DIY ruffled skirt

Skirts with ruffles have been around for a very long time. They give the figure a special femininity, but, unfortunately, are not suitable for everyone. On a girl or a slender young woman, this style will look perfect, but for ladies with curvaceous forms it is better to refrain from it. A ruffled skirt is sewn with our own hands in several ways, and we will discuss some of them now.

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If a daughter has grown

You decided to learn how to sew, but still do not know what to do? No problem. You can rummage in your daughter’s wardrobe and find last year’s skirt to experiment on it, and at the same time to learn some tricks. It will turn out - excellent, it will not work out - it also does not matter, the skirt is still short anyway. And nothing prevents in the same way updating their own skirt, which is suitable in size, but already pretty tired.

The easiest option is to make frills. But first you need to choose the fabric - it is unlikely that in your bins there is exactly the same from which the skirt itself is sewn.

Important! By the way, any product can be decorated with frills - a straight strict skirt, a sun, a half sun, a bell and even a jeans. True, in the latter case, the choice of fabric should be approached with particular care - you can use jeans, but nothing prevents you from taking on bright satin, plaid and even wide, tight lace.

How much fabric do you need?

Before you sew a skirt with ruffles, or, more precisely, sew a ruffles to a skirt, you need to decide how much material is needed:

  1. Measure the bottom line.
  2. Multiply the result by 1.5-2.

If the frills are made of lace, nothing more is needed - this material is sold per meter. And if you prefer fabric? Then, as they say, options are possible. And the first thing to do is decide whether you want to cut frills only along the edge or prefer to make a few seams, but use up little fabric. In the second case, you need to make a few more calculations:

  • Estimate the width of the frill.
  • See how many times this width fits along the length or width of the cut, depending on how you cut.

Important! Ruffles can be cut both along the shared thread, and along the transverse.

  • Based on the result, calculate how much fabric you need - just do not forget about the allowances, because if you sew the stripes, you will have to take a little more material.

Cooking skirt

Before sewing a frill, the skirt must be put in order. It should be clean and more or less ironed - not perfect, but without visible folds and creases.

Important! Bending requires special attention - it must be straightened, and in many cases this is possible. If not (for example, the fold is frayed or changed color) - you will have to update the skirt in a slightly different way.


Make frill

The rim is a strip. If you can cut it along the edge, fine, then you don’t need to process it. But this is in many cases too wasteful. Therefore, we do the following:

  1. Draw a cut into strips of the width that you have defined.
  2. Cut it.
  3. Sew pieces into one strip - just do not forget that the seams should be on the wrong side.
  4. We turn the edge, which will be from the bottom, twice - by 0.5 cm and 1 cm.
  5. We do it.
  6. Sew the upper edge of the frill with a basting seam, small stitches, or sew on a typewriter, but in this case, you need to set the maximum length of the stitch.
  7. We tighten the basting - the assembly should be distributed evenly.
  8. We sweat our masterpiece to the bottom of the skirt so that the seam is on the wrong side.
  9. Sew a frill.
  10. Smooth the skirt side allowance.

If you cannot tear off the binder

If the hem edge is very different from the rest of the skirt, you have to get out of the situation in the following way:

  1. Prepare the frill - hem and stitch the basting stitch along the top.
  2. Sew a frill over the front, just above the hem.
  3. Topstitch the braid.
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Sew a ruffled skirt

Learned with frill? Now you can sew a new skirt. Moreover, the style can be anything. The only thing to keep in mind is that when constructing a pattern, you need to reduce the length of the product by the width of the frill. The rest of the work is no different from the one already described. But you can make not one frill, but several, and arrange them in different ways:

  • 2-3 ruffles of different lengths along the hem;
  • several frills over each other;
  • one frill on the bottom, the other - obliquely.

Option 1. Flared skirt with three ruffles on the hem

We sew a skirt according to any pattern we like - the easiest way is to take those that do not require complex structures and are laid directly on the fabric, that is, the sun, a half-sun or a bell. The difference between these styles is only in width - the sun is a ring, the half-sun is a half-ring with a recess shifted towards the center, and the bell is a third of the ring, and it is almost the same as the half-sun.

We choose the middle option, that is, half-sun:

  1. Lay the fabric face down on the floor.
  2. Find the middle of the edge, mark it somehow.
  3. Draw a line from the mark at an angle of 90 ° to the edge.
  4. On this line, postpone the half-circumference of your waist, divided by 6.28 (you can round to 6.5).
  5. Using this new mark as the center, draw a circle with the radius that you just calculated.
  6. And from the starting point, draw a circle equal to the length of the product, subtracting the width of the widest frill from it - in fact, that's all, there is a blank.

