DIY flamenco skirt

If it comes to flamenco, everyone recalls the image of a dark-haired, burning beauty in a long skirt with frills and a rose in her hair. This sensual Spanish dance has recently become very popular with us. The rhythms of flamenco have already conquered many people who have dedicated themselves to this dance. In addition to the correctness and correctness of movements, the costume is of great importance, since it must fully comply with the style. If you have the opportunity, you can buy it already ready, but a skirt for flamenco with your own hands is a feasible task, even for a skilled worker without experience. How to sew it, we will consider.

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Choosing an outfit for flamenco

The costume is the basis of the whole image of the dancer. Therefore, today the assortment of styles, colors and textures is simply huge. But despite such a wide range, many are faced with the problem of choosing a stage outfit.

Important! Costume for flamenco is completely dependent on the style of dance. Before choosing it, you should clearly understand which direction of flamenco you will dance.


Bright and expressive style. Therefore, the outfit must emphasize the confidence and independence of the dancer. Since these properties are more inherent in the masculine character, therefore - the costume must be chosen on the basis of this.

Important! For this direction, the most appropriate is a pantsuit in combination with a shirt, corset and hat.


Costume for Sevilla

You could see him on numerous postcards and advertising booklets. Such an outfit consists exclusively of a bright dress with the presence of all kinds of drawings and patterns. In the classic version, the dress hugs the body of the dancer to the knees, and below - it blossoms in a large number of frills or frills. When choosing an outfit for Seville, it should be borne in mind that the overall image should carry fun, energy and joy.

Important! In such a dress, sometimes a special wire is sewn at the bottom of the skirt, which does not allow the dancer to take a wide step.

Bata de Cola

Everyone’s favorite skirt with a long “train”, on which various frills and frills are located. She dresses for the performance of Solea, Alegrias and Guahiro.

Important! The weight of such a skirt most often reaches 7 kilograms, so a beginner should not wear such an outfit.

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Most often, dancers choose not a one-piece dress, but a costume. This is due to the fact that the dress is designed exclusively for performance in only one flamenco style. As for the costume, this is a more universal thing, since the top remains the same, but the bottom can be changed. Therefore, if you still decided on a suit, then you should adhere to several rules when choosing the upper part of your outfit:

  1. You can choose absolutely any style, the only requirement is that it should be tight-fitting.
  2. The upper part of the costume can be presented in the form of a shirt or top. In this case, numerous flounces on the sleeves will be a bright accent.
  3. The color scheme of the top should be in the tone of the skirt or in a completely contrasting color.
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Separate skirt

As for skirts, their main feature is that from above they fit the figure, and from the bottom they expand. They are decorated with many flounces and frills.This style is designed to demonstrate the beauty of the figure of the dancer, but at the same time - did not hamper the movement during the dance.

Most often, such skirts are sewn exclusively by fashion designers and experienced tailors, since for a simple lover it is a rather difficult task. Well, if you masterfully know how to sew and complex styles do not scare you, then it will not be difficult for you to sew a skirt for flamenco with your own hands.

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We sew a skirt for flamenco on our own

The simplest and most basic style of this skirt is a sun skirt. In order to make it, you will need the following materials:

  • 1.5 meters of fabric for the base of burgundy color;
  • 2.5 meters of black fabric;
  • 25 meters of black slanting inlay;
  • Lightning;
  • Hooks for fasteners;
  • 1 meter of tape with a width of 3 centimeters;
  • Accessories for drawing;
  • Graph paper;
  • Sewing machine;

Threads and needles in color.

Important! When choosing a fabric, it should be borne in mind that it should be light and flowing.


Operating procedure:

  • On a fabric basis, draw a circle with a diameter of 150 centimeters. In order to do this, you need to fold the fabric four times, then draw a quarter circle using a cord and a remnant. After - the fabric needs to be deployed, while gradually drawing parts of the circle. Cut it out.
  • Inside the finished workpiece, you should cut another circle, the diameter of which will be equal to the volume of your hips divided by 6.3.

Important! The center of the skirt should be offset, so before you draw the inner circle, you should deviate from the center about 20 centimeters.

  • Next you need to do shuttlecocks. For this, 15 squares measuring 50x50 centimeters must be cut out of black material.
  • On each of the squares you should draw a circle with an outer diameter of 25 centimeters, and an inner one - 5. Make a straight cut from the outer to the inner circle.
  • Next, all circles should be sewn into one tape and processed with an oblique tape.
  • We attach the shuttlecock to the finished workpiece.
  • Try on the product, measure the distance from the edge of the workpiece and to the place where the belt will be. To this parameter should be added 2 centimeters for the treatment of seams.
  • A yoke should be made from the main fabric and sewn to the skirt.
  • Next, sew the zipper and sew the hooks.
  • In order to complete the product, you need to cut off the tape of the required length and stitch it to the belt.
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How to sew a skirt for flamenco double sun?

  • Measure your waist circumference. Next - half the waist circumference should be divided by 6.3.
  • Unfold the fabric on a flat surface, from a corner draw a radius equal to the parameter that you calculated in step 1.
  • Next, we determine the length of the skirt. To do this, measure the desired length from the radius, make a mark and connect the points.

Important! It should be remembered that when the pattern is oblique, the fabric will sag most of all in the center. Therefore, the line needs to be adjusted by 1 centimeter towards the waist.

  • The resulting part must be cut in half.
  • The finished item should be attached to the waist. If all coincided, then you can safely proceed to cutting the second part of the product.
  • In order to make a second blank, you need to do the same actions as with the first: draw a radius, measure the length and cut.
  • Sweep the workpiece.

Important! In order to check the correctness of the cutting, the edges should be raised above the head. If everything was done correctly, then they must converge.

  • After you try on the product, you need to make the necessary adjustments. If everything is ready, you can safely proceed to the subsequent stitching and decoration.

Important! According to the same pattern, you can make a triple sun skirt. The only difference is that you will need to carve out not two, but three details. The calculation of the radius is as follows: waist / 3 / 6,3.

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How to make a dress for flamenco?

In this case, you do not have to separately make a dress pattern for flamenco. You can only confine yourself to a skirt pattern.This is due to the fact that such an outfit is not all-cut - in fact, you will need to cut separately the lower and upper parts.

Important! When sewing a dress for flamenco, you should understand what it is intended for: training or performances. This is due to the fact that the stage dresses are sewn exclusively from thin materials that must be combined with the lining. Therefore, they are not suitable for training.

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Stock footage

If you are carried away by this direction of dance, you do not have to spend fabulous money on stage costumes. You yourself can create the perfect outfit that will emphasize all the advantages of your figure, while harmoniously fitting into the image of a burning dancer. You can draw ideas of styles from the Internet, but the above tips and tricks will help you bring them to life.


