DIY leather vest - patterns for quick sewing

Any fashionista would like to have in her wardrobe a stylish vest made of leather or suede. Such products look fashionable, original, chic. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay a large sum of money for such clothes, because it is difficult to find a high-quality, but at the same time cheap vest. There are several reasons for such a high cost: the material for their sewing is used natural, high quality, incredibly practical, durable. But you can sew a leather vest with your own hands from old clothes, the main thing is to understand where to get a pattern, what tools to use, and to analyze in detail the manufacturing scheme for such products. If you have any unnecessary leather thing, then do not hesitate to remake it into a vest, because it will last a long time, provide you with warmth in the cold season. Since genuine leather is an organic, versatile material, it quickly takes on the necessary shape when worn. In our article, we will learn how to sew vests on our own.

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Features of manufacturing a leather vest with a chic collar

Have you definitely decided to make a leather vest with your own hands? Patterns for manufacturing can be found in a couple of minutes on the Internet, and moreover, you can sew on them not only leather, but also suede products. Naturally, you can not do without a whole set of materials and tools:

  • Leather clothes or suede.
  • Fur collar.
  • A piece of fabric for the manufacture of lining on the collar and vest.
  • A piece of chalk.
  • Metal lightning.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Construction stapler.
  • Tailor's scissors.
  • Tape measure.
  • Curly patterns and a long ruler.

Now it is time to separately disassemble each stage of creating a vest with your own hands, so as not to miss even the most insignificant details.

Choose the right material

As mentioned earlier, it is not necessary to buy expensive genuine leather to sew a vest. You can take advantage of what is at home, for example, to take patches from an old jacket, suede jacket or leather coat. Perhaps you are tired of wearing a too long coat, then you can trim it, and sew something useful from the remaining pieces. As a result, you will have a rather large segment of skin that we will continue to work with.

You can do the same with suede clothing. For fur trim, you can use a collar lying in the closet.


Prepare material for cutting

The preparation will be slightly different, depending on what kind of material you take.


  • To get a completely flat surface for easy cutting, unfold and even out all the seams on the leather flaps.
  • The material itself can be slightly updated with a soap solution. The front side of the skin is simply wiped with it, as a result of which substances that are often used to process natural materials are removed. Then you should rinse your skin with a solution made in the following proportions: one glass of 9% vinegar, one liter of water, 50 grams of salt. After that, the material is lubricated with glycerin to give it elasticity and luster.


  • If you decide to sew a vest from suede with your own hands, then you will have to wash it with washing powder with a few drops ammonia.
  • If there are spots on the fabric, then they can be removed using chloroform or gasoline.
  • It is recommended to clean suede with rubber brushes, school erasers or hard foam.
  • After the preparatory procedures, the material must be “crucified” on a large board using small nails or a construction stapler. Once it is completely dry, you will get a perfectly flat surface, ready for cutting.

Cut suede or leather vest

To cut a vest, of course, you will need a pattern. You can use a ready-made option that fits your size or make it yourself.

Next, we act in this way:

  • Lay out the patterns of your pattern on the material, determine the length of the future vest.

Important! If there is not enough fabric in width or length, that's okay. The missing elements can be collected from lunges and create decorative elements, in particular: trims, coquette, tucks for the belt, inserts on the sides, shoulder straps for shoulder seams.

  • To make the vest more original, use pieces of another fabric or leather.
  • On the same pattern, cut out the lining for the vest from the lining fabric, while not forgetting the seam allowances.

Preparation for the first fitting and its implementation

Assemble the vest from the parts received so that you can try on it. Put it on, once again check the suitability of the selected model, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments. After this, sew all the seams on the sewing machine.

Important! Similar changes must be transferred to the lining.

Then grind the lining itself.

Let's handle the collar

If you want to reduce the existing collar in width, then you can use the remaining patches to extend it. This should be done very carefully, be sure to observe the direction of the pile, given the shades of fur. From the lining fabric, a lining should be cut for the collar. At the edges, it should be few millimeters smaller than the collar itself.

Important! To make it more convenient to work, it is better to make a collar layout using ordinary paper itself.

Connect the lining along the outer seam with the collar, while the inner seam must remain free to carve it at the side and neck. On the machine, grind the collar, turn it on the front side.


We connect a collar with a vest

If you want to sew a vest made of faux suede with your own hands, then you should also take care of preparing the strips for the front, to which then you will need to grind the zipper.

Important! To make the machine’s foot move better on the material, you can slightly lubricate it with sunflower oil or use a Teflon foot.

The collar joins in the following way:

  1. We connect the collar with the vest along the neck and sides to the very bottom. It is very important that the lining clearly hits the connecting seam.
  2. Where the collar is already sewn, sew on the sides of the strap with zippers. As a result - under the line you will get the sides of the vest with straps and a collar.
  3. Further, the lining is connected to the product on the sides, bottom, neck, armholes.
  4. Fasten all seams with a finishing line.
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What and how to wear?

You can wear it both as an independent item of clothing, and on top of sweaters, jackets, jackets. The main thing is that you received an answer to the question of how to sew a leather vest. Moreover, there are no restrictions in terms of color, you can choose a material of any shade:

  • Classic black vests go well with trousers, skirts, jeans.
  • Suede brown vests are perfect for ethnic style and country.
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Stock footage

Your chic vest is ready! It doesn’t matter how long you get it, because products made from natural materials themselves look great.


