Silicone - how to remove from clothes?

Silicone sealant is often used when performing small repairs, for example, filling gaps and joints between the bathroom and the wall, restoring shower cabins, sinks, aquariums and much more. However, with careless handling of building material, it may leave stubborn stains on clothing. Due to the characteristics of its composition, the sealant has a high viscosity and hardens quickly, and therefore it can be difficult to get rid of contamination. In this article we will tell you what to do if silicone gets onto an unnecessary thing - how to remove this building mixture from clothes, windows and other objects.
to contents ↑What is silicone?
Before looking for effective ways to remove traces of silicone from clothing, you should understand what this composition is and what are its features.
General sealant properties
Silicone is a modern sealant related to rubber mixtures, perfectly penetrating even the smallest crevices and pores. Due to this property, the substance is famous for its adhesive and adhesive qualities.
Also, this building material is known for the following advantages:
- It hardens quickly at room temperature.
- It is a universal tool with moisture and heat resistance.
- Flexible and easy to use.
Important! Thanks to these qualities, silicone compounds are used in many areas of human life - construction, aviation, dentistry, repair, everyday life, etc.
In the modern market there are several types of sealant:
- Acidic compounds that can be recognized by the characteristic vinegar odor.
- Neutral chemical compounds that do not have a pronounced smell.
to contents ↑Important! You can always check the type of silicone sealant from the seller or read on the packaging of the tube. This information will definitely come in handy if you need to remove silicone from clothes or other things.
Cleaning clothes from silicone
How to clean silicone or liquid glue? Since silicone contains silicon, it hardens in the open air. Therefore, the longer the chemical substance is on the surface, the stronger it sticks to the surface, respectively - it will be more difficult for you to get rid of it.
Important! Try to start cleaning things at once after spotting on a textile surface.
There are several effective ways to remove silicone from clothing at home:
Mechanical cleaning
If the drop only got on the clothes, then it can be removed quite simply mechanically, for which you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- Stretch the fabric in the place where the silicone got, as a result of which a thin film forms on its surface.
- Pry it off with any sharp object and it can be easily removed.
Important! Take extreme care not to damage the structure of the fabric fibers.
Chemical cleaning
Most often you have to deal with a sealant, which is already decently dried up.
For the removal of silicone, modern construction chemistry companies offer special washes.
Important! When using such funds, do not forget about precautions, because such mixtures are quite toxic, can provoke allergies to the skin or mucous membranes.
The following formulations are most popular:
- “Antisil”;
- “Penta 840.”
Important! How to remove silicone from clothing or interior items using such tools is described in detail in the instructions from the manufacturer. Carefully study it, do not violate these tips, and then the cleanliness of the desired surface is ensured.
Folk methods
If for some reason there is no industrial tool at hand, you can try to remove the sealant from the clothes in one of the following ways:
- Remove acid silicone with acetic acid. Be very careful. Toxic fumes can damage the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eyes and respiratory tract. Wet the stained area and leave for 30 minutes. Then rub with a cloth. After removing the construction sealant, wash the affected area with laundry soap, and then send the item to the washing machine.
- You can try to remove the oxime (neutral) silicone sealant with acetone, gasoline or white spirit. Wet the place with alcohol and leave it in this condition for 30 minutes. Then use a sponge or brush to wipe the contaminated area. In this case, the silicone rolls into lumps and is removed. Before the main wash, wipe the stain with dishwashing liquid.
Important! Before using one of the above methods, be sure to check the reaction of the tissue to the selected product on the wrong side or inconspicuous area. Do not use these products on delicate fabrics to avoid damage.
If the clothes have a large spot of sealant
It happens that the silicone layer is very thick. Then, in order to remove the silicone from the clothes, first try to clean it mechanically, scraping it off with a plastic scraper or cutting it off with a knife. Delete what remains in the described ways.
Important! Be very careful when performing this procedure so as not to damage the fabric.
We deal with the skin of the hands
If rubber sealant gets on the skin, then the most effective way to remove it will be kitchen salt and warm water:
- Hold your hands in saline for several minutes.
- Try to wipe with a pumice stone or a hard washcloth.
- If you cannot get rid of it right away, repeat the procedure several times until it is completely cleaned.
Important! If there are cuts or wounds on the skin, replace the salt with laundry soap. Of course, it copes with the task worse, but it will not corrode cuts, as is the case with salt. Repeat 3-4 times.
Another way to remove silicone from the skin is with vegetable oil. It is necessary:
- Heat oil lightly and moisten hands in it.
- After waiting a few minutes, rub the detergent into the dirt.
- By repeating the action several times, you will get rid of stains on your hands.
to contents ↑Important! Having mastered the sealant, be sure to lubricate the skin of the hands with a restoring cream.
How to wash silicone grease from glass and tiles?
We talked about how to remove sealant from clothing and remove it from the skin. Let's figure out how to clean other surfaces from silicone:
- Sealant spilled in time can be easily removed from the surface with a rag and vinegar.
Important! It must be understood that with prolonged contact with the surface, the setting density increases. The substance penetrates the surface and they become one. Therefore, you need to act very quickly.
- If you need to remove silicone from a surface whose appearance is not so important, you can try to get rid of it mechanically using a sharp knife and a piece of pumice. With a knife, you cut off a layer of silicone, and use a pumice to grind the remains.
Important! Instead of pumice, you can use a salt pouch (pouring salt in two layers of gauze and tying it into a knot) The greasy stain that remains after cleaning can be removed with a dishwashing detergent or glass cleaner.
- Surfaces that are in sight can be cleaned with white spirit and a blade. Moisten the silicone with white spirit and after a few minutes, when it softens significantly, carefully cut the mixture with a sharp blade.Repeat the procedure several times until you completely get rid of contamination. The grease stain is removed, as in the above method.
Important! All methods proposed in this article involve the use of active chemicals. Be sure to use protective gloves, respirators, goggles when working with them, so as not to harm yourself.
How to remove traces of sealant from an acrylic bath?
The acrylic bath is not very resistant to chemical attack, so if it is necessary to clean it, we offer two ways:
- White Spirit. The principle of operation is similar to the previous one, but it is very important not to mechanically damage the layer of acrylic paint.
- Use a special liquid for removing hardened composition - Dow Corning OS-2, which significantly dilutes the building sealant and allows you to remove it without risking damage to the bath itself and without the use of sharp objects.
to contents ↑Important! From the effects of the product, the surface structure of the bathroom is not broken. The product is absolutely safe for health and is approved for use in residential premises.
Stock footage
Nevertheless, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of spots than to wipe them off after the repair is completed. Be responsible for the process of using sealant. Prepare the surfaces in advance, cover with plastic or tape the places to be protected. Work with gloves. Protect clothing or use work clothes that you are not afraid to stain. Thus, you save yourself from additional work. We hope you figured out how to remove the sealant from the clothes, and you succeeded.
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