Check skirt - do it yourself

Any skirt, whatever it may be, has the ability to attract the attention of others. Every girl’s wardrobe should have some kind of checkered skirt. In order to make such an element of clothing itself, you do not need special education, but rather accuracy and skillful handling of a sewing machine. In this article we will tell how interesting a skirt can be in a cage, which it will be easy to sew with your own hands.

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Types and styles of skirts

There are many styles and variations of such an element of clothing. For example, they can be straight or flared cut:

  • The direct cut option includes models such as a pencil skirt, a wrap skirt or a half sun.
  • Type flared cut includes the rest of the species - a skirt, a-line or the sun.

Important! These types are the simplest, because the product consists of one or several pieces of fabric sewn together and processed along the edges, one of which should highlight the girl's waist.

Consider certain types of clothing.

Half sun

Let's start with a half-sun skirt, which is one of the varieties of flared models. A feature of the product is that its base consists of half a single piece of fabric, forming a smell due to a single seam.

Now these products are very popular with folds. The varieties of these folds are also very diverse, here are examples:

  • Counter;
  • Narrow;
  • Bowknot;
  • One-way;
  • Wide;
  • Narrow.

Important! The number of these folds can also vary. To keep them, such models are usually sewn from soft fabric.

Midi maxi

It will look very beautiful and elegant if you sew a skirt in a cage the size of midi or maxi. This option is perfect for work or important meetings. It can also be universal and suitable for any occasion - just choose the right upper part of the image.

With smell

You can try to make a model with a smell. Such a skirt in a cage will make the figure beautiful and proportional, which will attract both admiring glances of the opposite sex and the envy of friends.

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We cut a product

In our article, we will focus on the classic version of a straight skirt made by sewing along the oblique.

Important! The advantage of such a cut is the ability to stretch (which gives freedom to movement) and to slim the girl's hips, thereby emphasizing all the advantages of her figure.

Material decanting

In order to sew a skirt into a cage along the oblique to the floor, you need to first build a pattern. Only before proceeding with the cut, it is necessary to decant the fabric. To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to wet the material from which the garment will be made, and after drying, to steam it with an iron.

pereshit-bolshevatuyu-yubku-v-kletku-18650-largeFor strongly sown natural knitwear, decanting must be done differently:

  1. Natural fabrics - cotton, linen or rayon, must be lowered into warm water for a couple of minutes.
  2. After some time, it is necessary to remove the material and gently squeeze it.
  3. We spread the knitwear on a flat surface and let it dry on its own.

Important! Before buying fabric, you need to be interested in what it is made of. So it will be much easier to find out how to care for her.

Calculation of the amount of knitwear used

In order to start cutting material and in the future just sew a skirt into a cage, it is necessary to take into account the amount of fabric that we need:

  1. To begin with, we take a regular notebook sheet in a cage, taking each cell as one square decimeter on the cloth.
  2. Then you need to draw a mini-skirt pattern, following the given scale.
  3. After the sketch of the pattern is built, you need to calculate the approximate area of ​​the figure that you got, and then multiply the result by 10.

Important! This method is especially good for our option of sewing a skirt in a cage, because we cut the product obliquely.

We cut the product on the fabric

So, you found the pattern you liked on the Internet. In the future, in order to then sew the skirt along the oblique, we will need to cut out the raw material itself:

  1. For a hip circumference of 100 cm, we take a fabric whose width will be 150 cm. The fabrics can be more - it all depends on the desired length of clothing.
  2. It will need to be decomposed first in one layer, with the wrong side up.
  3. Draw lines at an angle of 45 degrees from the corner of the fabric.
  4. We lay out the finished pattern so that the middle of the drawing coincides with the diagonal on the material.

Important! Do not forget that at the edges of the fabric near this drawing you need to leave about 3-4 cm at the seams, otherwise - the skirt will be small for you for a couple of sizes.

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Convert pieces of fabric into stylish clothes

So, the most difficult part of the work has been done, only the most painstaking remains, which requires great attention and accuracy of the beginning seamstress.

Important! Before you go to the seams with a machine, you must first manually sweep them so that they do not diverge in the future. So the product will be much more accurate.

In order to stitch the skirt in a high-quality manner with your own hands with minimal distortion of the pattern, you need to make sure that it does not move anywhere while sewing two parts of future clothes.

Particular attention should be paid to the upper and lower edges of the product:

  • Any method of processing the waist part of the skirt is possible. It can be a zipper, a button or just an elastic band - everything is up to our needlewoman. However, in most cases, experienced seamstresses recommend inserting a zipper into the side seam.
  • Bending the skirt from the bottom is recommended to be done at least 4 cm, otherwise - over time, the fabric will stretch and a smaller seam will look very inappropriate.

Important! Professionals recommend sewing this type of skirt on a viscose lining. It will protect the product from possible deformation.

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Stock footage

A plaid skirt, whatever it may be, has not lost its popularity for several decades. That is why it can rightly be called a classic thing. In this article, we helped girls who had long dreamed of such a piece of clothing fulfill their dream by sewing such a product on their own.


