DIY skirt for pregnant women. Patterns

A girl who is in a happy position just needs high-quality and comfortable clothes. It should not only please the eye, but also not put pressure on the growing tummy. There are a lot of specialized stores for expectant mothers today. But their main minus is the prices that offer customers, they can not be called budget at all. If you consider that you will need such clothes for a maximum of six months, then you should think about how to sew a skirt for pregnant women with their own hands, patterns are not so complicated. And now we will prove it to you.

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Skirts for pregnant women

Shops today offer a large selection of models with a “tummy” figure for both slender girls and full ones. Before you learn how to sew a skirt for pregnant women with your own hands, you can go to any store, choose several options, try on yourself and see if they suit you. And thus determine the style. In this case, no one obliges you to buy, but you get an idea of ​​how this or that model will look exactly on your figure.

It is worth considering that clothes for expectant mothers have several features:

  • The skirts that offer stores for expectant mothers are mostly complemented by inserts. They are usually made from elastic fabric. This is what allows the product to fit tightly on the figure, but not to squeeze the stomach.
  • Clothing for ladies in excellent position should be soft and comfortable, because it should not hamper movement.

Important! Say no to corsets, tight vests or tight-fitting dresses made of dense fabric.

  • Many manufacturers have long abandoned synthetic materials. Firstly, such products in the store can only slightly, but electric shock to the buyer, as they are highly electrified. And secondly, it’s natural material that is useful for the health of mothers.
  • Choosing a skirt for yourself, do not shy away from practicality, do not forget about the style. Long gone are the days when they tried to cover their stomach. Now on the pages of gloss and in social networks you can often see photos of celebrity in the last month of pregnancy, and such pictures are becoming very popular.
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Making the right choice

To sew a skirt for pregnant women with their own hands, the expectant mother must observe several rules:

  1. Focus on the weather and time of year. In the winter months, it is better to give preference to models made of a thicker and warmer fabric, so as not to allow cooling. In summer, skirts made of lightweight, breathable fabric are well suited.
  2. Adjustable inserts are also a very important element in a “pregnant” wardrobe. Thanks to them, you can increase the width of the skirt as needed. This is especially true in recent months, because it is at this time that the most active growth of the abdomen begins.
  3. In the last trimester, the best choice would be an elastic skirt. Be sure to make sure that she does not press and is not too tight.
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An important question when deciding to sew a skirt for pregnant women is its length. Manufacturers offer three main options:

  1. Short. It is important to wear in the first months of pregnancy, because at this time the legs do not swell, the body easily enough provides you and the child with everything you need. But over time, the legs may suffer slightly, lose their shape, become not as smooth as before.
  2. Midi.The choice for those who do not want or cannot wear a miniskirt, but at the same time, do not seek to hide with a long model on the floor. Midi provide the necessary effect of attractiveness, do not let the legs sweat much, as can happen with skirts on the floor.
  3. Long (to the floor). This is a great solution for those who want to emphasize their femininity, attractiveness, charm. At the same time, long skirts can hide the problem that is popular for girls in position - swelling legs.
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Skirt with assembly

To sew a skirt for pregnant women with their own hands, if it is a model with an assembly, does not present special difficulties. Even a novice seamstress, who has a minimum of skills, will cope with this matter.

For this work you will need:

  1. You like a piece of fabric.
  2. Threads in fabric color.
  3. Gum thread.
  4. Needle and pins.
  5. Sewing machine.


  • Before you start sewing, determine the length of the product. The maternity skirt should not be made too short. As your stomach grows, the top of the product will rise higher and higher. It should stop at a length just below the knee. Take for example 60 cm in finished form. Plus 1 cm to hem the bottom and plus 8 cm to the waist, resulting in 69 cm.
  • The width of your future product will be equal to the width of the fabric, it is usually 1.5 m.
  • Cut a rectangle 69 cm long by 1.5 m from the fabric.

Important! Recall that first you need to steam the fabric well so that it shrinks. And only then proceed to cutting. If you are not sure about the calculations, then you should first draw this rectangle on paper, then transfer the contours to the fabric.



You can sew a skirt for pregnant women with your own hands this way:

  1. Bend our rectangle in half. Sew both edges of the fabric. This will be the back seam.
  2. After sewing, the seam must be processed on the overlock, with a zig-zag stitch or with an oblique inlay so that the fabric does not crumble.
  3. Further - also on the overlock or zig-zag line, we process the bottom of the product. We bend 1 cm and lay a seam.
  4. Now proceed to the top. We also process the edge of the fabric on an overlock or a zig-zag stitch.
  5. We bend 8 cm left for the belt into the product. We look so that the fabric does not warp - for this you need to use either pins or sweep layers of fabric with each other.
  6. Then we wind the thread-gum on the bobbin, leave the usual thread on top.
  7. We lay a line with a thread-elastic band on top of the product, departing from the place of folding 2 cm. Both layers of fabric fall under the seam.
  8. Having departed from a line of 2 cm, we repeat the same seam with a thread-elastic band. We make sure that the distance between these seams is uniform. If you can’t do it by eye, then you can draw a line using chalk.
  9. We repeat this operation 2 more times, so that we get 4 lines with a thread-elastic band.
  10. Looking at what we have done, we are convinced that it is easy and simple to sew a skirt for pregnant women.

