How to wash strawberries from clothes 🥝

Every year, we look forward to the summer, to relax enough and accumulate a supply of vitamins. But the absorption of kilograms of berries and fruits brings us not only pleasure, but also little troubles: how to remove strawberries from clothes, how to remove numerous stains from cherries, blueberries, mulberries? Is it really necessary to throw out almost new shorts, and with a t-shirt to wash the floor in the country?
Many tried to just wash the stain with soap, but alas - traces of berries remain, although they brighten. Numerous repeated washings do not help either. Of course, children's things suffer the most. But adults are not always able to protect their clothes from the effects of absorption of summer gifts. No need to give up and throw things away. We have collected for you all the effective methods of dealing with stains from berries, tested by time and experience.
to contents ↑General recommendations
To effectively remove stains from strawberries from clothes and not damage the fabric, you must follow simple rules:
- Do not put back stains from strawberries and other berries “for later”. The sooner you take action, the more likely it is to save the thing.
- Do not cover the stain with the first soap you get, otherwise the natural dye from the berries will leak even deeper into the fabric. As a result, it will be much more difficult to withdraw it.
- Before removing strawberry stains from clothing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the fabric, the washing recommendations on the clothing label. Different types of fabric need their own approach.
- Treat stains only from the inside out, placing a piece of clean cotton cloth (preferably white) or a paper towel under it.
- When processing stains, try not to rub it intensively. Movements should be directed from the edge to the center of the pollution, so that the borders of the spot do not spread even more. Blot excess moisture with a tissue.
- Try the product of your choice first on an inconspicuous patch of clothing, such as the inner seam. This is especially true for the use of concentrated solutions.
There are many proven methods in order to remove stains from strawberries and other berries, but they need to be applied based on the type and color of the fabric.
to contents ↑How to remove a strawberry stain from a white cloth?
When working with products of such a delicate color, great care is necessary. Often getting rid of one spot becomes the reason for the appearance of a completely different one. To clean white clothes, choose one of the following effective ways to peel strawberries.
Soaking in milk
Milk copes well with any pollution of plant origin:
- The thing must be soaked in milk for 30 minutes.
- After the soaking procedure, rinse, wash the product in normal mode.
Important! Some housewives use sour milk or kefir. The algorithm of action is the same as with ordinary milk.
Hydrogen peroxide
Don't know how to wash strawberries from white clothes? Open the medicine box. Almost everyone has peroxide in the medicine cabinet, and she copes well not only with the disinfection of superficial wounds, but also with spots on white clothing.
Important! The hydrogen peroxide method is only suitable for white fabrics made of cotton and linen.
Cleaning Steps:
- In 100 ml of water, add 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
- With a cotton swab or soft sponge, apply this solution to a stain of berries or fruits.
- Wait 5 minutes.
Important! Peroxide acts quickly enough.Therefore, do not let the spot out of sight.
- Once the stain has disappeared, immediately wash off the drug.
Important! If after 5 minutes the stain is still noticeable - do not wait longer. Rinse off the liquid, then try another agent from our list.
- Wash a thing as usual. When washing, you can add bleach.
Important! If the weather permits, then dry the product in the sun. This will enhance the whitening effect.
White vinegar + soda
This method is a very affordable and easy folk way to remove a stain from strawberries and other berry delicacies from clothes. Almost every woman in the kitchen has the products needed for cleaning.
Mode of application:
- Rinse the contaminated area with cold running water, blot excess moisture with a towel.
- Add in 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and so much soda to make slurry.
- Use a soft sponge to apply the mixture to the stain, moving from the edge of the dirt to its center. Wait 30 minutes.
- After time, rinse the stain with cool water.
- Wash clothes in a delicate mode and preferably dry in the sun.
Important! This method is suitable for almost all white fabrics, but if it is too delicate, first try the composition in an inconspicuous place.
Boiling water
A fairly simple and effective method that does not require additional components. He helps out when the question of how to remove a stain from a strawberry baffles us:
- Prepare a large pot or bowl over which you will pour boiling water.
- Boil water in a kettle.
- Stretch the item over the container and pour boiling water over the stain.
Important! Boiling water should be cool. Slightly cooled water may not bring the desired result.
- Wash clothes in a gentle manner.
Experience shows that this method is effective only for fresh spots. If you stained clothes with berries more than two days ago, then boiling water may not work at 100%.
Important! Do not pour boiling water on silk or similar delicate fabrics. Their structure may deteriorate from exposure to high temperature water.
