How to wipe an apple from children's clothes?

Apples - this is where the new life of your baby begins, which is just beginning to try something other than mother's milk or baby formula. And, of course, he is no different in accuracy, like all babies, and often just dumps most of the apples from his mouth onto his clothes. How to wipe an apple from children's clothes is a difficult question, because this fruit, as is clear from the experience of many mothers, is difficult to wash, and reluctant to use powerful means so as not to damage the baby’s skin. What to do?
to contents ↑Preventative measures
As many businessmen say, to foresee means to manage. This law also works in our case. Therefore, when you intend to give your child an apple or freshly squeezed apple juice, just put on it what it can stain. And then the question of how to remove the apple stain from the clothes will not arise at all and you simply will not have problems with such stains.
to contents ↑Important! It is also advisable to ensure that the child, enthusiastically eating an apple, does not sit on something that you would not want to get dirty - old sheets, towels and so on - that’s what you can worry about on the spots.
Fresh spots
When all the same it was not possible to keep the clothes and stains appeared on it, you will have to use one of the methods by which you can wipe the apple from children's clothes if pollution has just formed. The main thing is to react quickly and act immediately.
Important! See what kind of textile clothes. If, for example, from silk or other delicate fabric, it is necessary to use only mild cleaners - products that do not contain strong chemical elements, and acid is strictly forbidden. Dermatine items (what if an apple hit mom on a jacket), wash only with oxygen stain removers and in no case use alcohol or a solution of alcohol to clean them.
Baby powder
This is one of the safest ways to get rid of a fresh apple trail. How to remove apple juice from a child’s clothes in this way? - Follow these instructions:
- Soak the dirt in warm water.
- Sprinkle baby powder on them.
- Set aside for two hours.
- Stretch the item in the same powder.
Important! Even if you are confident in the safety and effectiveness of your laundry detergent, you may be interested in reading our separate article on baby washing powders.
Laundry soap
This method has always worked. Our great-grandmothers used soap for everything and as a result, they didn’t go in the dirty. So for the "apple trail" it will also fit. Rather, for their absence.
Important! What is the secret to the effectiveness of this tool, why it is still so popular, read in our article “What is laundry soap made of?”.
Method 1:
- Soap the stain.
- Leave for two hours.
- Wash the entire product with the same soap.
Method 2:
- Dissolve a quarter bar of soap in a liter of warm milk.
- Pour a little solution into the problem area.
- Wait an hour.
- Wash the item in the same warm solution.
If you do not like the intervention of any substances at all, then the just put stain can be removed if you simply pour boiling water over it until it disappears. The method works, but not always.
Important! Surely you will come in handy other tips that are outlined in the following articles:
Kitchen salt
This method is suitable for very, very fresh pollution. If you managed to quickly respond and you have a product with the freshest spot in your hands, take the salt and continue:
- Put it on the stain.
- Wait no more than ten minutes.
- Wash everything and wash the item.
Where without it, just a universal stain remover. To remove an apple stain from clothing with acetic acid, when recent, one great way will help. For it, you will need to dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of warm water, and then do the following:
- Stretch the item with a stain over a bowl or pan.
- Pour spots with stains on your solution.
- Pour until the apple trail disappears.
Old spots
Very often, children's things are transmitted “by inheritance”, from an already grown child to a very small one. Parents often thus save on the purchase of far from cheap children's clothing. But along with the clothes, we often get in the appendage and old specks of fruit, most often - it is from apples. To remove an apple from children's clothes when it has been living there for a long time, several methods will help.
Citric Acid Powder:
- Put the product in a bowl or bowl.
- Pour acid powder over an area with contamination until a small slide is obtained.
- Pour boiling water over this place until a small puddle forms over the spot.
- Leave it all for ten minutes.
- Wash.
Vodka and glycerin
The excellent use of vodka in the household is precisely stain removal. To make the place with apple juice on things perfectly clean, you need:
- Thoroughly mix glycerin and vodka in equal parts.
- Wet a soft cloth with a solution and treat the stain.
- Wait eight to ten minutes.
- Wash the product with powder.
Proceed in the same way as in the previous method. Mix ammonia with water one to one, clean children's clothes as described above in the method with vodka and glycerin.
to contents ↑Important! If your spot has not “moved away” at a time, this does not mean anything. Make a few more attempts and try other options, the benefit of several. But not all at once, but wait a little time so as not to spoil the clothes of your miracle.
What gives us our time?
In the age of industrial and technological progress, folk methods often recede into the background or even third plan. Indeed - modern manufacturers are on the alert and now there are many stain removers and detergent amplifiers on the market. They are designed specifically to get rid of difficult spots.
Of course, chemistry also does not guarantee an ideal result, but the percentage of effective manipulations with spots is quite high. You simply follow the instructions on the packaging and your baby’s clothes are clean again.
to contents ↑Important! Do not abuse bleach with chlorine, as you can prematurely ruin the structure of the fabric and the thing will quickly become worthless.
Stock footage
Now you are unlikely to be frightened by apple stains on your baby’s clothes, because you know several ways to wash them. Try to act as soon as possible and then you do not have to put a lot of effort to eliminate the consequences of the delicacies of your beloved child.
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