Sew a dress for ballroom dancing

A magnificent hall, beautiful music, elegant costumes - in short, a ball. And is it really so important whether ballroom dancing competitions are held here or a group of enthusiasts decided to recreate the atmosphere of a certain time: in no case, in any case, you can not do without suitable clothes. Can I sew a dress for ballroom and latin dances ourselves? This type of needlework has its own specifics, which we will discuss in the article.

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What to consider?

During dancing, a person is constantly in motion. And he should not think at the same time whether the suit is sitting well on him, whether something will fall off at the most inopportune moment, whether a part of the body that should not be exposed under any circumstances will be exposed. That is, the first rule to be followed is that the suit in any situation should remain correct.

Reconstructors in this sense are somewhat easier to live - they simply copy sewing techniques adopted in a particular era, and everything turns out by itself. It is another matter if your goal is to sew a dress for ballroom dancing. Please note that the dancer will have to do:

  • slopes
  • deflections;
  • jumping
  • turns.

At the same time, clothes should not slip. From this follows the basic requirements for a dress for ballroom dancing:

  • it should be not only beautiful, but also elastic;
  • it is necessary that the outfit fit as close to the body as possible - this is not only convenient, but also emphasizes the femininity of the partner.
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What fabrics to use?

Sewing dresses for a girl will not take much time if you sew it according to the rules and know the standard for sewing patterns. The material from which you are going to sew a dress for ballroom dancing should stretch well. Therefore, in the manufacture of such dresses are widely used:

  • supplex;
  • lycra;
  • stretch mesh;
  • stretch guipure.


You have repeatedly seen the supplex - it is from it that swimsuits are sewn both for athletes and for lovers of swimming or gymnastics. It stretches perfectly, perfectly fits the body, does not constrain movements, and in addition, it can look very impressive - the assortment in stores is wide enough to satisfy even the most capricious customer.



Lycra is also distinguished by excellent qualities - this material has been known for more than fifty years, it is especially loved by athletes, and involved in a variety of types. It is elastic, durable, in lycra clothes it is neither cold nor hot, but costs about the same as supplex.


Stretch is also very popular when sewing rating dresses for ballroom dancing - in particular, mesh and guipure. It stretches perfectly, but at the same time it keeps its shape perfectly, looks good, it makes both internal linings on clothes and decorative elements. On sale you will find different types of stretch mesh - with a large and small mesh, thin and dense, so there is always the opportunity to choose something suitable. Stretch guipure is mainly used for external details - frills, fringing of sleeves, decorative elements on the face and skirt.

Important! The most ordinary fabrics, mainly silk, are suitable for some elements.

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Dress parts

A dress for ballroom dancing with your own hands consists of two main parts:

  • body;
  • skirts.

Why is it used body, and not just a bodice? Everything is extremely simple.The fact is that the rules of various dance unions, including sports, strictly specify the requirements for a costume. In particular, flesh-colored or transparent panties are prohibited in many countries. If the partner raises the partner high or she, say, does some acrobatic elements, it should not seem to those present that there are no cowards on her at all. Body is much better in keeping with the rules.

Important! Sleeves on ball gowns are optional, as are collars, and little things like pockets are completely contraindicated.

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How to cut a dress?

The work of the master, who is engaged in the manufacture of ballroom clothing, is in many ways different from that of a regular tailor. It seems that all the rules are being violated:

  • ball gowns are most often sewn without a pattern;
  • no allowances are left;
  • a thing so necessary for an ordinary tailor, like an iron, is often completely absent.

So why doesn’t you need an exact pattern for someone who wants to make a dress for ballroom dancing with their own hands? Because the outfit will still have to be customized directly on the model. And it is very important how this dress should behave - to flow or stretch. In addition, cutouts are also more convenient to make on who will wear these clothes - you can immediately trim everything accurately and not return to this issue anymore.

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Where did the allowances go?

All fabrics from which modern ball gowns are sewn stretch beautifully. If they are made with allowances, they will not fit the body well and will soon begin to sag in the most unexpected places. Therefore, they are tailored strictly in size, and from some materials (for example, stretch) - reducing measurements.

