To sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands - patterns

The first time in first class. The event for many parents and children is a long-awaited one. Preparation for it begins long before September 1. Many mothers and fathers face a dozen questions - what to buy notebooks, stationery, where to get the textbooks needed for the program. One of the most difficult problems is buying a school uniform for a child. Most parents once wore it themselves, but at the same time, many today have an ambiguous attitude to this requirement. Someone does not like such an idea in principle, others - they think that the design of clothes is not quite suitable, thirdly - the price of finished products does not suit them. Just in solving the last problem our article will help, in which we will tell you how to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands - patterns for this can be taken quite simple.

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Cons and pros

While in many countries there is heated debate between parents about whether such leveling as a school uniform is needed, sociologists and educators draw up lists of the advantages and disadvantages of this innovation. And here we can distinguish three main points:

  • The uniform for students creates a business environment in the classroom. Those institutions that do not have uniform requirements often face a problem when girls come to classes in miniskirts and boys wear informal clothes. The established standard helps to avoid such problems.
  • Many educational institutions have students from families with different incomes. Wealthy parents' children wear fashionable, branded clothes, and those whose social status is lower are content with clothes from the market or from second-hand clothes. As a result, the former begin to assert themselves at the expense of this, and the latter have complexes that are already enough in adolescence. Many teachers consider this situation unacceptable for harmonious development. In solving this issue, the ability to sew a school uniform for a girl with her own hands on ready-made patterns can be useful.
  • When children from the first grade are taught to wear uniforms, then from an early age the ability to wear business clothes is formed. And such a skill is useful in adulthood, outside the school, because it brings up a sense of style and proportion in the child.

Among the arguments given by the opponents, one can also distinguish 3 main positions:

  • Uniform clothing deprives the child of the opportunity to express his personality. Many modern teens want to have their own style, and different standards limit them.
  • Clothing, which many schools take as a basis, is not always practical and convenient. During the day, children move a lot and often form fetters freedom of movement.
  • Another common problem that opponents emphasize is the high cost of even the simplest kit for the student. Each educational institution enters into an agreement with a specific clothing manufacturer, and parents do not have the opportunity to choose a cheaper or more expensive line. You have to buy at the price set by the garment factory as part of the agreements.

To save on school uniforms, while maintaining the classic standard of uniforms, many parents take up the solution of such a question as how to sew a school uniform for a girl with their own hands.

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Schoolboy wardrobe

As you know, the first school uniform was introduced at the beginning of the nineteenth century. During this time, her styles changed more than once, but the main requirement remained unchanged - the standard for an educational institution should be strict, classic. Students were not always enthusiastic about what they were offered. The question of how to sew a school uniform for a girl with their own hands, especially in the Soviet years, did not arise for anyone, for all there was a single format.

Today's range can offer different models that fit the format. Usually, several clothing options are offered for the class or even the entire school, from which parents can choose the right one for their child. The following models are taken as a basis:

  • A sundress that can be supplemented with a T-shirt, any light blouse - in the warm season, in the cold - with a warm turtleneck. For the lower grades, this may be a model with an A-silhouette, in which it will be convenient to actively move. And for high school students a fitted silhouette is suitable.
  • Dress with a detachable skirt. A classic option that can be complemented by a removable collar, an apron or even a tie.
  • A suit consisting of a jacket, skirt or trousers. This is a classic combination that will be appropriate in elementary school and in high school. Solving the question of how to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands, you can opt for a pleated skirt or a trapezoidal shape model that will not hamper your movements. The jacket can be semi-fitted, with classic lapels of standard length. For boys, this set is complemented by trousers.
  • It will also be appropriate for the school to replace the jacket with a vest. It can be made as from ordinary fabrics, in the classic version, so both the knitted fabric and knitted model will be appropriate.


If you decide to closely address the issue of how to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands, and are ready to make patterns, then you should know what an optimal wardrobe for a school student should be.

For girl:

  • dress;
  • sundress;
  • skirt;
  • pants;
  • Blazer;
  • vest;
  • turtlenecks and blouses of different colors.

For boy:

  • Blazer;
  • vest;
  • trousers, preferably 2 pieces;
  • turtlenecks and shirts of different colors;
  • tie.

Important! It is worth figuring out what color to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands:

  • The most popular, classic color for the form are brown and dark gray shades.
  • Modern manufacturers often offer clothing options in dark blue, burgundy, dark green shades that look appropriate as the primary color.
  • Recently, the cell in any color scheme has come to the first place in popularity. Gray-white, blue-white, red-black-white in the familiar Scottish style harmoniously fits into the school dress code and looks great with white blouses and shirts.
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Suitable materials

When solving the dilemma of how to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands, pay special attention to the choice of fabric. Your child will wear these clothes every day for a sufficiently long time, so she must meet the main requirements:

  • Material for children's clothing should be made from natural fabrics and with a minimal addition of synthetics. The material must provide good air circulation so that the body breathes, be hygroscopic and soft, so as to avoid irritation from constant contact with the baby’s delicate skin.
  • Before you sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands, keep in mind that children are constantly in motion, so the fabric for the school uniform must be strong and elastic. Strength will ensure freedom of movement, without leading to rapid wear, tearing and tightening. And such a property as elasticity will allow you to maintain a good appearance longer.

Important! Schoolchildren spend a lot of time in a sitting position - cheap elastic clothing can lead to the fact that places on the elbows, on the knees of the trousers will be very stretched.

  • Another distinguishing feature of schoolchildren is that they are curious. And this leads to the fact that after one day of socks the form requires washing. Therefore, the material from which the mold is made should be easily cleaned, washed and, if possible, slightly creasing.


