DIY wedding dress

Preparing for the wedding is a great occasion to show your creative abilities. In ancient times, among many nations, girls themselves sewed wedding dresses for themselves, so why not follow this tradition now? Thus, the bride can show her attractiveness to the whole world, but also make it clear that she is a wonderful craftswoman and knows how to, so that the future husband will not be lost with her. Any girl who has learned to handle a sewing machine can sew a wedding dress with her own hands. Some of the intricacies of this lesson will be discussed in our article.

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We look in the mirror

Before you sew a wedding dress with your own hands, it is very useful to look impartially at yourself in the mirror and soberly assess the charms and shortcomings of your figure. Of course, your future husband likes you like that, but why deny yourself the pleasure of impressing everyone with your beauty? A well-chosen style is half the success, but how to choose it correctly, not knowing what suits you and what does not? Even the most luxurious dress from a prestigious magazine can sit like a saddle on a cow, if it is designed for women with a different body type.

You need to pay attention to several points:

  • posture;
  • body type;
  • proportions.

Getting Started

Thinking how to sew a wedding dress itself, first of all pay attention to the type of posture. To do this, do a few simple steps:

  1. Take off your shoes.
  2. Stand near the wall, connecting the heels.
  3. Take a comfortable back position.

There are three main types of shapes:

  • normal
  • stooping;
  • kinky.

If you have a normal posture, then when you stand in the described position, the shoulder blades and the back of the head will touch the wall, and it will be convenient for you. Sutuly is inconvenient to squeeze the back of the head, and young ladies with a kinky figure do not always manage to touch the wall with shoulder blades. This is important if you need to simulate a pattern. Those whose body is constantly leaning back will have to remove the tucks on the back, and if you are used to stooping, on the chest.

Ladies with scoliosis also want to look beautiful, and they have such an opportunity. When one shoulder is higher than the other, asymmetry will help out - a dress with one open shoulder, a large diagonal pattern, slanting slats on one side, etc.


Body type

A wedding dress is far from the first outfit in a woman’s life. By the time when you have to go to the registry office, each bride has an idea about what suits her and what is better to refuse. In this sense, preparing for a wedding is not much different from choosing any other dress, and you need to take into account the same nuances, but just take them more carefully:

  • Slender girls can afford everything - a Greek dress, and puffy skirts, and an open back; but it’s important to show the very best qualities of your figure.
  • A straight silhouette is more suitable for chubby ones, although different situations are possible here.
  • If you have a magnificent bust, you can draw attention to it by sewing a dress with a deep neckline and magnificent skirts in the manner of eighteenth-century beauties.
  • For owners of wide hips and a small breast, it makes sense to balance the figure by decorating the upper part.
  • If you have beautiful legs, nothing prevents you from showing them, short skirts are not forbidden, as are dresses with different hem lengths.
  • Athletic ladies are better off choosing classic styles.

You will find dresses of all grades and types in the catalogs and shop windows of bridal shops. You can even try on something to make sure which style will look best on you. Feel free to use computer programs. For this, however, you need a full-length photograph, and best of all in a swimsuit. But then you can try on different models and choose the perfect one.

Important! Do not refuse to see the dress if it seems that the model is not suitable for you - situations where a seemingly inappropriate thing looks just perfect for you are not so rare.

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The main models of wedding dresses

Before you sit down to sew a wedding dress with your own hands, let's see what models are. There are a lot of options, so every girl can choose something suitable.

On sites and magazines you will find:

  • classic long straight wedding dresses;
  • dress-fish, tight from neck to knee, but flared down;
  • styles with long magnificent and even very magnificent skirts;
  • dresses in the style of style - with short puffy skirts;
  • ballet dresses with transparent flared skirts;
  • asymmetric models with one shoulder strap or without any shoulder straps, with a lowered shoulder, etc .;
  • neck styles;
  • dresses with a deep neckline;
  • wedding dresses with an open back.
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What to sew from?

The assortment of modern fabrics is simply amazing. And if you’ve already thought about how to sew a wedding dress with your own hands - the master class should begin with the choice of material and accessories. Of course, not every elegant fabric is suitable for such an important event. And if you consider that you decided to start preparing your toilet yourself, you should pay attention to materials that are not very difficult to process. So what is suitable for wedding dresses?

Not so little:

  • silk;
  • chiffon;
  • guipure;
  • tulle;
  • atlas;
  • supplex;
  • knitwear;
  • taffeta;
  • tulle;
  • cotton;
  • linen.

