DIY leather bag

Not every experienced seamstress has the strength to make a product from genuine leather, which is why novice craftsmen are better off working with artificial leather. The technology of sewing such things is not much different from the manufacture of fabric products, with the exception of finishing face seams. That is why it is better for beginners to start working with artificial leather. In this article we will describe in detail how a leather bag is sewn with our own hands.

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Work with leather is a sign of excellence

Sewing leather bags with your own hands is a sign of originality and exclusivity of design, but it is better for beginner needlewomen to start working with the simplest models.

In any case, to work, you will need:

  • Special needles for the skin.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Durable acrylic threads.
  • Glue.
  • Rubber mallet.
  • Sharp cutter knife.
  • Thin elastic skin.

Important! You can use jackets or raincoats long out of fashion for sewing. But since accessories in the patchwork style are in fashion today, you can sew a bag from material of any color and texture.

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Pattern for sewing a leather bag

The most important thing that you will need in order for you to get a high-quality and beautiful leather bag with your own hands is patterns. They must be well thought out.

Complete the pattern in stages:

  1. Decide on the desired product dimensions in advance.
  2. Cut two rectangles from a piece of cardboard to get basic details.
  3. In order for the accessory to come out voluminous, you should make the side walls and the bottom. It is easy to calculate their parameters: two heights of the main part and one its length.
  4. The side wall can be made to any width, preferably 10-15 cm.
  5. You will have to make pens - two strips 45 cm long and 5-8 cm wide.
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Making a stylish do-it-yourself leather bag

A leather bag with your own hands is created, of course, not just, but if you follow all the nuances, then you will succeed.

Sew the bag according to the instructions:

  1. Lay out the prepared pattern on the table, leave 1.5 cm allowances at the seams, 5 cm at the top to make a beautiful lapel.
  2. Using a knife, cut out all the details, measure them again so that they clearly coincide in size.
  3. Fold the main part and the side wall blank face to face. Lightly round the lower corners of the sidewall so that the seams at the joints are high-quality.
  4. Pre-glue all the seams, since the skin can not be swept away so that there are no traces of punctures.
  5. Apply a thin layer of glue to the seam allowances, then stitch.
  6. Knock all seams with a hammer.
  7. Unscrew the upper cut, then glue it to the base, so that it is more convenient to sew a zipper-lock, laying a stitch from the front side along the edge.
  8. To make a lining, use a ready-made pattern.
  9. Carefully consider how the internal pockets will be located, you can close them with a zipper or buttons.
  10. Sew manually the lining.
  11. The final stage is pens. Put a little glue on the wrong side of the workpiece, fold them along so that the side seams are clearly joined. Then tap with a hammer and leave to dry completely. Lay a double stitch in the center and around the edges so that the handles take on the desired shape.
  12. Cut the top cut line with a sharp knife.
  13. Secure the handles with a double seam, then fasten with metal rivets.
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Homemade leather bag decoration

Now you know how to sew a bag of leather with your own hands, it remains to decorate it in the original way to add style and personality.

Important! At this stage, it is important to choose the exact match of the model and decor style. Volumetric flowers made from scraps of leather look quite romantic and spectacular.

Make a decor using the instructions:

  1. On paper, draw simple petal patterns, cut them out. How many of them do - it all depends on the amount of material and your imagination.
  2. Use fire to make the petals more natural. Hold them above the candle at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  3. First, collect large petals, then in the center small ones. Do this with glue on a separate shred.
  4. Sew a bead in the center.

Important! A bag made of leather with your own hands looks great, complemented by chains and rivets. The master class that we brought will help you cope with all the work quickly and easily. From rivets you can make an original geometric pattern or arrange them randomly. You can also use rhinestones as a decor, the main thing is that they are attached not to glue, but with the help of threads and needles.

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Sewing a simple leather bag

Now you will learn how to sew a leather bag in the shape of a bag. You can use it to carry books or go to the store for groceries.

For work, prepare:

  • A piece of genuine leather.
  • Awl.
  • Template.
  • Waxed thread.
  • Needles.
  • Wooden mallet.
  • Special glue.
  • A sharp knife, a hole punch.
  • Scissors.
  • Metal fasteners.
  • Clamp.
  • Pliers.


Sew a simple bag-bag according to this pattern:

  1. Prepare the skin. Make a template, its sizes can be arbitrary, the main thing is that they correspond with each other.
  2. Spray the skin with water to give it elasticity. Align the edges, apply the pattern to the material.
  3. Cut the handles: one is long, two are short.
  4. Use a pen to draw a seam line.
  5. To stitch the sides, lay the blank inside out and spray the edges with water. Outline the seam line and seal them before stitching. Put glue on the edges when it dries a little, fold them together and put something heavy on top.
  6. Pierce holes with an awl in order to stitch the product. Insert the thread with a needle, sew the edges with an estimated seam.
  7. Turn the finished bag to the front side.
  8. Make the bottom in the same way as the sides.
  9. Sew on short handles, mark attachment points, apply glue. Glue the edges, then sew.
  10. Beat the top edge of the seam with a wooden mallet on the left and right to make loops for the long strap. Attach them with rivets.
  11. Make a long strap, staple its ends.
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That's all! If you do everything according to the scheme, then you will be able to perfectly sew a leather bag with your own hands. Master classes of different models, the manufacturing examples of which we have described to you, will allow you to replenish your collection of fashion accessories.

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