Cut frills

They are cut in the same way as when lengthening the old skirt. Only there should be two or three, and the difference in width is 5-8 cm so that the lower frills are visible from under the upper ones. Prepare the strips in the same way as in the previous case, that is, sew them in long strips, hem or sew the bottom, make a mark on the stitching lines. Next is the following procedure:

  1. Spread the largest frill face up.
  2. Lay on it the second in width, aligning the upper sections.
  3. Spread the third strip on top - all the top edges should be exactly the same in length.
  4. Sweep all three strips together.
  5. Take them to the hem so that the seam is inside out.
  6. Sew on.
  7. Oversize all over together and iron on the side of the frills.
  8. Sew open edges carefully from the wrong side - on a typewriter or manually over the edge.

Important! After this, it remains only to sew in the zipper (it is best not to make a special cut for it, but to sew into the one that already exists using the edges). As a belt, you can use a wide elastic band.


Option 2. Ruffles one above the other

This option is suitable for a straight skirt sewn to the main pattern. Ruffles are made the same width:

  1. We sew a skirt - the order is traditional, that is, first tucks, then side seams, then a belt.
  2. We outline the lines for attaching frills, which can either go one on top of the other, or be located at some distance.
  3. We prepare frills in the same way as in all previous cases.
  4. We sweep them, starting from the bottom.
  5. Sew, also starting from the bottom.
  6. Sew the braid on top.

Important! You can, in principle, do without a braid if you carefully treat the top of each strip, and the fabric itself is quite thin.

Option 3. Oblique frill

This option also looks better on a straight skirt. Fundamentally, it is no different from the rest, but you need to very accurately calculate the oblique frill, which can go, say, to the left of the most convex point of the thigh down to the hem on the right, and then again to the hip.

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Do-it-yourself skirt with frill

Shuttlecock is also a frill, only more complex.And the fabric on it requires a lot more. Flamenco dancers wear such skirts.

Important! You can decorate in this way not only the hem, but also the neckline of the dress and sleeves.

To begin with, let's figure out what the shuttle is - this is a ring cut on one side. There are several rings that are sewn together. It turns out a very magnificent frill.

Important! As in the case with conventional ones, when cutting, the length of the product must be reduced by the width of the shuttlecock.

Straight skirt with flounce

How to sew a skirt with frill on an elastic band? The easiest way to do this is for the basic pattern. In the end, it’s absolutely the same as designing the top - a traditional strip with a button or a modern wide elastic band. True, in the second case it would be better if the fabric is at least slightly stretched.

A straight skirt pattern is a base pattern. It is for her and cut a skirt, shorter than it would be without a shuttlecock. And we sew in a completely traditional way, having sewn all the tucks, side and back seams (if there is one). And even a belt can be sewn right away - just do not forget that the elastic should be slightly shorter than the circumference of your waist, otherwise the skirt will not hold well. So what is next? And then the fun begins. It is necessary to determine the size of the shuttlecock:

  1. We measure the length of the hem.
  2. We estimate how many rings we need - for example, 10.
  3. Divide the length of the hem by 10, if you get an integer - this will be the diameter of the inner circle of our ring.


Cut rings

You can, of course, cut all the rings directly from the fabric, but it is best to make a template from cardboard - the risk of error is reduced to a minimum:

  1. We divide the diameter of the ring in half so that you can draw a circle, and it is drawn along the radius.
  2. Draw a circle.
  3. To the already known radius, add the length of the shuttlecock plus allowance.
  4. Draw a second circle from the same center.
  5. We outline the cut line - it should go through the center.
  6. Cut out the template and make a cut.

We sew a shuttlecock

The time has come to cut the shuttlecock elements. It’s easy - just circle the cardboard ring and the cut line. You can even fold the fabric several times and cut all the elements at once. What's next? And here is what:

  1. Take 2 rings.
  2. Sweep them with each other along the cut line so as not to confuse the front and wrong sides.
  3. In the same way, take the third element and all the others.
  4. Stitch the seams.
  5. Sheathe the bottom edge with an overlock.
  6. Take what happened to the hem of the skirt - the seam should be from the inside.
  7. Look what happened - if everything is beautiful, you can safely sew a shuttlecock.
  8. Overlock allowances together, iron on the side of the shuttlecock.

Important! In the same way, you can trim the skirt of any other style. True, a lot of fabric will go in the sun. The Spanish beauties sew their skirts for the pattern of the bell - both beautifully and the fabric does not leave so much.

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In a word, there is nothing prohibitively difficult to sew a skirt with ruffles or a skirt with a flounce. But such jewelry looks better if made of plain fabric or from the same as the rest of the skirt. But large patterns are best avoided, because the elements of the pattern will have to be customized, and this will increase the amount of fabric.

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