The choice is very influenced by the style of the ceremony itself. For example:

  • If you are planning to organize it in the Ethno style, you can't think of anything better than linen and cotton.
  • But for an aristocratic wedding you need a satin or silk dress.
  • Universal and very convenient material is knitwear.
  • Biflex also gives a ton of opportunities, especially when combined with guipure or tulle.

Much depends on the time of year:

  • If you get married in the summer, a silk or chiffon outfit will be just right, even if you are having a gala dinner somewhere in the park or on the restaurant terrace.
  • Taffeta, or even velvet, is suitable for winter, and you can also sew a white elegant fur coat or fur cape on the dress.
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The traditional color of the bride’s dress is white. In fact, this is not necessary. Look at wedding catalogs - you will see magnificent red, blue, green, violet and any dresses of brides.

There are several principles to follow:

  1. You should like the color and even the shade.
  2. The main task of your outfit is to emphasize your beauty, that is, you need to choose the material that suits you.
  3. Do not forget to take into account the groom’s outfit - your white dress will definitely suit a classic black suit with a white shirt, but if you marry a sailor and he will be in a white tunic, it’s better to choose something brighter.
  4. Most often, brides choose plain fabrics, but this is also not necessary, a large bright pattern and multi-colored elements are not forbidden.

Important! The calculation of fabric for a wedding dress is not much different from the usual one, but still you need to take a certain amount of material in reserve - you never know, if you spoil something.

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And what about the fittings?

If we already sew a wedding dress with our own hands, let's think about how we will decorate it. By the way, skillful embroidery or glued rhinestones to the place can turn even the most primitive model into something magical.All this magnificence is sold in any department of sewing products, but you can also see it in the wedding salon - there you will surely find a lot of interesting things.

Important! Naturally, the accessories must be of high quality to withstand all the adventures of the wedding day.

Here's what you need to see in stores:

  • artificial pearls;
  • rhinestones;
  • flowers
  • tapes;
  • beads;
  • beads;
  • cord;
  • lace;
  • Chains
  • applications;
  • embroidery;
  • brooches.

Important! As a rule, a wedding dress is sewn more than one day. And you can really put all your creative abilities into it - if you embroider well or know how to sew with beads, why not demonstrate it? If you are not endowed with such talents, it does not matter either. Ready embroideries and appliqués, which are often found in wedding salons and are designed specifically for such cases, will help you out. Flowers can be bought ready-made or made independently from the same material as the dress.

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Start sewing

Well, the time has come to sew the wedding dress itself. One of the models is with a fitted bodice and a very magnificent skirt. For him, you need the basic pattern of a blouse - you can build it using a special computer program. As for the rest, we select the following materials:

  • light supplex for the top;
  • tulle, tulle or guipure for a skirt;
  • wide elastic:
  • a bra matching the supplex or cup;
  • fittings;
  • sewing supplies.

Important! The supplex is good in that it does not have to be precisely cut - it perfectly fits the figure, and all the excess can be cut or sewn directly on the model. In addition, it stretches perfectly, so you can do without any fasteners.

For a skirt, tulle is preferable, because it can be cut in all directions and does not need to be swept. But as for sewing accessories, a knitting needle, as well as a foot for elastic materials, can be a very useful thing.

Operating procedure:

  1. We translate the pattern to supplex - with small allowances.
  2. We cut out the details of the top - there should be 4 of them, that is, the whole back and shelf and two sleeves, if you decide to make them from the same fabric.
  3. Sweep tucks.
  4. Sew them in long stitches.
  5. Sew the shoulder and side seams with shorter stitches.
  6. We try on what happened - the bodice should fit the figure nicely, and, most likely, it will be so.
  7. We sweep from the wrong side of the cup.
  8. Try on.
  9. Sew them tightly.
  10. On the model, mark the neckline.
  11. We hem it (or better, sew on the edge from the wrong side to match the elastic).
  12. We sweep the sleeves - in this case, you definitely do not have to mess around with the fit.
  13. Stitch sleeves in armholes.


The easiest way to make a skirt for a wedding dress with your own hands is from tulle - it can be cut into several layers. A great option is the sun or half sun. You can spread the canvas in several layers so that the entire skirt fits, and there are no seams. But this is not always obtained, and it is not particularly convenient to search for the middle. Therefore, we do this:

  1. Fold the material in half.
  2. Find the middle of the fold.
  3. Draw a semicircle from this point (first you need to find its radius by dividing the waist circumference by 6, 28).
  4. With the center at the same mark, draw another circle, adding the length of the skirt to the radius.
  5. We cut the remaining layers in the same way - or just chip them together and cut them to the part that already exists. Layers can be 4-5, or even more, and nothing prevents to make them of different lengths, the top is the shortest.