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What else you need?

Before you get down to work, take care of your sewing accessories. Nothing special is needed, but some tools that can be dispensed with when sewing a cotton dress or a draped coat are simply necessary in our case. You will need:

  • well sharpened scissors;
  • aquamarker;
  • machine with a zigzag;
  • knitting needle;
  • elastic thread;
  • overlock;
  • synthetic threads.

Scissors and generally should be sharp, but in this case this is especially true. Fabrics like supplex and stretch with a blunt instrument simply cannot be cut. As for the blanks, the patterns, when they are, are more convenient to transfer with an aquamarker - on such fabrics he draws much better chalk or soap, and is washed off without any difficulty.


The question may arise - why at the same time a zigzag and an overlock? When sewing ordinary clothes, one can be satisfied with one thing, in this case it will not work. The seams are processed with an overlock (or more precisely, an overlock is sewn with elastic, as on a swimsuit), and the skirt and decorative elements with a zigzag. Why is that? Because a dance dress is an outfit in order to move in it. And the seams must be very durable. Accordingly, there are requirements for threads, for example, synthetics are better to sew with lavsan. All sections are sheathed with a rubber band - this is also done so that the seam is durable and the suit does not slip.

Important! All details, including decorative ones, are sewn only on a typewriter.

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Features of the cut

The dress for ballroom dancing looks light and airy - here you have a deep neckline, fluttering skirts, and sleeves with ruffles. But at the same time, look - good dancers never fall down. Why? Because there are a lot of additional details on the dress that serve precisely so that it does not slip during the performance:

  • loops;
  • straps;
  • jumpers.

The loops are sewn onto the sleeves. When the dancer puts on the outfit, a finger is inserted into the loop. They are invisible, but at the same time should be strong enough. The same applies to the straps and straps - very strong and reliable, but at the same time, absolutely invisible, because they are made of flesh-colored material and sheathed with elastic. The neckline strengthens the neckline if it is large.

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Dress and linen

A dance costume, like any sports outfit, should be as functional as possible. That is, a person should not have any extra objects that restrict movement. At the same time, all lines of the figure are visible, nothing sags and no parts of the body bounce to the beat of the music. And for those who just want to engage in ballroom dancing, the question immediately arises - what about linen? To put it on or not? The style of the bodice also depends on this.

So here. Underwear for a ball gown is not worn. But at the same time, the outfit should emphasize the dignity of the figure, that is, nothing should hang out anywhere. How to be In fact - to sew a bra on the dress. If the lady has small breasts, you can limit yourself to cups. But the requirements are the same as with all other elements of dancewear:

  1. A bra or something that replaces it should not fall off, that is, it should be sewn very firmly - actually tightly.
  2. He should sit perfectly.
  3. It should not have any unnecessary details.
  4. The bra should be the same color as the dress - or bodily.

There is no need to transfer expensive linen to such a thing. It’s best to buy a cheap but sized bra. You can buy cups separately - in the department where goods for dancers and athletes are sold, or via the Internet.

Important! Is push up suitable? It depends on two things - on the size of your chest and on how much you are used to increasing its size in this way. If you have never used such things, you should not use them in a dress for performance. Details that may cause you inconvenience should be avoided.

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What to buy for decoration?

An ideal way to decorate a suit is embroidery or sewn applique. The main advantage of these types of decor is that they definitely will not let you down. But in principle, you can use other elements:

  • sparkles;
  • sequins;
  • rhinestones.

It is important that all small items are firmly fixed.

Important! For some dances, other decorations are also used - there may be capes, boas and other additions. It all depends on the image that you intend to create.

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Your first dress

It is best to sew your first ball gown out of the finished swimsuit. Why is it more convenient to do so? For several reasons:

  1. Slices have already been processed.
  2. No need to cut material that is difficult to process.
  3. There are all the details, including cups, which, moreover, are already sewn in.

Important! Swimsuit should fit perfectly.

