DIY evening dress

A gala evening, a concert, a diplomatic reception, the wedding of a girlfriend or daughter - are there any cases when you desperately need an evening dress? In catalogs, of course, there are many of them. They come across in women's clothing stores - short and long, with a deep neckline, with slits, with full skirts - you won’t list everything, since modern fashion allows every woman to wear what suits her. But the trouble is that in shops it qualifies as evening wear, it usually costs so much that you think three hundred times whether to buy or not. What is left? - To sew an evening dress with your own hands. It will cost much cheaper, and if you are neat enough, it will turn out no worse than the best Parisian fashion designers. Read how to do this in our article.

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Do I need to sew?

Oddly enough, evening women's clothing is much easier to sew than a strict office. There are many reasons for this:

  • for evening dresses, fabrics that are well draped are used;
  • the fabric can be so beautiful that you can take the simplest style;
  • many modern models are sewn without patterns at all;
  • you can always choose a style where there is not a single seam at all, and the shape is obtained thanks to draperies and a combination of knots;
  • You can use fabrics that are used for dance and gymnastic clothes - a bright tight-fitting supplex looks great on evening clothes.

Before you sew an evening dress on the floor with your own hands, it makes sense to try to make an outfit for special occasions without any seams. You will need:

  • chiffon or polyester 150 cm wide;
  • a piece of fabric for the belt (the same or different, or you can use an elastic band);
  • a spectacular brooch or flower from the same material.
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Turning Cinderella into a Princess

Do you think that fairies only in fairy tales turn ordinary girls into princesses by touching their dress with a magic wand? You now have about the same task, only before you are not castoffs, but a very beautiful cut with a length equal to the length of the product. And you also don’t have a magic wand, but that’s not a problem.

Important! Leave the edges, but the transverse sections, if the fabric crumbles, it is best to overcast. And you can safely make some interesting styles.

Option 1. Dress with an open shoulder:

  1. Tie the top corners with a double knot or chop from a brooch.
  2. Put on the dress so that the knot is on one shoulder, the second remains naked.
  3. Fold the folds.
  4. Tighten the whole structure with a belt.

Important! If the fabric is too thin, transparent and it seems to you that it is transparent that it should not be visible - well, buy a section twice as long and fold it in half. Among other things, you get rid of the need to overcast one of the sections. Because there will be a fold.


Option 2. Dress with an open back:

  1. Tie the knots in the same way.
  2. Put on your creation so that the knot is at the back.
  3. Connect the edges at the level of the lower back or slightly higher.
  4. Ask the assistant to grab the fabric in this place so that the halves do not disperse.
  5. Fold the folds and grab the dress with a belt.

Important! If you do not feel very comfortable and are afraid that the incision will go too far, you can sew or sew the back stitch manually - from the lower back to the middle of the thigh, for example. The same can be done with the first style.

Option 3. Polynesian dress

For centuries, Polynesian women wore similar outfits - a piece of fabric replaced them with a dress, a skirt, and a cloak. So, once again, we knot the corners of our cut. This time, the knot should be approximately at the level of the bottom of the armhole, in front. Then we proceed in the same way as in the previous cases.

If it seems to you that the knot is tied up not firmly enough and runs the risk of being untied at the most inopportune moment - well, you can fasten it with several stitches.

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Start sewing

Still, making evening dresses from a simple rectangular piece of fabric is not exactly what is called sewing. And how to sew an evening dress, if the stock is only an hour? Very simple. Make a dress with one seam.

The calculation of the fabric is as follows:

  • for a dress with a small number of folds - 1 product length with a width of 140-150 cm;
  • 2 lengths of the product if the fabric is narrow or if you want a very magnificent assembly.

Important! You need to add another 10 cm to the calculated amount - on the drawstring and the bottom processing, if you are going to hem it (when sewing from knitwear or polyester, you can simply sew the hem over). In addition to the actual fabric and sewing accessories, you will need another piece of elastic - the usual linen or wider.

