Sew nightgown

There are not many nightgowns. Pleasant, light, warm, Puritan, sexy, given by mom or bought on occasion - all of them must meet one main requirement: to be as comfortable as possible. Modern linen stores offer a large number of sleeping sets, consisting of shorts and a T-shirt or pants and a blouse with long sleeves. But nevertheless, many representatives of the fair sex opt for the classic version - a long nightgown. Of course, now it’s not difficult to buy clothes for sleeping, but it’s much more pleasant to sew them yourself. Today we will tell you how to sew a nightgown quickly and simply with a minimum consumption of materials and using simple patterns.

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How to sew a nightgown on the straps?

For work, we need the following list of necessary materials and tools:

  • Fabric to choose from.
  • Pattern.
  • Corners.
  • Threads in tone.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine.

Important! Stop your choice on natural fabric so that the body can freely “breathe”. Flannel is good for a winter shirt, but for a summer shirt, chintz and cotton.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  • We measure the circumference of the chest and take other measurements in order to find out the length and width of the future product for sleep. We add to the length of 8-10 cm for allowances. We multiply the resulting figure by 2. After the calculations, draw a rectangle on paper, marking all the values ​​obtained, and then transfer the figure to the fabric. Fold in half a rectangular canvas and draw a line that designates the silhouette of the shirt.
  • Cut off excess material. We do not throw out the remains of matter - it is still useful to us for sewing ruffy future products.
  • We cut out armholes, taking our well-fitting T-shirt as a template. We sew parts of our nightgown. We put the first seams on the sides, go to the bottom of the product, and only after that we sew the neck and armholes.
  • Sew a narrow elastic band to the top of the nightie.
  • We attach ruffles on the bottom of the shirt.

Important! If desired, they can also handle the armholes of the sleeves. All these elements will serve as a decoration for such simple clothes for sleeping.

  • We try on a shirt, determine the desired length of the straps. We carry straps from the pieces of fabric that remained at the very beginning when patterning a rectangle. We processed the straps with delicate ruffles.

DIY nightgown is ready to use! In such incredibly feminine clothes you will be irresistible even in a dream.

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How to sew a chintz nightdress with your own hands?

Now we will analyze step by step your every step in the manufacture of a simple chintz shirt.

the cloth

The material for the nightie should meet some basic requirements, namely:

  • Be nice to the touch.
  • Have increased dimensional stability.
  • Possess good color fastness.
  • Do not accumulate statistical current.
  • To be hypoallergenic and unpretentious in care.

Important! For summer, silk, veil, chintz, linen, spatula, and cambric are more suitable fabrics. For the winter period - a bike, poplin, flannel, rep, boomazeya.

How much do you need to take fabrics for sewing a nightdress?

So, we have already found the fabric. Now we need to make the correct calculations so as not to make a mistake in the amount of material purchased. How to do it? Here is a brief description of your next steps:

  1. We take measurements on the most voluminous place. Some girls have hips, while others have lush breasts. So, for example, the length of the volumetric circumference was 100 cm. This means that you need to buy 2 lengths of fabric.
  2. We measure the length of the product, starting from the cervical vertebra, passing down through the chest and ending with the ankle - the place where the shirt ends. We got 150 cm. The width of the material we liked is 140 cm. In this case, we ask the seller to cut 150x2 = 300 + 10 cm into allowances. We buy 310 cm of fabric.

Important! Chintz is often made 80 cm wide. So, for example, for a woman who wears 52 clothing sizes, you need to buy four lengths of this material + 20 cm for hem.



Nightgowns are distinguished not only by fabric, but also by style:

  • Baby-doll. Erotic sleepwear of minimum length, with a deep neckline and long cuts with lots of lace.
  • Shirt combination. The hem reaches a level just above the knees, the product is complemented by short sleeves and decorative trim.
  • High waist nightie. With its help, you can hide the problem areas of the figure: surplus on the waist and hips.
  • T-shirt It is simple in execution and very practical to use.

