Pencil Skirt Pattern

A skirt called a “pencil” is a classic model that can be used both as a casual and elegant option. This universal model suits ladies of all ages and social status. You can wear it with different blouses. The likelihood that such a comfortable skirt will go out of fashion is zero. How to create a pattern of a pencil skirt, as well as other useful tips for making such clothes, you will find in this article.

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Who is she suitable for?

Best pencil skirt suits tall ladies with a slim figure. The outfit perfectly emphasizes all the advantages of the figure: a beautiful line of legs and a slender waist. The classic length of such a skirt is to the knee. As a rule, there is a cut in the back. She looks great with high-heeled shoes.

A pencil skirt is also suitable for full women, but in this case you need to really appreciate the features of your own figure. The fullness of the fullness of strife. If a woman is just “big”, but with a waist and a proportional figure, then a “pencil” will suit her. If the forms are far from perfect, then a beautiful effect is unlikely to be achieved.

Growth is also of great importance. This style is not for short women. A prerequisite is medium and above average growth.

Important! Thus, for a small overweight woman, such a skirt is a taboo. She will visually make the figure even more squat and stocky.

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How to sew a pencil skirt with your own hands?

The most reliable option is to sew the skirt according to the patterns built in accordance with your individual parameters. When creating a pattern of pencil skirts, use the results of such measurements:

  • Half hips.
  • Half Waist.
  • Length of the product.

The standard pattern consists of 3 parts:

  • Before - 1 part.
  • Back - 2 parts.

Thus, the parts are interconnected by 3 seams - 2 side and one along the back.

How to make a pencil skirt pattern:

  1. Fold the material inward with the front side.
  2. Set aside the hip fold divided by 2 from the fold line of the fabric.
  3. Set the desired product length from the top point.
  4. Set aside 200 mm from the planned waistline and draw another line. This is the height of the hips.
  5. An indispensable part of a pencil skirt is tucks. The width of the tuck is 30 mm and the depth is 80 mm. Connect the resulting points into a triangle, then round the left side.
  6. The principle of constructing patterns on the right side is the same.
  7. Carefully cut the resulting pattern, transfer to the fabric, not forgetting the seam allowances.

Important! Tucks should not be cut.



  1. Sweep seams, try on.
  2. Put the product with the seams out, assemble, stab the excess fabric. It turns out a perfect fit on the figure.
  3. Make side seams. Sew the back seam, remembering to leave space for the cut and fastener.
  4. Overlock all stocks.
  5. Sew in the zipper.
  6. Now start cutting the belt. Cut a strip of fabric 700 mm long and 60 mm wide. Fold in half, stitch to the product.
  7. Hem the hem in 2 turns.

Charming universal skirt is ready.

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How to sew a pencil skirt with your own hands quickly without a pattern?

This instruction will help you sew a classic pencil-style skirt without a pattern. Sometimes novice seamstresses find it difficult to build patterns and (or) transfer them to the fabric. Many sewing enterprises currently apply just such a principle.

Important! To make the product fit well, use stretch fabric or knitwear for sewing.

The sewing algorithm is as follows:

  1. Using the previously taken measurements, cut out 2 rectangles from the fabric in accordance with the selected length of the product.
  2. Sew the opposite sides of the rectangle. Get a kind of textile “pipe”.
  3. Now our task is how to make a pencil skirt out of a straight skirt. Put the resulting “pipe” on yourself, fasten the fabric with pins so that it fits exactly in shape.
  4. Stitch the belt, tuck the bottom.

A simple, elegant skirt is completely ready.

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Such an algorithm will make it possible to sew a pencil skirt with your own hands for beginners. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Go for it!

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