Do-it-yourself collars on the dress - patterns

Removable collars have again become relevant recently. However, this is by no means an innovation. They were invented at the beginning of the 19th century by the American H. Montague. The reason for the recognition of this invention is the most prosaic: the collar quickly becomes dirty, and shirts from constant washing become unusable, and a compromise has been found. Many enterprising businessmen profit from this innovation (this is well described by T. Dreiser in “American Tragedy”). If you wear the same outfit with different accessories, you can create the effect of a diverse wardrobe without unnecessary expenses. In this article, we will consider what to wear and how to sew collars on a dress with your own hands (patterns, master class).

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What to wear?

Before you sew a collar on a dress, decide how and with what you are going to wear this accessory. Here are a few tips that will surely be useful to you:

  • If the garment has a “native” collar, then choose an accessory so that it completely covers it.
  • It is advisable to combine collars with simple and modest clothes, devoid of catchy, eye-catching decor.
  • The neckline can be anything: drop-shaped, heart-shaped, V-shaped, high, “boat”.
  • Products that match the shade with the main product look best.
  • Richly decorated collars emphasize the beauty of a thin, graceful neck.
  • The design of the product is chosen, focusing on the shape of the face. For example, triangular cut accessories are suitable for chubby ladies. A stand or rounded model will suit ladies with an oblong face.

An ordinary, unprepossessing dress can be completely transformed if you purchase or independently sew a charming thing decorated with pearls or embroidered with rhinestones. However, why only a dress?

Removable collars look great with T-shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, tunics or even tops. The main thing is to carefully consider how exactly you want to update a pretty annoying image. For example, a biker product, decorated with rivets and spikes, creates an informal, daring image. A classic product makes the whole look strict, and a charming little thing with embroidery gives out a creative, romantic nature.

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Decor Options:

  • Rhinestones (“thermo” or sewn).
  • Rivets, spikes.
  • Feathers.
  • Embroidery.
  • Sequins.
  • Lace.
  • Sparkles.
  • Leather inserts.
  • Chains.
  • Pieces of fur.
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We sew a removable collar on a dress - a pattern and procedure

In order to make a charming jewelry yourself, you will need:

  • Atlas.
  • Faux fur.
  • Non-woven.
  • Clasp, you can hook.

The description relates to a flat product.

Important! You can use the same materials to change the shape and width of the product. When plotting a pattern, be sure to consider the circumference of the neck. This is necessary so that the collar on the dress with your own hands fits perfectly.

The upper part of the product is made of fur. In accordance with the pattern, cut out the details:

  • 2 fur parts.
  • 2 pieces of satin.

Important! When cutting out details, step back 1 cm in all directions.

Operating procedure:

  • Glue the parts with non-woven fabric. It is important not to confuse the back and front. Schedule them.

Important! Choose not too dense non-woven fabric. The collar will keep its shape well. At the same time, he will not be too tough.

  • Sweep the parts, and then stitch them, leaving the side to the neck open.
  • Turn out both halves of the future product. Lay the stitch along the front of both halves from below, as close as possible to the sewing line.
  • Connect both parts, process the neck.
  • Sew a buttonhole clasp with an air loop or hook.
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Simpler options

These ideas are so simple that even a novice craftswoman can cope with them.

From an old shirt

You will need:

  • Scissors, needle, thread.
  • The old shirt.
  • Decor is your choice.

We begin to make a collar for a dress or other clothes with our own hands:

  1. Separate the collar from the shirt. If you do this carefully, you don’t even have to process the edge.
  2. Sew a clasp and decor.

The original accessory is completely ready!


Leather or leatherette:

  1. Use the same pattern that was made for the fabric product (centimeter allowances are no longer needed!).
  2. Cut an additional 2 strips for decor: 1.0x4.0 cm and 1.0x6.0 cm.
  3. Connect the two main parts with glue or stitches (the last option is more reliable).
  4. Make a bow out of the strips and place it in the center of the product.
  5. Fasten the bow with cross stitches and glue.
  6. On the back, attach the ties.

The product is ready!

Made of plastic

Cut the collar of the desired shape out of plastic, stick beads or pebbles on it, folding them into a pattern. A chain with a carabiner is suitable as a fastener.

From felt

The design principle is the same as for leather products. Connect the parts on the front with a decorative button, and sew on the back ties.

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There are a lot of options for how to sew a collar on a dress. Perhaps you will come up with some kind of your own option, and perhaps you will use the ideas presented in the article. In any case, we wish you great creative ideas that will help in simple ways to transform any thing from the wardrobe!