Sew a skirt

To assemble a skirt of a magnificent wedding dress, a lot of effort will not be required:

  1. Fold all the layers as they will be on the finished dress.
  2. Sweep them along the recess.
  3. Cut a piece of wide gum of the same color.
  4. Sew the elastic into the ring.
  5. Take it at a few control points to the notch.
  6. Stitch by pulling lightly.

Important! The bottom can be left as is, embroidered on the top layer - colored or in tone, volumetric applique, sheathed with beads - in a word, done whatever your heart desires.

We collect a magnificent wedding dress

So, the answer to the question of how to sew a magnificent wedding dress is almost received. There is very little left to grind the bodice to the skirt, and this is a matter of technology:

  1. Just as you did when assembling the skirt, sweep the bodice to the elastic in several places.
  2. Stitch the bodice.

Important! A biflex wedding dress does not have to be with a bodice. The body will look great - if you make a fastener below between the legs.

Such a wedding dress can also be sewn from other materials - for example, to make the top from satin. But in this case, you will have to sew in a zipper, and there may be some difficulties with the sleeve landing.

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You can’t imagine anything easier

The simplest wedding dress with your own hands is, of course, a Greek-style outfit. Flowing fabric, a minimum of seams, an abundance of folds is far from a complete list of its advantages.

Important! The Greek style is suitable for absolutely any woman, regardless of complexion, height and age, and for a wedding dress with your own hands it is better not to come up with anything. To sew such models is best from knitwear, but silk, chiffon, crepe de chine are suitable.

There are outfits that are made according to patterns, but most often cutting is done directly on the fabric, and folds are laid on the model. Without any pattern, you can sew dresses with one, two and three rows of folds. You will need an assistant who will help to lay the shoulder folds - you can easily cope with the rest yourself.

Cut and sweep a simple wedding dress

Knitwear is a wide material, so the calculation will be extremely simple: 2 product lengths, plus a few centimeters per waist and the like.

Important! In this case, you practically do not run the risk of spoiling anything, so you won’t need extra fabric either — unless you decide to make it, for example, a flower on your shoulder or a volumetric appliqué along the hem.

So, we start sewing the simplest model:

  1. We spread the knitwear in 2 layers - along the bend we will cut the neck and lay the shoulder folds.
  2. Find the middle.
  3. Divide the girth of the neck by 4, postpone such segments in both directions.
  4. We postpone the fold another couple of centimeters in both directions.
  5. We make a cut between the marks - this will be the neck.
  6. We decide where the cut will be, in front or behind - for a wedding dress it is better to make it on the back, and in this case the depth can be any, even to the lower back.
  7. Carefully draw the lines of the shoulder seams with an aquamarker, for example.
  8. We outline the height of the armholes.
  9. If we want to stitch folds in several rows, we draw lines of future seams in front and behind.


Putting a simple wedding dress

The main stage of this process is folds. This should be taken very carefully, they should be even and symmetrical, that is, look either towards the neck, or towards the hands. Depth can be any, but the most accurate will be small, 5-6 cm.

Operating procedure:

  1. Chipping or sweeping folds.
  2. We sew along the line of the shoulder seam.
  3. If there are other lines, we sew them.
  4. Stitch the side seams - from the end of the armhole to the bottom.
  5. We process the bottom - hem or just overcast.
  6. We try on and ask the assistant to make an incision on the back - it is best if it is in the form of the letter V, you can outline it with an aquamarker or hem it with a basting seam.
  7. Trim excess fabric from the neck and neckline.
  8. We overcast the edges with overlock or hem.
  9. We decorate a wedding dress - in this case, flowers will be the best decorative elements.

Important! You can make a belt for your wedding dress with your own hands - for example, from satin or silk, with a spectacular buckle. And if you dress in the Greek style, then the ornament on the belt is better to make Greek.

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Stock footage

A wedding dress is a great opportunity to show your creativity. Modern materials allow you to do something beautiful and interesting even to those who have never done needlework. Ahead of you is family life, during which you will have to hem shirts and curtains, sew toys, do different beautiful things for the home.So why not start doing this right now, when you are just getting ready to go to the registry office?


