Fur coats of good quality

Previously, a fur coat was considered a luxury and only wealthy and famous people could afford it. This piece of clothing was an unattainable dream of many women. But at present, every third woman has a mink coat or at least a quality short fur coat. Having the necessary amount for the purchase of an expensive product, the consumer faces the question of how to choose a mink coat, without spending his savings on a cheap fake? In this article we will look at how to identify good quality fur coats.
to contents ↑We select the style
When choosing a fur coat, you need to decide for what purpose you want to purchase such a piece of clothing:
- If you need to warm yourself, then the sable, fox or muton fur is more warming.
- If the weather outside the window is not important for you, and you dress up only for beauty, then the purchase of a mink coat is quite justified. Such a product looks chic and beautiful, emphasizes a glamorous image and can serve you for 10 seasons.
Consider how to choose the right fur coat style:
- Tall and slender women do not have any problems with the choice of product.
- Fragile and petite girls with small stature should not opt for long and rough fur coats.
- A mink coat should not be too light or too heavy. At the time of fitting, a certain balance should be observed.
- Trying on one product should be unhurried, within three minutes, this time you need to understand exactly whether to purchase this model.
The most important factor for determining a good quality fur coat is fitting:
- You should try on your favorite mink coat several times, as it is difficult to make a choice the first time.
- At the time of fitting, you need to carefully look at your appearance and internal feelings. In this outfit you should be comfortable and comfortable. And this should be an indisputable fact. If in the process of trying you felt even the slightest inconvenience, this thing is not yours, you can safely look for the next model.
to contents ↑Important! Do not rush to purchase a fur coat. If you feel any uncertainty and doubt, then ask the store's consultants to postpone the selected product. You will have some time to consider your choice and make the final decision. If you are completely “ripe” for making an important decision, then the next day it will be much easier for you to come to the store to purchase and pay for the purchase than if you make a wrong decision, deal with the problems of returning the recently purchased goods to the store.
What can be the defects of the fur?
How to distinguish a good mink coat from a bad one? To determine the quality of the mink coat, you must have information about possible defects.
Poor quality fur has the following characteristics:
- Dents and scuffs. Such damage may not necessarily be seen on old fur. Sometimes a new fur has defects that were formed during the animal’s life and, as a rule, cannot be restored.
- Burnt areas of fur and heterogeneous color.Even if the fur coat looks new and shiny, such damage indicates an old fur, while the gloss of the product is given artificially.
- Dry and hard skin. When the skin is bent, a crunch forms; to the touch, such a skin resembles parchment. After some time, such skins break or sprawl.
Important! If the mezra is of high quality, then it should be soft.
- The presence of rusty spots on the villi of the fur. It is impossible to get rid of such a defect. Such spots are formed as a result of imprisonment of animals in metal cages in which they must be kept for a long time.
- Fur hairs come out in bunches. However, they may fall out in certain places, and not on the entire fur surface. With easy pulling, several hairs are allowed to fall out, but this should be a single case and not nearby hairs.
to contents ↑Important! In general, outerwear is purchased for several seasons, so you should have reliable information about checking the quality of a mink coat.
Ways to check the quality of the fur
The condition of the fur determines the quality of the mink coat. Modern technologies allow unscrupulous manufacturers to apply many methods to mask various defects. So, for example, burned-out areas are painted with a special paint, giving the appearance of a natural shade, or the fur is coated with a special composition to create a beautiful shine.
Let us consider in more detail how to distinguish a good mink coat from a bad one:
- If, after you have wrinkled the fur coat, the product quickly straightens and takes its original position, then this indicates high-quality fur.
- Spread the fur and check the color of the mezdra. A red or brown shade indicates the coloring of the fur, the mezra should be light.
Important! A dark skin indicates improper storage conditions of the product. For greater certainty, it is preferable to inspect the underside of the skins.
- The joints of the skins should not be noticeable. In addition, you need to check their strength by gently pulling the skins in different directions. As a rule, the joints of the skins are observed in the area of the collar and shoulders, and durable threads are used for flashing the seams.
- To check the quality of the skins, you can use an ordinary needle, which we stick from the wrong side and pull, while the hole that has arisen should not increase in size.
- The undercoat should have a soft and thick base.
- Some manufacturers tint the fur, which is additional protection, while creating a beautiful shade, but in this case, the coating should have persistent qualities and not leave any residue.
- All upper villi should be the same length. If protruding hairs are observed on the surface of the fur coat, then this situation indicates the procedure for trimming and that initially the fur did not have good quality.
- You need to smell the fur coat. The product must not have the smell of an animal or chemistry. A light scent of a cleaning agent for a good quality fur coat is acceptable.
- Great attention is required to products from white and blue mink. For such things, the important points will be the correct storage conditions and compliance with the required temperature in the warehouse. Otherwise, such a delicate product quickly loses its original color and acquires a yellowish tint.
- If you observe soft, slightly rough mezra, then this indicates the correct processing of the fur. On the underside of the fur, it is imperative to pay attention to the seams, while the line should be laid neatly and almost imperceptibly, maintaining a distance of about five centimeters.
