Sundress dolls for girls do it yourself

For the New Year or any other costumed celebration, you can independently make a matryoshka costume. To create such a product does not require certain skills, you spend a small amount of time. Matryoshka costume is the most inexpensive, fastest and easiest to perform. In this article we will look at how to make a sundress of nested dolls for a girl with our own hands.

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Matryoshka costume for a girl (photo)

There may be several options for making a New Year's costume for dolls for a girl in a kindergarten or an adult school suit. First, consider the simplest method that does not require much effort, and the costume itself is created from ready-made things.

Option number 1

To make a suit of nesting dolls, you must first prepare the following materials:

  • bright ribbons of various colors;
  • summer colored sundress made of light material;
  • a thin blouse of white color, in which there are wide sleeves;
  • shawl of bright colors;
  • needle with threads of suitable colors.

Important! When selecting all these materials, the main requirement is a harmonious combination of all these things among themselves so that they do not look too clumsy and tasteless.

Now we turn to the design of the matryoshka sundress, for this we sew ribbons to it, and that's all - the simplest version of the matryoshka costume is ready. We collect all the prepared attributes and put on. For work, no special skills were needed, and the result will be excellent.


Option number 2

The second option is a bit more complicated, because for its manufacture you do not have to assemble a matryoshka costume, as in the previous case, but sew the product.

For manufacturing, you must first prepare the following tools and materials:

  • material for a sundress - you can prepare a plain fabric of bright colors, and you can pick up fabric with a bright large pattern;
  • white summer blouse - it is desirable that, as in the first version, the sleeves have a flared shape, in the absence of a suitable blouse, you can use an ordinary white t-shirt to which flared sleeves are sewn;
  • bright scarf or scarf;
  • soft wire;
  • beads of bright colors;
  • a needle with a thread of suitable colors;
  • centimeter tape for taking measurements;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • chalk for cutting or a pointed piece of soap;
  • in the case of using monophonic material to decorate a sundress, we prepare bright ribbons or catchy applications.

How to sew a sundress matryoshka dolls for girls with their own hands:

  • We take the required measurements.
  • If necessary, we draw a pattern for a matryoshka costume. Although, in principle, you can sketch a simple outline version.
  • We focus on the fact that the length of the sundress corresponds to the distance from the armpits to the floor.
  • When cutting, we leave the prepared material on the yoke and straps.
  • On the seamy side of the material at the location of the waist, sew a small strip of fabric, the so-called inlay.
  • To give the product the form of a sundress, we sew the side seams.
  • In the upper part of the workpiece we pick up the fabric, sew the prepared yoke to the sundress.
  • Sew on the straps.
  • Turn and hem the bottom of the product.
  • In a sundress we insert a piece of soft wire, which corresponds to the volume of the breast of the future product.
  • Between the sewn-in pre-sewn and the material, we stretch the soft wire in the same way, while its length corresponds to twice as long as the one that was stretched at the bottom of the sundress.

Important! Instead of the described manipulations with soft wire, if desired, you can use tulle or a rigid net from which to form a product like a lower skirt, or simply sew on the back side of the sundress as overlays. This procedure is carried out in order to keep the bottom of the future product magnificent.

  • Now we turn to the design of the scarf. Fold it in half and sew at the bend with a double line. Between the stitching threads we stretch a soft wire. After you have tied the knot, we fill the ends of the wire in a handkerchief. Thus, the decorated shawl will comfortably stick on the head of a small child.


Decor Ideas

At the very end, it is necessary to decorate the matryoshka costume, for this it is necessary to include creative imagination and show imagination. If you wish, you can view the photos on the Internet, where to get an interesting idea. If there is a single-color material, you can sew peas on the fabric, attach an applique, sew on bugles or sequins, or simply draw a beautiful pattern.

Consider how you can quickly and easily decorate a sundress with peas. For this:

  • From the material of crepe satin and glue web we cut peas.
  • Then we put the cut circles on the fabric so that there are cloth peas on top and glue circles on the bottom.
  • After that we heat them with an iron.

This design option for bright peas will be much simpler and faster than sewing each circle with a needle and thread.

Carnival sundress of nesting dolls for a girl with her own hands is ready! It remains to put on a made suit and help your child get used to the role of a nesting doll, rehearse gait and movements.

Important! When you are going to gather for the New Year holiday, do not forget to take bright beads that will help in the additional design of the image. In addition, use the bright blush that you put on the cheeks of the child to create a pink-cheeked nesting doll.

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How to make a kokoshnik nesting dolls?

In addition to a nice little scarf for a nesting doll, you can make an original kokoshnik by looking at the template. To do this, prepare the following materials:

  • crepe satin;
  • guipure;
  • webbing-bindweed (3 different colors);
  • 11 pearls;
  • multi-colored flowers;
  • an elastic band with a width of 3 cm;
  • satin ribbon with a width of 4 cm about 1.2 m;
  • dense collar doubler;
  • threading non-woven.

How to make a kokoshnik for a doll costume with your own hands:

  1. Cut the front part of the kokoshnik from a dense collar doubler.
  2. We lay a line on the front of the product along the contour of doubler. This is done so that from the front part you can see the contour for the fartest application of jewelry.
  3. We decorate the product - for this, we sew on braid-bindweed, pearls and flowers.
  4. We cut the back part of the kokoshnik from thread-piercing non-woven fabric on the workpiece.
  5. We sew the front and back parts along the side and upper sections, after which we turn the product.
  6. We cut out two parts of the rim and strengthen it with non-woven fabric with allowances.
  7. We put the cut-out parts on both sides of the kokoshnik, chop off everything with pins and attach them.
  8. We turn our product and smooth it.
  9. We build up so that as a result a right angle is formed between the kokoshnik and the rim.
  10. Open sections of the rim are treated with an overlock and turn down.
  11. We sew on a tape from each end of the rim, and between them we sew the elastic.

Important! The ribbon should be much wider than the elastic band in order to hide it.

The original kokoshnik for the costume of the nesting dolls is ready!

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So simple and easy you can create a bright carnival costume for your child, which many will surely remember!

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