Next we do this:

  1. If you are going to overcast, it is best to do it right away.
  2. On the upper edge, draw a strip for the drawstring - it can be drawn on the wrong side, drawing lines at 0.5 cm and 2.5 cm from the edge.
  3. Bend the drawstring 0.5 cm to the wrong side and iron.
  4. Bend the drawer again, but already by 2.5 cm and press it again (unless, of course, the fabric allows you to do this).
  5. Fold the workpiece along the inside out.
  6. Align the edges.
  7. If you want to make a cut, mark its length from the bottom edge with a marker or stitch. Stitch the seam.
  8. Turn the product
  9. If you haven’t finished the hem, do it now.
  10. From the wrong side, make a hole in the drawstring and overcast it (it is better if it is somewhere under the arm or in another place that is less noticeable on thin tissue).
  11. Insert the rubber band.
  12. Try on what happened - the dress should hold firmly.

Important! If you don’t really like how it holds, or if you are afraid that it will slide off with sudden movements (this happens if the chest is small), you can sew on straps (for example, from a thin braid to match the tone, or from the same fabric).

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Another simple dress

There is still a way to sew an evening dress with your own hands, patterns for which are not needed. It will be a dress with a fitted bodice and a wide skirt, in the style of a dress of a stil. You can do it:

  • from two different types of fabric - a bodice, for example, from dense satin, knitwear or supplex, and the bottom - from guipure, chiffon or tulle;
  • from the same type of fabric - in this case, fine knitwear is most suitable.

We sew from thin knitwear - a skirt

For this model, you will need a cut 140-150 cm wide. On the bodice you need about 70 cm, on the skirt - 2 lengths of the product. You will also need a wide elastic band in tone or a hidden zipper, if the fabric does not stretch particularly well. That is intended for the bodice, we evenly cut it off and put it aside, we begin to practice the skirt.

The skirt is a ring, so first you need to calculate the size of the cut:

  1. Measure the waist circumference.
  2. We divide it by 6.28, if it is not completely divisible, we round it up.
  3. We add a centimeter and a half to free fit - this is the desired radius.
  4. Fold the cut in half lengthwise.
  5. Add up what happened in half across.
  6. The closed angle is the center of the circle, from it we draw an arc with the radius that you calculated (if there is no compass, you can measure the radius length on the sides of the closed angle, and then connect the points with a smooth line).
  7. Now we need to draw another arc - the hem, this is done from the same point, only the length of the product must be added to the radius of the notch.
  8. Cut the notch, cut the hem in a circle - a ring is obtained.

Crochet bodice

Such a dress can be made in two ways:

  • with bare shoulders;
  • with closed shoulders.

Option 1. With the shoulders closed:

  1. Fold the cut in half so that the bend runs perpendicular to the edges.
  2. Find the middle of the fold, put a mark.
  3. On both sides we set aside 15 cm for a boat cut.
  4. Carefully make a cut and overcast it.
  5. We sew a line with large stitches where shoulder seams should be.
  6. We sweep the side seams on the wrong side.
  7. We turn it on the front side and try on what happened.
  8. We make assemblies at the shoulder seams - for this it is enough to tighten the threads, while observing the symmetry.
  9. We lay another line on the shoulders, already capturing the assembly.
  10. Stitch side seams.

Option 2. Off Shoulder

Strictly speaking, there is nothing to stitch here, except for a single seam on the back. But it makes sense to do the following:

  1. Spread a strip of fabric upside down.
  2. Mark a few stripes perpendicular to the edges.
  3. Sew these strips with large stitches.
  4. Pull off the fabric so that you can completely wrap it and there is only an allowance for the seam.
  5. Stitch the seam, if lightning is supposed to be left, leave a section for it (it should go both on the bodice and on the skirt, and you will also have to make a cut on the skirt.



Now there is only one step left - you need to sew a skirt on the bodice. This is again done in two ways:

  • with lightning;
  • with an elastic band.