The assortment of “school” fabrics, which are represented by stores today, is quite large, and replenishes with each season. Often manufacturers give different names to similar materials, and sorting them out is not so easy. But mainly factories use the following types of fabrics for sewing forms:

  • The costume fabric, which is used both for the production of adult clothes and for school clothes, is distinguished by the density and strength that can be achieved thanks to the special interweaving of the fibers. In this case, the material remains soft. Such a fabric is ideally suited to sew a school uniform for a girl with her own hands. It is quite flexible and resistant to stretching, and also has good breathability, hygienic. From it you can create as whole ensembles - top and bottom, as well as individual details of clothing.
  • Another great option is a fabric called pikachu. It consists of elastic fibers, so it stretches well, but does not stretch during wear. Jackets, skirts, trousers made of pikachu will fit the figure and keep in shape, but do not constrain movement.
  • Tartan is a beautiful fabric in a cage, which is made from cotton raw materials with the addition of synthetic threads. The total percentage of additives is small, so this fabric can also be attributed to natural. The special weaving makes it a bit embossed, and the wide cage looks very attractive. The tartan is suitable both for sewing a skirt complete with a jacket, and for a dress-sundress.
  • The most budgetary option to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands is gabardine. This fabric has long been recognized as the most practical. It has an attractive surface in a small scar, holds its shape well, crumpled slightly. It can be worn for a long time, while the kit will look like new. Another advantage of gabardine is the huge range of colors that manufacturers offer.

Important! Choosing material to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands, you should definitely ask the sellers what material the fabric is made of. You can also require a certificate that must be attached to each batch. This is especially true for products in direct contact with the body, such as shirts and blouses. Be sure to check the material for costumes and sarafans for density - just look at the fabric for clearance, and take an interest in the rules of care, which should also be indicated in the accompanying documentation.

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Skirt pattern construction

As we have already said, to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands, the patterns of a trapeze skirt will be useful to you, regardless of the age of your child. Therefore, we propose to consider this option in detail. For him, we need only three measurements:

  • waist circumference
  • hip girth;
  • skirt length.

In order to simplify the process and sew the school uniform for the girl with your own hands, ideal for your child, take as a basis the basic pattern of a classic straight skirt, transfer its contours to paper. Then follow these steps:

  • Make the trapezium skirt pattern with allowance for freedom of fitting so that the finished product is comfortable in everyday wear. Remember that the larger the increase, the more freely the skirt will sit on the figure.

Important! The standard increase, as a rule, is 2 cm. But you can take a larger value - you will always have time to cut off the excess tissue during the fitting.

  • Now from the top of the tuck on the classic version, draw a straight line perpendicular to the waist line. Cut the pattern along this line.
  • Now connect the top of the skirt in place of the tuck, close the tuck, and the lower parts - on the contrary, part in different directions. Thus, you will get the shape of a trapezoid, keeping the top of the product fitted.
  • Now use a ruler to align the line of the side seams.
  • Measure the length from the waist to the bottom of the product in the center of the front panel, measure the same length along the side seam from the waist. Draw a smooth line by connecting the center line and the line of the side seam - so you will achieve a straight length along the entire circumference.
  • Now it remains only to make a pattern of the belt of the desired length. Do not forget to add 3-4 centimeters for the fastener to the result.

Important! If you still have little experience in sewing, then it is worth making a skirt with an elastic band. To do this, you do not need to cut out additional parts - just increase the seam allowance from above, taking into account the hem and creating a drawstring for the elastic.

In order to sew a skirt for a school uniform for a girl with her own hands, the pattern is ready. It remains to calculate the required amount of tissue. A simple calculation is used for this:

  • To the desired length add 10-15 cm for allowances.
  • If a skirt with a belt, then you need to add another 15 cm to this part.
  • The width of the fabric should be enough for the product.

Important! When cutting the fabric, the part of the panel must be positioned so that the shared thread runs vertically in the center of the front and back of the skirt. When working with checkered fabric, you need to monitor the coincidence of the pattern on the side seams.

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Tailoring a dress sundress

In order to sew a school uniform for a girl with her own hands, construction of patterns may not be necessary. The basis for a direct semi-fitted dress or A-line dress can be taken:

  • an old sundress of the same cut and dissolve it into details;
  • any T-shirt, the contours of which need to be transferred to paper, lengthening to the desired size and expanding on the sides, like a trapeze skirt;
  • ready-made patterns from the Internet, which can be printed on any A4 printer.

The next step is to transfer the parts to the fabric. The material consumption for a simple dress can also be easily calculated. The length of the finished product plus 10-15 centimeters for seams and hem. The width of the fabric, as standard it goes 150 cm - should be enough. At the same time, do not forget about seam allowances.

Next, follow the standard scheme to sew such a school uniform for a girl:

  1. Connect the shoulder seams first.
  2. Then make side seams.
  3. The processing of the neck and armholes is done with the help of grinders. Before you sew, these parts must be glued with non-woven.
  4. So that the stitches do not turn outward, after connecting them to the main parts, make a stitching - on the front side of the stitching, lay the machine seam at a distance of 1 mm from the edge, stitching all layers of fabric.
  5. Lastly, process the bottom of the product. Before this operation, it is worth making a fitting so that the resulting result is as it should.
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Having mastered the basic technique of how to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands, you can take on more complex options. For example, Soviet-style school clothes with an apron. Thanks to individual independent tailoring, you can forever forget about the non-standard figure and the poor quality of the school uniform for the girl. Your child will be dressed every day as if with a needle.

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