Winter shoe care

The most popular is leather shoes. There are many reasons for this: such a shoe is durable, beautiful and comfortable, the foot in it breathes and therefore does not sweat, which means that it does not freeze in the winter. But in order for shoes to retain all these wonderful qualities, they need to be looked after, especially in winter, because dampness, dirt, reagents spoil the skin, gradually destroying its surface. To protect your favorite shoes or boots, you need to follow simple rules that will help to maintain the beautiful look of your shoes for a long time. So, let's talk about the care of leather shoes in the winter.

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Daily shoe care

Leather shoes require daily care. There is nothing complicated in this, you just need not leave cleaning for after, as it is easier to deal with fresh contaminants than with old ones. If you do not clean your boots regularly, then the dirt will penetrate deep into the skin, and cleaning it just so simply will not succeed - stains may remain on the surface of the product and you will have to mask the remaining spots with cream.

How to care for leather boots every day?

  • When you get home, clean your boots of dirt. To clean them you need to start from the sole. This can be done with a stiff brush.
  • If there are spots on the skin, then you can moisten a soft cloth in warm water, wring it out well and wipe the surface of the boots with it. You can make a mild soap solution and treat the surface of the shoe with it.

Important! Do not use hot water and make sure that water does not get inside the boot.

  • Wipe dry with a soft cloth until it dries completely.
  • Lubricate with cream. You can use colorless, but experts recommend choosing a cream of the appropriate color.
  • After cleaning, it is recommended to apply a water-repellent spray.
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How to dry leather shoes?

Often in the cold season the shoes become damp and have to be dried. The long life of your favorite leather pair also depends on proper drying.

Important! Do not dry leather shoes with batteries or other radiators or place them in direct sunlight. It is also not recommended to dry it with a hairdryer.

Here's what this process should look like:

  • Leather shoes should dry on their own in a dry, well-ventilated area.
  • If your shoes are wet, then put old newspapers or paper inside - they will absorb moisture. Change paper as necessary.
  • Take out the insoles and put them to dry on the battery, unless, of course, they are leather.

Important! Experts believe that to completely dry in the winter, leather shoes need about two days. Therefore, you need to have two pairs of winter shoes, at least.

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Folk remedies in shoe care

You can take care of leather shoes at home with folk remedies.

How to add shine to shoes?

  • This can be done with baby soap and ammonia. Dissolve a little baby soap in water and add a few drops of ammonia. Dampen a rag in this solution and treat the surface of the skin.
  • Beat milk, sugar and egg white, taken in equal amounts. Apply the resulting foam to the shoes with a wool rag and polish the skin.

From dry skin

To ensure that the skin is always soft, smooth, not cracked, you can lubricate your shoe with castor oil.

Important! If it is not at hand, it can be replaced with ordinary vegetable oil.

Rub a little oil into the skin and polish it with a woolen cloth. Such simple actions will extend the life of your favorite shoe and preserve its beautiful appearance for a long time.

Protect your skin from moisture:

  • Flaxseed oil has a good water-repellent effect.
  • Unsalted pork fat will also help protect the skin from water. Just rub their skin, and you can safely go out even in the rain.


How to get rid of bad smell?

There are times when an unpleasant smell starts to come from the shoes. You can get rid of it in several simple ways:

  • Wash your shoes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then treat with hydrogen peroxide.
  • You can do without potassium permanganate - just treat with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Wipe the shoes from the inside with formalin, wrap in a plastic bag and leave for a day. Then ventilate the product and there will be no trace of smell.

DIY leather shoe polish

You can make a cream for the care of leather shoes with your own hands:

  1. Melt natural beeswax and add a little castor oil and refined turpentine to it.
  2. Stir the mixture well.

The cream is ready! Put it on your boots or shoes, and they will serve you faithfully for a long time.

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Folk remedies in the care of light leather shoes

Light shoes look very impressive, but at the same time they quickly get dirty and require special care. It is necessary to clean it more often, therefore it is scratched faster, and with improper care and storage, yellow spots and stains may appear.

Let's see what folk remedies can offer us in this case:

  • If your light shoes are rubbed and lost their beautiful appearance, they can be helped by rubbing with a mixture of milk and peeled turpentine.
  • Light skin is recommended to wipe with a swab dipped in milk.
  • Protein-milk mixture will help to preserve and refresh the color. Beat egg white and add half a glass of milk. With this mixture, treat the entire surface of the shoe.
  • For cleaning, it is best to use a mild shampoo with increased foaming. It cleanses the skin, but does not wet it too much.
  • If spots appear on light shoes, do not worry, they can be wiped with lemon juice or table vinegar. Greasy stains can remove soda or oxalic acid.

Important! Apply funds and wash light skin can only be a soft sponge, to avoid scratches.

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New shoe care

How to care for new leather shoes and is it necessary to do this at all, is it new? When you buy a new pair of leather shoes:

  1. Impregnate the entire surface of the shoe and dry it properly.
  2. Apply a protective cream and polish your pair.

Important! Before the first outing in new shoes, it is advisable to wear it at home for several hours. If you feel that it rubs you, then the problem area can be treated with soap or a candle. There are also special preparations for stretching shoes, or you can use vodka or cologne, soaking them with shoes from the inside.

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Skin care products

There are many different leather shoe care products on offer. They are designed for a wide variety of purposes:

  • Deodorants for shoes eliminate odors and have an antibacterial effect.
  • Sprays, aerosols will give your couple water-repellent properties.
  • Special impregnation will soften the skin and also protect it from dirt and moisture.
  • Shampoos, foams will help you in removing stains.
  • The cream will soften the skin, as well as restore its lost properties.
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Useful Tips

We told you about how to properly care for genuine leather shoes, and finally we will give you some more useful tips and tricks:

  • If you do not want the back of your shoes to quickly lose shape, then use a special horn.
  • When removing boots or boots, open the zipper to the end, and untie the laces.
  • Give your shoes for repair on time.
  • For white shoes, you can use a colorless cream, but for colored and black shoes it is better to choose a product of the appropriate color, otherwise your boots will quickly fade.
  • Water-repellent impregnation should be used at least once a week.
  • Do not leave your shoes in a damp place or near a battery for a long time - this will damage the product.
  • Do not use sponges with silicone, as it clogs the pores, which over time leads to negative consequences.
  • Also, skin contact with bleach, gasoline, acetone is contraindicated.
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Stock footage

Caring for leather shoes in the winter will not require you to spend any excessive expenditure of money and effort. You just need to develop a useful habit of regularly cleaning, protecting the material of the boots, then an unpleasant smell, scratches, cracks, creases will not be frightening to them.