Option 1. With a zipper:

  1. We make a cut on the skirt so that the lightning comes into it too.
  2. We sweep the top of the skirt to the bottom of the bodice, the edges of the cut under the zipper should match.
  3. Attach the skirt to the bodice.
  4. We overwrite the allowances together and iron them on the side of the skirt (if the fabric can be ironed, if not, just overcast).
  5. Sew a zipper.

Option 2. With an elastic band:

This option is good if the fabric itself stretches well:

  1. We sew the elastic to make a dense ring - it should be tight enough, but at the same time, never push anywhere.
  2. We sweep it to the bodice in three or four places.
  3. Attach on the wrong side, slightly stretching.
  4. We do the same from the side of the skirt.

Important! It is better if the gum will exactly match the color, but you can take a contrast, especially if there is an opportunity to choose suitable accessories.

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The simplest pattern

The ideas of evening dresses with their own hands are very diverse. The main principle that you need to follow is to choose a very beautiful fabric that does not require a complex style. Then you can take the simplest pattern, even the base pattern, and sew something extraordinary. Would you like to try the classic material for evening dresses - velvet, thick silk, brocade? Of course, it is difficult to sew from them, but you can not even think about styles - just take a basic pattern and everything will work out. But it is necessary that the pattern is ideally suited in size.

We work with a pattern:

  1. To get started, transfer the main details of the pattern to a large sheet of paper - it is best to take a roll of graph paper or, for example, wallpaper.
  2. Measure the distance from the waist to the bottom of the hem.
  3. Extend the front and back details to this length.
  4. Fold the cut in half along the shared thread.
  5. Decide where you will have the clasp - front or back.
  6. Cut the part where there is no fastener so that the middle line of the pattern coincides with the fold, and the one where there will be a zipper and a decorative button along the edges.
  7. Circle the sleeves on the empty seats, just make sure that the direction of the pile, if we are talking about velvet, is the same.
  8. Leave allowances at all seams 1 cm.
  9. The cutout can be made under the neck, the same as on the pattern, but on the side where the fastener is, you can make a small cutout also under the button - in the form of a droplet.

Collect dress

It just seems that velvet is incredibly difficult to sew. Of course, this is delicate material that requires a careful attitude, and you will have to iron the allowances very carefully so that the pile is smoothed out and no shiny spots appear. But the assembly order is standard, and this material is sewn well.

Important! Such a long dress of strict style, with a long sleeve, under the neck is very suitable, for example, for the mother of the groom or bride.But he can be worn by a young girl who will look especially exquisite.


Operating procedure:

  1. We cut all the tucks both in front and behind.
  2. We sweep the shoulder and side seams - by the way, on the one hand you can make an incision to the knee or even to the middle of the thigh.
  3. Trying on - the dress should perfectly fit the figure, if so, then we are all trimming.
  4. The most crucial moment is the fit of the sleeve, if it is done poorly, the whole effect will disappear, therefore we will shorten the seams of the sleeves, and then flush the okat with a basting seam along the contour.
  5. We tighten the basting.
  6. We sweep the sleeve into the armhole, do not forget about the registration points.
  7. We try on again.
  8. If you like, we sew in the sleeves.
  9. We notice a long zipper.
  10. We make the third fitting - if nothing brushes anywhere, we sew in a zipper.
  11. We process the neck with a grinder - it is possible from the same material, but if you don’t like the layer that is too thick or if the machine doesn’t take it, you can grind it from a dense but thinner fabric.
  12. Carefully process the droplet, sew the decorative button and make a beautiful loop from the braid (since we use velvet, it is quite appropriate to use the braid in tone, as well as gold or silver).
  13. We also grind the edges of the cut, if there is one (these are just strips, from the same velvet or other fabric).
  14. We hem the hem - you can do this on a typewriter.
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Stock footage

Evening wear allows a woman a lot. You can open those parts of the body that in other cases remain closed, you can afford some frivolity. But in any case, the costume should remain correct.


