Velor boots - what is it?

Velor shoes are popular among the fair sex. The rich appearance, elegance and sophistication of the models will not leave anyone indifferent. These products will be appropriate everywhere: at a social party, and in a theater, and in a restaurant, so if you decide to buy velor boots, what it is - you should have an idea about it. This shoe material has heat-saving qualities, so not only demi-season shoes, but also winter ones are made from it. We will examine in more detail its various variants in this article.

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Find some differences

Velor belongs to natural materials, which has a thick and low pile on the wrong side, while the front side is smooth. Sometimes confused with suedewhich has a velvet surface on both sides. The strength of the velor leaves much to be desired, since the shoes from it are easily contaminated, and when wet, it loses its shape. To avoid this, the material must be treated with special tools. Suede, in turn, is resistant to negative influences, and retains its shape even after adverse conditions.

Important! For the production of velor, skins of small cattle are used, which are subjected to special treatment with grinding with sandpaper and dyeing in dark colors.

To determine whether velor or suede boots are better, you need to know the distinguishing features of these materials:

  • Suede contains pores, as it is a “breathing” material. Models from the analogue do not have such a property.
  • If the cut of the material is bent, it is velor, otherwise - suede.
  • Fingerprints remain on the velor, this is not characteristic of suede.
  • After washing, velor may lose its presentation, but suede may not.
  • Suede models have a faint skin odor.
  • Velor is much cheaper than suede.
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How to care for shoes?

If you decide to purchase winter shoes from velor, it will not be amiss to know what it is. Products of this type are characterized by increased comfort, beauty, elegance and stunning views. These models are able to emphasize the refined taste of its owner. Shoes are quite warm, comfortable, lightweight, but requiring a careful attitude.

Consider the basic rules for the care of shoes made of such material:

  • Shoes of this type must not be washed with water. Cleaning is permissible with a hair or rubber brush only after the surface of the material has dried.
  • The dirt is cleaned off with unsharp movements until the pile rises.
  • When washing the sole, make sure that moisture does not get on the material, otherwise there will be stains.
  • In the presence of greasy stains, they can be removed with a cloth soaked in refined gasoline, after which it is imperative to dry the shoes.
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How to distinguish real material from fake?

Everyone chooses for himself which material is better. However, it happens that in the pursuit of profit, manufacturers replace natural materials with fakes. To choose the right model from this velor, you need to know a number of rules:

  1. Shoes made of genuine leather are accompanied by a sample of fabric by which quality can be judged.
  2. On shoe sections you can see a fabric or leather base.
  3. If you drop water on the surface of the material, it will slide off the surface, if you have a fake in your hands, then a wet spot will form on it.
  4. Put your palm on the boot and evaluate the result: if the hand becomes wet, and a trace remains on the shoe, then this is an imitation of skin.
  5. If possible, bend the product at the fake the bend will be flat, and for the present - round.

Important! Please note that the quality of winter boots will be affected not only by the material of the external decoration of the shoe, but also by the internal. Take a look at high-quality natural or artificial fur, or one of the modern insulation materials to wear boots or boots was comfortable in any weather.

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Now you have an idea of ​​what velor is, and you can make the final choice of shoes to your liking. We hope the new thing will delight you for a long time.

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