To sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands - patterns

On the eve of the new school year, children's clothing stores are full of all kinds of school uniforms. Parents often spend a lot of time to choose an outfit that would suit both adults and the child. And it's not just the price. An important role here is played by the quality of the fabric and tailoring. Sometimes an interesting model is made from cheap synthetic materials, which is not quite suitable for a child to wear daily. And sometimes high-quality fabric is sewn so that it sits badly on any figure. And here the most optimal option is independent sewing of a school uniform. If a mother has such a skill, this is always a big plus for both the child and the family budget as a whole. Therefore, today we’ll try to find the answer to the question of how to sew a school sundress for a girl with her own hands - patterns will help to quickly deal with the nuances.
to contents ↑Schoolgirl wardrobe
The school standard for girls is no longer the same uniform uniform that our mothers and grandmothers forced to wear. Today in the modern world, girls and girls choose bright, open, diverse styles of clothing. In addition, fashion, fortunately, forever left the rules of “black bottom - white top” in the past. An educational institution defines only a general style:
- Today, the classic combination of vest and skirt is often the only option for many educational institutions.
- Along with this option, a jacket or jacket combined with a skirt or even trousers is considered to be quite appropriate within the walls of the school.
- Sometimes girls are allowed to wear dresses of suitable length and style.
- An ideal option for young ladies is a sundress - not a summer one, made of light materials, but a more modest style with a small sleeve or no at all. Therefore, more and more mothers are wondering how to sew a school sundress for a girl with their own hands
to contents ↑Important! This option of school clothes can be combined with various shirts, blouses, t-shirts and turtlenecks. And each time it will look new.
Material selection
Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands and do patterns, you should carefully study the recommendations for choosing a fabric. Your child will have to wear these clothes almost daily for a year. Therefore, it must meet certain requirements:
- consist of natural fibers and provide comfort;
- be breathable and hygroscopic;
- shrinkage of the material should be minimal;
- the material should be soft but durable;
- the fabric should be color fast when washing.
Before you sew a school sundress or other clothes to replenish your wardrobe, we advise you to listen to the opinion of manufacturers who deal with dozens of different materials every day:
- Blouses for girls and shirts for boys are most often sewn from poplin.
- Turtlenecks and knitted blouses are produced from the canvas and footer.
- For sportswear, a footer with and without fleece is perfect.
- For suits, dresses and sundresses, velveteen, fule, denim and twill will be optimal.
to contents ↑Important! When choosing the color of the material, give preference to dark blue, dark gray colors. They are not as gloomy as black, but also successfully combined with almost the entire color scheme.
Modeling patterns
In order to sew a school sundress for a girl with her own hands, patterns can be found on the Internet. It is not necessary to choose the most difficult style, you can take the basic pattern. On its basis, you can make several patterns of clothes at once.
Option 1
In the first version, we will analyze how to sew a school sundress for a girl with her own hands in a semi-adjacent silhouette. The lower part will be detachable, on the front of it we will make 2 oncoming folds.
On a sheet of paper, and preferably thick cardboard of large sizes, we transfer the contours of the base pattern. For work, we need the main lines - the chest and the bottom of the product:
- Set aside 7 cm from the chest line and draw a horizontal line. This will be the beginning of the cutting bottom.
- Now go to the armhole. It is tall on a regular dress, but we need to make it deeper so that we can put on blouses and turtlenecks underneath.
- We postpone 2 cm from the base point of the end of the armhole. We also shorten the shoulder line by 2 cm on both sides from the outside. Now we connect the resulting points with a smooth line that repeats the lines of the base pattern.
- We also make the neck deeper. On the back, it will be enough to postpone 1 cm down. On the shelf, this value will be increased to 3 cm. We also shorten the shoulder line by 2 cm. Now we draw a smooth neckline for the new neck. The upper part has already become like a sundress, and the reduced shoulder lines - on the straps.
Important! Before you sew a school sundress, do not forget about such a detail as the neckline. This detail follows the lines of the neck, to the shoulders its width should be no more than 5 cm, to the center of the back and the shelf it must be increased to 10 cm, otherwise it will constantly come out.
Now move on to building the bottom of the skirt:
- The contours of the lower part of the shelf, the cutting part, are also transferred to a sheet of paper or whatman paper.
- The depth of our fold will be, for example, 3 cm. To simulate it, we find the center of the front part.
- From this point to the right and left, we postpone 6 cm. This will be the folds folded twice in the direction of each other.
- Now we also add 6 cm on each side of the panel.
Important! Additionally laid centimeters will go into folds, and if you do not add the same value to the side seams, then the sundress will simply be small.
- Now measure the distance along the top, and based on this value, draw a rectangle. This will be a detachable skirt. After the folds are formed on the fabric, the dress will take on a slightly flared shape to the bottom.
- Redraw the back from the base piece or simulate it in the same way, laying 2 folds in the middle of the part.
Option 2
Another option for how to sew a school sundress is also based on the basic pattern. Now it will be a semi-adjacent model, with a short sleeve, also with a detachable skirt with pleats, but already with a lowered waist line and pockets:
- We translate the contours of the base pattern onto thick paper.
- Immediately determine the length of the future sleeve and shorten the part to the desired size.
- Now we lay 7 cm from the waist line and draw a horizontal line.
- This will be the junction of the top and bottom of our sundress. We leave the upper part unchanged; we have to model the lower part.