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What can a skirt be made of? Since this part of the outfit should not perfectly fit the body, it can be sewn from any light material:

For the first product, tulle is most suitable, since it:

  • happens in different colors;
  • lies in different directions;
  • has a large width;
  • keeps shape perfectly;
  • does not crumble, so that the edges can not be processed at all;

Important! Such a multi-layered skirt will cost much cheaper than if you sew it from silk.

Cut a skirt

The skirt can be of several layers. It can be made like the sun or a half sun. Since several layers are assumed, it is better to draw a pattern on paper. You need to know:

  • waist circumference
  • product length.

In addition to the fabric, you will also need a satin ribbon, a wide braid or elastic for the belt (the latter option is preferable).

We begin cutting with the simplest arithmetic calculations, since you need to know the size of the notch. To do this, divide the waist circumference by 6.28 and record the result. This will be the radius of the notch of the sun skirt. As for another measure, that is, the radius of a large circle, then the length of the product must be added to the result obtained. If you are making a pattern from a piece of wallpaper, you must cut 4 squares with a side equal to the length of the product, and glue a large square from them:

  1. For the starting point, take the one where all four elements are joined.
  2. From this point, draw a circle for the notch.
  3. From the same center, draw another circle - the bottom edge.
  4. Cut the part along the contour as well as the notch.

Important! The skirt does not have to be the same length throughout the hem - for example, you can make it short in front and a tail in back. This should be provided for in the manufacture of paper patterns.


Cut on fabric

Fatin needs to be folded in several layers - it does not slip and cuts perfectly, so that there will be no problems. Each layer will be sized to fit the whole skirt. In this case, it is most convenient not to circle the pattern, but simply pin it and cut along the contour.

Skirt assembly

This process does not take much time:

  1. Without dismantling the workpieces into layers, sew them along the contour of the recess with a basting seam.
  2. Cut a piece of tape or a wide elastic band at the waist - the elastic may be smaller, moreover, in this case it is more convenient to use it.
  3. Make a gum ring.
  4. Stitch it to the top of the skirt so that the notch cut is on the wrong side of the elastic.
  5. Take the skirt to the swimsuit.
  6. Try on what you did - the first time very few people manage to sew the skirt straight, so you have to rip off and bast it several times.
  7. Once the result is satisfactory, stitch the elastic to the swimsuit with a zigzag.

Actually, the dress is ready - there is no need to cover the tulle. Make sure that all parts of the swimsuit are tightly sewn. If you used another material, you have to hem even lower.

Important! The elastic for the belt should be the same color as the swimsuit, or to match the tulle.

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What to do next?

And then - decorate your dress for ballroom dancing, as your soul desires. For example, you can make sleeves to it - the wings are best:

  1. Cut 2 equal strips - the length is equal to the distance between the middle of the armholes on the front and back of the leotard, multiplied by 1.5, and the width is 15-20 cm.
  2. Sew the strip one long section at a time with a basting seam, laying the assemblies.
  3. Take her to the armhole of a swimsuit.
  4. Try it on - see if you like such assemblies.
  5. Stitch the sleeve to the armhole.
  6. Trim the excess stock.
  7. Draw the edge - it can be, for example, wavy or beveled to the armpit.

Strengthen the neckline

If a swimsuit with a fully open back - measures must be taken so that the dress does not slip when it is not necessary. That is, make a few jumpers. To do this, you need an elastic band - best of the same color as on the belt, but narrower:

  1. Cut 2-3 pieces.
  2. Sew them to the notch on the back so that the elastic stretches.
  3. Sew firmly.

Important! It is not necessary to sew jumpers horizontally. You can come up with some kind of composition from them - for example, stitch them crosswise or make something like a net. It all depends on the style of your swimsuit.

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Stock footage

In general, making a dress for ballroom dancing is not such an impossible task as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to overcome the psychological barrier and abandon some familiar tricks. By the way, the skills that are necessary for making such clothes can come in handy when sewing the most ordinary things from modern materials.


