How to wash fuel oil from clothes at home?

Surely, every woman faced such a situation that her husband returned from the garage, and all his clothes were contaminated with fuel oil. She immediately had a question in her head about how to remove fuel oil from clothes at home, without resorting to the use of household chemicals. We will help you with the solution of this not so simple task.

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How to clean outerwear from fuel oil?

Quite often, fuel oil contaminates outer clothing. With your own hands, you can cope with such spots with such options:

  • delicate folk remedies - for example, tar soap;
  • applying a professional tool - car shampoo.

The method of application is very simple:

  1. Soak in a washing solution of shampoo, tar soap, or carefully rub the contaminated area of ​​the fabric with your available means to remove the fuel oil from clothes at home.
  2. After - wash the product as usual and dry it in the usual way.


Important! The only and main rule: if thin demi-season jackets can be soaked, then this procedure is not recommended with winter down jackets. Only surface treatment of fabrics is allowed, followed by washing in a washing machine in a way that is suitable for washing winter down jackets. Otherwise, the thing will be unconditionally corrupted.

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Remove light oil stains

It so happens that the pollution on things is very weak. It can be seen with the naked eye, but it does not penetrate deep into the tissue. In such a situation, it is much easier and easier to withdraw it:

  1. Fresh oil pollution soak it in “Vanish” for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. Wash thoroughly after a period of time to rinse out all chemical residues.

Important! In the event that the pollution did not have time to eat heavily, this tool helps.

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Four ways to remove fuel oil from clothing at home

If you do not know how long a stain has appeared on your item, use alternately different methods of how to remove fuel oil from clothes at home. Each of them is effective in its own way and at one of the stages you will get the expected result.

Important! Do not use all of the following products at the same time or one at a time. If it was not possible to wash the fuel oil the first time, wait a while, or even better, try again the next day.

Removing oil stains with dishwashing detergent

Dishwashing detergents are universal. The effectiveness of such a concentrate directly depends on the integrity of the manufacturer.

Important! Such compositions as “Fairy”, “AmWay”, “Faberlic” have proven themselves best, but the one that you are used to using all the time if you personally think it is successful will do the trick.

Cleaning Method:

  1. Apply a small amount of cleaning fluid to the oil stain.
  2. Rub well and soak in hot water for half an hour.
  3. Use a brush or by hand, rub the area that is dirty.
  4. Leave on for another 10 minutes to absorb the liquid better.
  5. Then rinse and wash the item in the washing machine in the way that is familiar to you.

Important! If the stained place has already dried up before you clean it, you can treat it with butter - this will soften the machine mixture and make it easier to wash fuel oil from clothes. Detergents for dishes are applicable to virtually all things, regardless of color, density, or fabric composition.

Cleaning fuel oil stains with diesel fuel or gasoline

Before you start cleaning a thing, take any fuel you find - diesel fuel, gasoline, turpentine.

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with it.
  2. Carefully and gently try to remove the stain.
  3. In the event that the item stains heavily, soak it whole in gasoline or in diesel fuel for 2 hours.
  4. Wash the item manually, and then - in the washing machine.


Important! During cleaning with such substances it is necessary to be extremely careful, as some fabrics do not tolerate contact with these agents very well. If you are inattentive, you can permanently ruin your product. After cleaning, as well as washing, the thing must be hung to dry in the fresh air. This will contribute to the final weathering of the unpleasant odor of specific substances.

Cleaning fuel oil with aromatic oils:

  1. Moisten 2 cotton pads in aromatic oil. Anyone will do.
  2. Put one of them under the stain, and the second wetted disk on the stain itself.
  3. Wipe the fabric thoroughly and gently in an area that is dirty.

Important! As oil, eucalyptus or pine oil is best. In this way, it is good to clean the fabric from natural and artificial material. But for greater effect, the procedure must be repeated several times. A clear advantage of such cleaning is the absence of an unpleasant odor that can remain if turpentine or gasoline is used.

Removing stains with blotting paper and iron

Another way that you can remove the stain from fuel oil from clothing is to warm it up. To remove fuel oil stains in this way, you will need blotting paper and an iron or hairdryer:

  1. Put this paper on both sides of the dirt.
  2. Heat the iron and iron the stain or direct a stream of hot air from a hair dryer to contaminate it.
  3. Depending on the size of the stain, replace the paper with blank paper as necessary.

Important! The car mixture will begin to soak into the blotting paper and eventually completely come off the fabric. There is a high probability that, upon completion of ironing, a stain will remain on the surface of the fabric. But it can be removed using eucalyptus oil or any detergent.

We remove fuel oil with ammonia, white clay and starch:

  1. Take in equal proportions clay, ammonia and starch. Determine the required amount based on the size of the contamination.
  2. Mix it all in a container of the right size.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain.
  4. Leave it until it is completely dry.
  5. Using a brush, remove the mixture and with it a stain of fuel oil from the clothes.
  6. Wash the item thoroughly.
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Useful Tips:

  • To prevent the stain from being printed on the opposite side of your clothes, place a clean rag folded several times under it.
  • After removing contamination, contours may remain on the surface of the fabric. To prevent this from happening, during cleaning with any tool, treat not only the pollution itself, but also the area of ​​the fabric around this stain. Then even a floating spot will not leave the slightest trace of being on your clothes.
  • Any stain remover is a chemical agent. That is why during the use of such funds it is necessary to observe the safety precautions for use: rubber gloves, respiratory protection with a mask. Make sure that the product can not get into the eyes, as well as on the skin. At the end of the spot treatment, the room in which you performed this same treatment, it is necessary to ventilate for at least 20 minutes.
  • In no case should solvents or any other chemistry be used at sources of fire, especially open ones. No stains in the kitchen near the gas stove.
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Now you are armed with several methods by which you can easily wash fuel oil from clothes.Do this gradually and carefully, focusing on the fact that such a machine mixture is quite difficult to clean.


