hands, but it is difficult to answer how long-term the result will be. If you decide to take up such a thing, then our article will help you.

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How and how to glue the sole of autumn or winter shoes?

Familiar glue “Moment” (although professionals do not really recommend it), epoxy sealant “Crazy hands”, as well as a tool with Desmokol polyurethane or nairite glue will suit everyone as improvised means. Fortunately, each glue has its own instruction, which must be guided during work.

Important! It should also be borne in mind that these funds are quite toxic. If they get on the mucous membranes, they must be quickly washed off under running running water.

Work execution algorithm:

Based on the fact that winter or autumn shoes, as a rule, have soles of a honeycomb design, for a start you will have to deal directly with honeycombs:

  • Remove the rubber that covers them to such an area in order to eliminate absolutely all accumulated dirt from the holes. Sometimes it also happens that access to the honeycombs can be made from the insole, which should be removed during cleaning in order to remove all dirt from the holes.
  • Cover the honeycombs with small scraps of micropores, and then carefully fill with silicone sealant, carefully compact.

Important! Before sticking a cracked sole, be sure that the sealant has dried and hardened.

  • After that, cut a piece of rubber or micropores that goes directly into the hole.

Important! If it is voluminous, small holes are pressed in with a mixture of micropores, sawdust and sealant.

  • Based on the size of your shoes, cut the sole out of non-thick rubber, then stick it using pre-prepared adhesive over the entire area of ​​the shoe.
  • Place shoes or boots directly under the press, which can be any heavy object.
  • How long the glue needs to dry completely - will be indicated in the instructions for it.

Important! And how to glue a hole in the sole of summer shoes? You should act according to exactly the same algorithm, but only the trouble is much less:

  • If the sandals are glue, it is better to buy a rubber sole in the workshop, and glue it on your own with rubber glue. This is obtained when the shoe has a solid base.
  • Sometimes soles solely along the contour are attached to light summer shoes.
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Sports shoes - how to repair?

If the training process in the gym yielded results not only in the form of a better physical shape, but also a broken shoe, you still will not have to refuse your favorite pair of sneakers.

Of all domestic adhesives, it is best to use epoxy, which is specifically designed to solve the problem of repairing sneakers with your own hands. Its cost is quite low, and the application will be simple:

  • Thoroughly clean all edges of the hole in your sole, and then degrease with solvent.
  • When everything dries, carefully apply properly diluted epoxy glue.

Important! Keep in mind that such a mixture is very toxic. Therefore, be extremely careful when repairing the sole of the sneakers with your own hands.

  • If the hole is large enough, it will not be superfluous to put a mesh made of fiberglass in it, it is called a sickle.
  • At the time when the glue dries up, it is better to glue the place of the hole that has appeared on the outside with masking tape so that the sole remains completely flat.
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Other types of glue:

  1. An excellent adhesive option is Seamgrip American glue. With it, rubber boats are sealed. In the event that you manage to purchase it, you will not have to part with your favorite pair of sneakers. This is the only type of glue that can completely solve the hole problem in a polyurethane or rubber sole.
  2. Imported epoxy adhesives of the Done Deal type are much better than domestic adhesives, but the durability of the sneakers when using it can not be promised.
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Is skate repair possible?

How to glue a sole that has been torn on skates? It all depends directly on the material from which the skating base is made, as well as the place where the hole itself is located:

  • Cheap skates, as a rule, are fixed on almost one cardboard, and any epoxy glue can help to cope with the problem, but only if the hole on the sole is not in the place where the blade is fixed. In this case, the shoes will have to be thrown out, because the torque will reduce absolutely all your efforts to zero.
  • The same thing will have to be done in the case of expensive cognacs - sufficiently strong fixing of the blades after repair will not be able to provide even the most expensive glue.

Important! You can still try to seal the holes on the toe or on the side of the boots with your own hands, but a deformed boot does not guarantee great stability. Home repair of sports shoes should be carried out exclusively in case of minor malfunctions.

  • Dear skates made of leather soles are sealed with a special shoe composition for repairing leather shoes. If the place to be glued is thoroughly degreased, and then the hole is filled with the mixture along with the skin scraps, pressed in, then the sole integrity will be completely restored.

Important! During the repair of expensive sports shoes, it makes sense to purchase expensive glue. The cost of high-quality sports shoes is much higher than the packaging with adhesive.

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The nuances of the work being done

In order for the shoes to last a certain time, you should know about the following nuances of repair:

  1. absolutely all surfaces are cleaned, degreased, and then thoroughly dried before applying glue;
  2. the adhesive is applied in a small layer, which is not more than 3 mm;
  3. before connecting the parts, the glue must be kept for about 10 minutes;
  4. shoes must be under pressure for at least 10 hours.
  5. the load must be selected so that the shoes cannot be deformed, and if there is a shoe block, you won’t have to worry about the pristine shape of your favorite shoes or shoes.
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In fact, any thing can be repaired at home, it would be a desire and relevant skills. We hope that if you started repairing the soles of your sneakers with your own hands, you have both!


