Restoration of leather jackets

A leather jacket is one of the most stylish items of clothing. It is worth remembering that the material from which it is made is quite expensive, which means that things from it are more valuable. It is for this reason that it makes sense to protect leather products especially strongly, if necessary - to repair or restore them. In this article, you will learn how the restoration of leather jackets goes.

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Repair Methods

When you decide how the repair will be carried out, you can plan it in detail and select the right material. In the end, you get an almost new leather product that can last you for many more years.

There are only three options for resolving this issue:

  • Defect sticking on a leather product. Here, the existing damage must be properly sealed, using special glue capable of gluing the given material. At the same time, from the wrong side of the product you need to glue a strip of thin artificial leather in order to strengthen the damage site. The advantages of this method are its low price, as well as the speed of the procedure. In addition, you can restore damage with glue right where it happened.

Important! If the gap is small, and the product is made of high quality material with the usual structure, repair by this method will be almost invisible during the operation of the jacket.

  • Nowadays, the industry produces a composition that can significantly simplify the repair of leather products. Repairing a leather jacket with liquid skin is one of the most convenient, quick and easy ways to solve this problem.
  • Sewing, as well as stitching patches on a damaged place. In this case, the resulting damage is sewn up or the necessary patch is sewn onto it. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty in working. In addition, the place of restoration may be noticeable.

Important! The last problem can be solved by attaching a decorative element to the patch.

  • Complete replacement of a damaged item. This operation is performed only when for some reason you do not have the opportunity to tape or sew your garment. This procedure is performed in the studio. Here, experts will select the material that is most similar to the one that was used in the manufacture of your jacket. Ultimately, the leather product will look exactly the same as before the restoration.

Important! Remember that the cost of the restoration of leather jackets described above is quite high.

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Skin sticking

The first thing that the owner of the jacket can do if his thing is damaged is to try to glue it, because the adhesive intended for this work is sold in almost every store. In addition, the timing of such repairs is limited to a few minutes.

Skin damage can be of two types:

  • Rush angle.
  • A rush where a piece of skin breaks out completely.

Important! For the first option, during restoration, as a rule, they use only the classic “Moment” glue, which has a sufficient degree of plasticity. When using it, the patch material will remain in place, you will not need to select it additionally.


The repair of a leather jacket is carried out in the following way:

  • The first step is to get access to the inside of the product. For this purpose, as a rule, you need to tear the lining at the seam in the right place.

Important! The best place to tear is where the factory outer seam is placed.

  • Fix the gap on the front side of the jacket using stationery tape.

Important! Remember, too sticky tape leaves dirty marks on your skin. To prevent this, before gluing such an adhesive tape, you must first attach it to the hand. Thus, the adhesive properties of the tape are reduced.

  • Glue the necessary patch. This procedure is performed from the inside of the jacket. Further, all manipulations should be carried out according to the instructions attached to the adhesive.
  • Put the load on the place to be processed - this is necessary so that this section does not change its shape while the glue dries. It is important to remember that for the best result you need the force that is applied to the surfaces to be bonded.

Important! Specialists who often restore leather jackets say that the patch should extend beyond the edges of the damage - this is necessary so that it completely closes the gap.

  • It remains to remove the adhesive tape and use a toothpick to glue the joint of the treated area (you can remove excess glue after it dries). The bulk of the work is done.
  • Touch up the damaged area with a special coloring compound or cream, which is selected according to the color of the jacket's skin.
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The use of liquid skin

This material is usually used to repair small gusts, cuts or scuffs.

Repairing leather jackets with liquid skin is very simple - you just need to apply it to the damaged area and let it dry. Also, with liquid skin, you can perform the final finishing of the jacket after its restoration in classical ways.

Despite the popularity of this composition, a number of minuses can be distinguished:

  • This composition does not have the ability to accept the same texture as the original material. So, if a genuine leather jacket is repaired, the repaired area will stand out a little
  • It is difficult to choose the right shade.
  • Often spoils the appearance of leather jackets.
  • The composition is not persistent.

A leather jacket is one of the most stylish and, at the same time, useful things in any wardrobe. It is for this reason that we must protect it as best as possible. From this article you learned how the restoration of leather jackets goes at home, which means that you can cope with any trouble yourself without buying new things.

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