The skirt in this model is also a rectangle. In order to calculate the width of this rectangle, we measure the distance along the skirt's stitching line. Let it be equal to 40 cm. Now we consider the depth of our folds and the quantity:
- For example, each fold will be 4 cm deep, which means that the fabric needs 8 cm to create them, and in total there will be 4 folds on the skirt, which means 8x4 = 32 cm.
- Add to the original canvas size and get 72 cm. So - the width of our rectangle will be 72 cm + 2 cm for allowances.
- And the length of the rectangle will be equal to the length of your future sundress + 3 cm for hemming the bottom and + 1 cm for attaching the skirt to the top.
- Before we sew a school sundress for a girl with our own hands, we only need to draw a line of entry into the pocket and burlap of the pocket.
to contents ↑Important! The back of the skirt is a rectangle built on the calculations presented above, only without such a detail as a pocket.
Sewing sequence
Before answering the question of how to sew a school sundress for a girl with her own hands, we note that there is no rush in this work. In order for such clothing not to be inferior in quality to an expensive factory thing, the established sequence of actions should be followed:
- Before you sew a school dress for a girl with your own hands, we transfer the details of the pattern with chalk and remnant to the fabric.
- If the seam allowances are not laid on the patterns, do not forget about them when cutting the material.
- The seams of the neck and armholes, before sewing a school sundress, are necessarily glued with non-woven. After this part is sewn, do not forget to make the stitching, retreating 1 mm from the edge so that the grind does not turn out.
- Sew the details of the sarafan in the following sequence: first we process the shoulder seams, then we sew in the sleeves and only after we connect the side seams. Then comes the processing of the neck and bottom of the product.
- If the product comes with a detachable skirt, as in our version, then first we collect the upper part and process the neck and armhole. Then sew pockets and create pleats. After it comes the turn of the side seams and the connection of the upper and lower parts.
Important! In the process of how to sew a school sundress, do not forget to iron the seams so that the product looks neat.
Having mastered the basic sewing technique and simple modeling techniques, you can take on more complex products. Even the Soviet-style uniform will be within your power. And then about the same factory dresses, not always of good quality, you can forget.
to contents ↑Useful Tips
In order to always solve the question of how to sew a school sarafan or any other clothes for a child or for yourself, you need to remember a few golden rules that will be useful to each dressmaker:
- Take your time. This mistake is made by many beginners. Everyone wants to quickly see the result of their work and as quickly as possible to show off in the new thing. It is in a hurry that many people forget to sweep the parts, iron the seams, as a result - the edges are skewed and the parts that are sewn incorrectly. And here you do not save time, but spend it even more - on opening seams and eliminating shortcomings.
- The second common mistake is to sew without trying. This is permissible only if you already sewed a similar model for the pattern and the experiment was successful. If the pattern has not yet been tested, then do not risk it. Better to sweep everything off manually first, try on, make a fit, and only then sit down at the typewriter.
- No matter how tempting the prospect of working with ready-made patterns, before you sew a school sundress, check the pattern downloaded from the Internet. Compare with your standards, if necessary - adjust the basis for the parameters you need. Please note that all ready-made patterns are created for a typical figure, which is available except for the exhibition mannequin.
- If you are determined to learn how to sew a school sarafan, then remember: in order to learn how to sew, you need to really want and try this. Many people think that creating clothes is a very complicated process, only talented people can do it. In fact, anyone can learn this.
- Do not be afraid to learn from your mistakes. Just understand and accept - at first, there will be many of them in the process of sewing, and in the process of constructing a pattern. It may well be that the first experience will end badly. But on the second product, you will take into account everything that you did wrong.
- Before you transfer parts to the fabric, do not forget to carry out wet-heat treatment of all materials. Note that any fabric, regardless of density, shrinks.If you do not process it before cutting, you can get a product that will be small in size to you.
Important! As an experiment, you can cut 2 pieces of fabric - 10 by 10 cm, treat one with an iron, and then compare them. Sometimes it happens that the processed segment becomes the size of 9 by 9 cm.
- When sewing a school sundress, many neglect the seam processing and do not iron them. However, doing deliberately low-quality work is not worth it. Losing yourself one time, you risk turning tailoring on the principle of “and it will do so” - this is the norm. If you notice that one pocket is sewn below the other, if the cuffs on the shirt are of different widths, and the assembly on the hem of the skirt on one side is thicker - do not be lazy. Take and remake until you achieve a quality result.
- Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands from an expensive fabric, practice some simple one. Many beginning tailors have no fear of spoiling the material, they buy fabrics that are difficult to sew, and then do not know what to do with it. The total of such a mistake is disappointment and loss of interest in sewing.
- A sewing machine is the most important tool in the work of a seamstress. Therefore, always monitor its status, settings. Regularly clean threads, dust and oil. In case of serious malfunctions, do not take up repairs yourself - you can aggravate the situation, it is better to call the wizard immediately.
- The last tip from experienced dressmakers before stitching a school sundress. Do not leave products underexposed. For experienced craftswomen it sometimes happens that the fabric is bought, because I just liked it, quickly cuts it out, and then - once, and the desire to finish was gone. Then this cut can lie for years waiting for its finest hour - this is an absolutely unprofessional approach. Make it your rule not to leave things that are not finished - until you finish one, you start another. This not only disciplines, but also serves as a good incentive to complete what has been started.
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Having spent a little of your time reading this article, you learned how to sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, and also learned how to build patterns. Now you can start creating a wardrobe for your schoolgirl, in which there will be at least 2 sundresses different in style. If the fabric is chosen correctly and when sewing all the recommendations are followed, then the clothes will delight your child and you every day. And the tips given above will help improve your sewing skills and become a master, from whose hands only quality things go.
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