Several seams of gum thread hold their shape perfectly, but at the same time, they will not put pressure on the stomach. The same option can be performed with ordinary rubber. For this:

  1. When you draw a rectangle, on top for the bend, leave not 8, but 2 centimeters.
  2. Process the edge of the fabric, bend inward on the provided 2 centimeters.
  3. When you fasten the seams, do not connect it in a circular, leave a distance between the beginning and the end of the seam - 2 centimeters.
  4. Insert the gum into the resulting hole, fix its ends together. Do not make the elastic too tight.

Important! According to the same pattern, you can sew a floor skirt for pregnant women with your own hands - it will become a real salvation in hot weather.

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Wrap skirt

A skirt with a smell for pregnant women becomes a real salvation, because it always looks stylish and fashionable. The smell can be adjusted, depending on the growth of the abdomen. And she will not deliver any discomfort to her future mother. Consider how to make this option with your own hands.

For the basis of such a product, you need to take the pattern-base of a straight skirt.You can download the finished version from the Internet or, using simple instructions, build it yourself. Next, you need to make changes to the basis:

  1. Lower the waistline. This is done simply. We repeat the contours of the upper line, departing from it down 2-3 cm.
  2. Shorten the pattern from the bottom to the desired length.
  3. Now we finish the front panel of the skirt to the width of the smell. If you sew a skirt with a smell of insufficient width, it is inconvenient to wear. It will optimally add 10-13 cm to the middle of the front panel.

Next, from the fabric we will need to cut 4 parts, namely:

  1. The back panel of the skirt - 1 part with a fold.
  2. The front panel of the skirt - 2 parts.
  3. Belt - 1 piece with a fold.

Important! On the front panel of the skirt along the odor line, do not forget to make an allowance of 6 cm - this will be a subboard. For a belt, it is enough to carve a strip of fabric 8 cm wide (6 cm per belt and 1 cm each for allowances) and a length in the circumference of your waist + smell (if you make 13 cm smell, this figure will be 26 cm).

Before stitching the skirt with a wrap, duplicate the bead and part of the belt with glue. We go further:

  1. We start sewing by sewing tucks and side seams.
  2. We taped and glued overboard to the wrong side, ironing.
  3. We process the top with a belt, hem the bottom with a hidden seam.
  4. So that the toe with the toe does not turn away, it can also be sewn with a blind stitch or sewn on the machine.
  5. At the fitting, we specify the location of the four buttons. Make a loop on the inside of the smell (left), and on the belt inside, make a small flat button.
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Knit skirt

Studying the question of how to sew a skirt for pregnant women with your own hands, it is worth considering this option, because knitwear is really convenient. He does not crease, sits well on his tummy and suits both the classic style in clothes and the sports one. The color of the fabric you can choose at your discretion. In order to make this option with your own hands, you will need:

  • Knitted fabric - it is better to choose with a minimum amount of synthetic additives.
  • Sewing machine with zigzag or overlock stitching.
  • Thread, elastic.

The main charm of tailoring such a model is its extreme simplicity. There is not even a special pattern. Cut a rectangle that will depend on the length of the future product and the volume of your hips, and then:

  1. Stitch the back seam, the only one in this product. It is better to do this on an overlock, as it gives an elastic seam that is optimal for knitwear. Zigzag stitching is also suitable for highly stretch fabrics.
  2. We process the lower edge of the fabric on the overlock. We make a 1 cm hem and fasten it with the usual straight seam.
  3. We also cut the top and make a 2 cm bend. Lay a line, leaving 2 cm between its beginning and end.
  4. We insert an elastic band into this hole and fix its ends with each other.

The question of how to sew a skirt for pregnant women has been resolved. Due to its elasticity, the fabric will stretch to your expanding tummy. And after giving birth, replacing the elastic band, you can also wear such a skirt at least every day.

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Skirt with an insert

If your wardrobe already has a favorite skirt and you don’t feel like parting with it for six months, then we offer the following option how to sew a skirt for pregnant women. It is ideal for straight skirts on a belt, for a pencil skirt and for jeans clothes. We also need a small piece of knitted fabric:

  1. We mark on the skirt a new waist line, which will now be under the tummy. On the back, it can repeat an existing feature, it should be made oval in front.
  2. When marking and cutting off the unnecessary, do not forget to step back a little from the side seams so that there is a small allowance in front.
  3. We attach a dense knitted fabric, folded in half to the cut line, and carefully sew it.
  4. We get a wonderful skirt that will be useful to you throughout your pregnancy.

Important! By the way, in the same way, making a knitted insert, you can remake your favorite pants or jeans under the belly.

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Stock footage

Now, knowing how to sew a pregnant skirt with your own hands and what styles to choose for this, updating your wardrobe is not difficult. If you have skills in sewing, then you can create your own collection, which will not only please the eye, but also surprise others. Pregnancy is a great time that does not stop you from staying stylish and fashionable.