Important! If the fur coat is sewn from pieces of fur, then the ideal option is to use pieces of the same size, except for products sewn from tails or single pieces.
- The best option for a lining for a mink coat is silk fabric.The lining material used must be expensive, without defects, the seams should be even, and the edge should be decorated with a decorative seam.
What about the lining?
What is the best mink in quality? Many consumers, before purchasing a mink coat, look for information on checking the quality of the fur and very few buyers think about the lining material. The appearance of the lining directly signals a fake.
The quality of the mink coat is characterized by lining material. For lining fur coats, choose an expensive fabric that should not be sewn on the bottom of the product. Only in this way can the underside of the fur be considered and a decision can be made about the quality of the processing of the mezra having a light color and the same thickness.
Important! If the fur coat has a tightly sewn lining, then this indicates that the manufacturer for some reason hides the defects of the fur, and you are offered a fake. In this case, do not purchase this product.
Lining of a quality fur coat:
- It very precisely repeats the cut of the product, it does not puff up anywhere and does not constrain any movements.
- The bottom is not sewn to the product and is free. At any time, you can view the underside of the skins.
- Made of high quality and durable material, such as silk on a natural basis.
- All seams are processed and are smooth and durable.
- The edge is trimmed with lace trim.
Important! The presence of a lining made of cheap materials indicates the poor quality of the coat. A manufacturer who cares about his products will never allow himself to save on finishing.
In addition, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the product on which the marking of a well-known company stands, since there are unscrupulous manufacturers who are able to take this move.
to contents ↑Important! You cannot buy models from brand companies in small shops or on the natural market.
Staining quality
Check the quality of dyeing the fur. Many models of mink products can withstand the painting process without problems, and in this case, nothing bad is observed. It is quite another thing when the quality of the color suffers, which leaves much to be desired.
To check the mink coat for dyeing quality, it is necessary to use a clean, slightly damp white shawl that wipes the fur of the product. As a result of the procedure, no traces of paint should be observed on the scarf.
to contents ↑Important! In the case when the mink product was not dyed, but has its own natural color, you should pay attention to defective areas of faded fur and rust spots.
Inspect the inside out
It is mandatory to carefully examine the wrong side of the mink coat. To do this, we turn out the product and conduct a thorough inspection of the stitched seam and threads.
You should also pay attention to small nuances, if you have noticed traces of glue, then you should not opt for this model and in no case do not get this mink coat.
to contents ↑We are afraid of fakes
An important factor for the fair half is thinking about how to make the right choice when buying a mink coat. Currently, this topic is relevant, as there are many situations in which there is a fake fur.
Unfortunately, very often unscrupulous manufacturers and distributors of such an elite top dress replace mink fur with rabbit or groundhog fur, which is much cheaper. With some information, it’s easy to spot the differences.
Important! What is the best mink in quality? In mink fur, adhesion of the villi should not be observed, the fur should be smooth.The rabbit fur is tougher to the touch, and the groundhog fur has villi of different lengths, in addition, it pricks.
You should also check the quality of the mink coat for the presence of its characteristic shimmer. If a dull color is observed and the product looks peeling, it is most likely that the mink was old or sick.
to contents ↑How and where can I buy?
As a rule, mink coats are presented on the market, which are much cheaper than in a specialized store. But the risk of acquiring fakes and fur coats is far from the best quality on the market.
Fur salons conduct their work in a completely different way. When choosing a fur outfit, you will be provided with the required certificates without any problems, managers will consult on your product, answer all your questions and offer the option that is most suitable for you. If, after some time after the acquisition, you find defects, then you have every right to return the defective product to the fur salon, while returning the money spent back.
to contents ↑Professional tips for buying a mink coat
If the mink coat is of high quality, then it has a magnificent appearance, has excellent ability to retain heat and is not afraid of wet weather. In addition, properly crafted fur is worn for a very long time. When acquiring such a luxurious outfit that has recently become much more affordable, but still very expensive, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations on how to identify good-quality fur coats and adhere to the following conditions:
- It is necessary to choose the manufacturing company very carefully. The best quality mink coats are mainly produced by European manufacturers who present their products in large network fur salons. Such a product is expensive. If you opted for a mink coat of a domestic manufacturer, then the purchase should be made only in the manufacturer's boutique. Only in this case can fakes be avoided.
- Inexperienced buyers can be misled by company labels, which are not worth paying attention to. According to statistics, in the fur market a huge number of fakes are issued precisely with tags from world brand companies that are engaged in the production of fur products.
- Well, and most importantly - pay attention to the cost of a fur coat, since a product made from whole skins should be more expensive than an outfit that took a lot of pieces of fur to make. In addition, a fur coat of fur pieces is much heavier by weight.
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As you can see, there are a lot of nuances to identify good quality fur coats. And focusing on them will be the right approach for such a purchase, because a thing will cost by no means cheap. We hope you remember everything, and now you can check your favorite model of a fur coat by all the criteria, which means that you will not regret your purchase even after 5 or more years.
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