Crocheted slippers on felt sole - diagrams and description, workshop

Crocheted slippers look simply wonderful and are particularly cozy and warm. And all this is due to the fact that she fits with her own hands with all tenderness, trepidation and love. Crochet slippers on a felt-based sole are ideal for the cold season. Schemes and description, a master class on their manufacture will be given in this article. This is an ideal option for people living in apartments with a cold floor, in addition, they are lightweight, have a natural component, and reliably protect from the cold. And the knitting process itself perfectly affects the mood and general well-being of a person.

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How to make homemade slippers on felt soles with your own hands?

To tie male and female slippers for beginners is not difficult. This model will not leave anyone indifferent. Slippers look gentle, original, winter snowy and easy. In just a couple of hours you can tie wonderful shoes, and this master class will help you with this - crocheting slippers on a felt sole. Bottom - felt sole, top - motifs crocheted, interconnected into one whole.

Materials and tools needed are:

  • Natural yarn with wool 150 g

Important! You can choose any color at your discretion, but it is better if it is white.

  • Insoles the right size.
  • Scissors.
  • Hook.
  • Awl or thick needle.


Knit slippers according to the pattern:

  • If you choose too thin yarn, then knit together two or three threads.

Important! In the course of knitting, make sure that the product is dense, otherwise - it will not hold its shape.

  • Crochet the insole.
  • Make punctures with an awl, retreating 5 mm from the edge of the insole in increments of 5 mm.
  • The sole should be tied with single crochet columns, while making two columns in each hole.
  • Use any hexagon pattern for knitting motifs. You will need three similar elements for each slipper, that is 6 pieces.
  • Sew the individual parts together with a needle or hook.
  • Bring details to the sole or pin with pins.
  • Connect both parts together.

As a result, you will get very warm, beautiful, comfortable slippers.

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How to make high warm shoes with felt soles?

Beautiful, variegated, original, comfortable slippers will warm you in the cold season, will daily give you a great mood. Not only women can wear them, but also men who particularly value coziness and comfort.

From the materials you will need:

  • Woolen acrylic yarn.
  • Hook number 3.5.
  • Thick threads.
  • Needle.
  • Felt insoles.

You will need to perform knitting according to the following instructions:

  1. Start knitting with a sock. Use any pattern you like.
  2. Knit a crochet pattern.
  3. The first rows are about 4-5 cm to the little finger, knit with an increase.
  4. As soon as you reach the rise, perform another increase.
  5. Knit in such a way that you get a cloth resembling the letter P.
  6. Crochet the narrow parts of the cloth to form a back seam.
  7. Continue knitting with double crochets to the desired bootleg height.
  8. Pin the felt sole to the knitting pins.
  9. Take a strong thread and a needle, sew the sole with a seam over the edge.
  10. Decorate your finished slippers as you wish.
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How to knit original slippers on your own?

Is it possible to provide real home comfort without cute and comfortable slippers? Thanks to this attribute, a person understands that he is finally at home. You can buy such shoes in the store, but it’s much more pleasant to put your tired legs in your own slippers. We will now consider how to make knitted slippers with your own hands on the sole. Implementing this on your own is quite simple.

Prepare the following materials for work:

  • Skein of yarn weighing 100 g.
  • Knitting needles 3-3.5 mm in size.
  • The needle is medium in size.
  • Strong kapron thread.
  • Insoles.


Make slippers following this step-by-step diagram:

  • When choosing yarn, give preference to one hundred percent wool or wool with the addition of acrylic, so that the shoes get warm enough.
  • Type 16 stitches on the knitting needles.

Important! It should be typed simultaneously on two knitting needles to facilitate the knitting process itself.

  • Next, tie a regular long scarf-shaped fabric with the front and back loops.
  • Gradually move row by row, as a result you will get a rectangular part 30 cm long.
  • Received tightly and insole sew together.

Important! Any insole is suitable - it all depends on how cold it is in your apartment. It is advisable that it be one size larger than your real foot size.

  • To sew, start from the front of the slipper, from the toe, follow in a circle counterclockwise.
  • Indent 0.7 mm from the edge of the insole.
  • Carefully lay the stitch, gradually moving in a circle around the slipper, at the same distance from the edge.
  • Try not to crease the bend in the heel area. Sew carefully while straightening the fabric.
  • Finish stitching at the point where you started, do a little overlap here.
  • In a circle of the insole, walk with a needle and thread twice.

Your slippers are ready! Decorate them with buttons, a bow or other decorative elements.

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In such shoes everyone will be pleased to warm up on cold winter evenings. They will not only warm you, but also cheer you up. Such slippers can be made for a present for a loved one - he will definitely appreciate your efforts and imagination, and will be happy to go to them at home.


