Do-it-yourself skirt for oriental dances

Oriental dancing is one of the most popular hobbies for modern women. This article is dedicated to ladies - fans of oriental culture. Naturally, for classes you need a special oriental costume. It turns out that making it yourself is not difficult at all. Do-it-yourself trousers, a top or a skirt for oriental dances - even a not very experienced craftswoman will be able to do this.

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What is included in the costume?

First, decide what will be included in your outfit. As a rule, this is a beautifully decorated skirt, belt and bodice. If there are few jewelry, only a belt can be decorated. In addition, you will need jewelry - anklets and hand bracelets, earrings, rings.

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What will be needed in the work?

Before you sew a dress for oriental dance, prepare:

  • Fabric for tailoring a suit.
  • Thick material for the base of the belt.
  • Non-woven.
  • Bra.
  • Polyethylene or tracing paper - for the manufacture of patterns.
  • Threads.
  • Needles.
  • Decor (beads, sequins, sparkles, beads).
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A foam bra can be used as a bodice for belly dancing. Ideally, if his color is suitable. If not, cover it with textiles of the desired color. Cutting out an integral part for sheathing will not work, so several details are needed:

  • Cups. The blanks have the shape of rectangles and are bent around the perimeter of the finished product.

Important! To make the fabric go better, make several folds of the same type as the tucks.

  • Straps. These are rectangular blanks that wrap the finished product. Sew a rectangle of fabric already on the straps of the bra, you can decorative seam. Hide the ends of the fabric under the casing for the cups of the bodice (it is sewn clean last).

Important! Decoration can be anything your imagination tells you. Sequins, beads, sewn or glued sequins - more than enough options. But you should not forget that belly dancing offers active movements. Sew or glue the decor as securely as possible.

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How to sew a skirt for oriental dances?

Even if you don’t have enough jewelry for this part of the costume, a long skirt made of translucent flowing fabric with high cuts is beautiful in itself.

Important! As a material, crepe chiffon and chiffon are ideal. These fabrics are well draped. As for the style, it can be a “sun” skirt or an ordinary straight skirt with cuts. The first option is more suitable for slim girls, the second - more magnificent ladies.

In any case, first make the patterns of the future product. A straight skirt consists of 2 pieces of fabric that are sewn together about the length of the thigh. The lower part of the product and unbroken sections are simply hemmed. It is desirable to make the waist part of the skirt wide, from well-stretched fabric. This is important because the skirt will be on the hips.

The belt is sewn in this order:

  1. Cut a piece of fabric along the length of the waistline. The width of the segment is twice as large as the belt itself ..
  2. Bend the material in width, face out.
  3. Sew the strip to the skirt, starting from the inside
  4. Tuck inward the fabric allowances, cover with the front part done and gently sweep.

Sewing a skirt for oriental dancing with your own hands in the “sun” style is also not difficult, however, the fabric will leave about 2.5 times more. The product is a circle with a cutout in the center:

  1. Pick up the product a little at the waist - so it will look more beautiful.
  2. Sew a wide belt along the waistline, hem the bottom with a narrow hem.

As you can see, at least wisdom.

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It is a beautifully and chicly designed belt that gives the costume an oriental splendor and color. To make it work well, prepare a full-size pattern:

  • The upper part of the belt is straight.
  • The lower one can be round, triangular or complex.
  • The length of the belt is equal to the size of the waist circumference plus 40 mm for the fastener.
  • In order for the product to fit exactly in the figure, tucks can be made.
  • Materials for manufacturing: the basis of durable dense cotton, the top is satin or crepe satin.
  • To glue the product you will need non-woven fabric (it is fixed from the inside to the front).

Fold the parts with the sides facing inward, sew, leaving a small hole to turn out. Turn out, sweep out a finished product and fasten a fastener. You can make it so that the belt is simply tied. Now it remains to decorate the finished product.

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There aren’t many jewelry in an oriental costume. Clinking hand and anklet bracelets look especially beautiful. You can weave jewelry with your own hands from beads. As for makeup, it should be bright, with special emphasis on the eyes. Scheherazade's costume is ready!

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Oriental dancing is a great option to spend your leisure time and achieve greater body plasticity, gain confidence. And how to make an outfit for such a hobby, you now know and made sure that there is nothing complicated.