Important! We have chosen the simplest style with a minimum number of seams. Such a product will not squeeze, rub or interfere with movement anywhere.

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How to sew a nightdress for beginners? Pattern

After selecting the fabric and determining the style, we came to the most important thing - the pattern and sewing of a nightgown.

Important! If you are new to cutting and sewing, then rehearse first on paper, and then transfer the details to the fabric. Experienced seamstresses can work without a pattern - mark all measurements immediately on the material you like.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the fabric in half. In our case, this happens as follows: 310/2 = 155 cm. We lay out the material on the floor due to the small size of the canvas. Now fold the fabric in half again, just along. So we got a rectangle measuring 70x155 cm, where one corner has no edges. This place will be the neck for our product.
  2. We measure with contrasting chalk from the corner without edges 9 cm on the short side, and on the long - 2 cm. We draw a smooth arc, which will connect the previously marked two points. So we got a cutout on the back.
  3. Now we do the sleeve. We measure along the long side of 18 cm (sleeve width) and along the edge of 8 cm. We put a mark. Draw a line from the last marked point on the ruler.
  4. We form a hem. We got the fourth part of our nightie. We put in it ¼ part of the previously measured volume (100/4 = 25 cm). We add another 5 cm to the resulting figure to give comfort to the product. We got a width of 30 cm, which we lay aside on the lowest shortest side of the part. Now draw a straight line up, stopping at the intersection with the border of the upper mark. This point will be the beginning of the armhole. We connect it with a smooth arc with the mark of the sleeve (18 cm). Expanding a bit of the bottom of the nightdress. We connect two vertical points with a straight line.
  5. It departs from the lines of 2 cm, and cut out all the details. After cutting, we unfold the fabric to a length of 3 meters. Fold the canvas again along. We deepen the neck by 7 cm on one side. With a remnant we draw a smooth arc, forming half of our neckline. Cut out the marked cutout with scissors.
  6. We sew all the side seams on a sewing machine. Turn the bottom of the product and sleeves several times. Next we attach a slanting trim to an almost finished neck. Sew on the neckline decorative braid.

That's all the work! Now you can sleep peacefully!

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DIY nightdress with lace

In this case, we take such data: we have one large piece of fabric from which we will sew a long and free shirt with closed breasts.

Working process:

  1. Fold the fabric in half.
  2. We cut the canvas on both sides for symmetry of the pattern (in our case, fabric with a pattern).
  3. We find the middle of the fabric. We outline the neckline with the help of improvised means: plates, roasting pan covers and so on.The size of the neckline is determined in a simple way - by fitting ourselves. So, if the head passes freely, then everything is in order.
  4. Now cut out the neck of the future product.
  5. We tighten the contour of the neck with a seam “forward needle”. We make small stitches to more accurately process the neckline. This step can also be done on a sewing machine, having previously loosened the bobbin thread.
  6. We lay a machine line along the edge of the neck, evenly distributing the collected fabric along the contour. For this we used tailor pins.
  7. For finishing the neck we use the remains of lace. Sew its edges and attach a cut along the edge of the neck. So we got shuttlecocks.
  8. We cut long fabric sections along the oblique from the existing material residues. We pull the edge slightly while sewing it to get a neat edge of the neck.
  9. We retreat from the top of our shirt 20 cm, cut 2 cm on each side. We sew everything in a zigzag line, hemming the edges of the sleeves.
  10. We make an incision on one side of the product so that the fabric does not restrict movement. For this, we did not completely stitch one side seam.
  11. Turn up and flash the bottom.

The nightgown is ready for sleep!

Important! You can sew a nightdress with a sleeve using the same technology, having cut a long sleeve of a free cut. The product will effectively decorate the lace on the cuffs.

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We told you about the easiest ways to sew a nightdress with your own hands. You just have to decide on the choice of the desired style. Let your sleep be deep and comfortable as possible!

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