If the stubbornly stains do not want to leave your clothes, then try the old “grandmother's” method - boiling:
- Take a container of suitable size and boil so much water that the item is completely immersed in it.
- Add a few tablespoons of peroxide or bleach to the water.
- Boil the thing for 10-15 minutes.
- Take out the product and rinse.
Important! Boiling is not suitable for delicate fabrics and those that fade or are decorated with stickers, rhinestones, and beads.
Household chemicals
Our supermarkets are full of household chemicals, which should, according to the commercial, as if by magic to rid our clothes of any stains. In reality, there are really good stain removers, but as a rule, they do just fine with fresh spots. If time has passed and the natural dye has ingrained into the fabric, a miracle will not happen. The spot will certainly brighten, but yellow or purple traces will remain.
The stubble remover “Eared Nannies”, “BOS Plus”, “Persol”, “Vanish” for white, “ACE” has a good effect. Many housewives recommend using Faberlic Extra OXY stain remover or Amway anti-stain spray.
Chlorine-based products such as Whiteness and, oddly enough, Domestos for cleaning toilets will cope with stains very quickly.
When processing with such means, it is worthwhile to just apply it on a stain with a cotton swab. It will go in seconds. But similar chemistry is suitable only for cleaning cotton white fabrics.
How to wash strawberries from colored clothes?
Both for cleaning white fabrics and for colored ones, the most important recommendation is not to delay the removal of stains from berries. Natural dyes are eaten quickly and for a long time. In cases where it is necessary to wash strawberries from clothes of various colors, the following remedies will come to the rescue.
Glycerin and raw yolk
If you are concerned about how to remove stains from strawberries and other types of berries from colored and woolen things, then you will find the answer in the following way:
- Mix 1 raw chicken yolk and 1 teaspoon of glycerin (sold in all pharmacies).
- Apply the mixture to the stain with a cotton swab or soft sponge.
Important! Try not to go beyond the limits of contamination during processing.
- Wait 20-30 minutes and rinse the product with running water.
- Wash a thing as usual. Water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
Important! Glycerin also helps in the care of leather products. Some housewives recommend heating the glycerin to 35-40 degrees for a greater effect.
This product is suitable for removing stains from natural dyes from colored and delicate fabrics:
- Turn the contaminated thing inside out and straighten.
- Place a paper towel or white cloth under the stain.
- Make slurry from a small amount of water and sodium chloride.
- Apply the prepared mixture to the stain with a soft sponge in the direction from the edges to the center so that the stain does not creep further.
- Wait 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse the mixture with running water and wash the product in a delicate manner.
Important! A mixture of salt, soda and water helps get rid of yellow spots of sweat in the armpits.
Boiling water
If you need to get rid of a fresh stain of berries on colored natural fabrics, then boiling water will perfectly cope with this problem.
Important! Before using boiling water to clean the stain, make sure that the fabric does not fade and the clothing manufacturer on the label does not prohibit high temperatures during washing. Do not experiment with silk and delicate fabrics so as not to damage their structure.
The stages of cleaning with this method are all the same actions that are applied when processing products made of white fabric with boiling water.
Lemon acid
Citric acid can even cope with old stains from fruits and berries. And if they are fresh, then a good result is ensured:
- Mix 1 teaspoon of citric acid or fresh lemon juice with 1 cup of water.
- Apply the solution to the stain and wait 30 minutes.
- Rinse the product under running water and wash the product as usual.
Important! If there are many spots, then make a larger solution, observing the proportions, and soak the whole thing in it.
Vinegar and lemon juice
One of the effective folk methods, which will help to remove the strawberry stain from the colored fabric without problems, is a solution of vinegar and lemon juice:
- Mix white table vinegar and lemon juice in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Gently apply this composition with a cotton swab or the edge of a soft sponge to the stain.
- Wait a few minutes, then rinse the solution with clean water.
- Wash a thing in the usual way.
Vinegar and Soda:
- Rinse the contaminated area with cool water and remove excess moisture with a clean cloth.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with soda to make slurry.
- Apply the mixture with a soft sponge to the stain and wait 30 minutes.
- Wash off the product with water and wash the item in a delicate manner.
Important! Before treating the stain with the following method, be sure to first try the effect of the composition on an inconspicuous area of tissue.
Ammonia, vinegar and dishwashing gel
The following product, which consists of seemingly incompatible components, can also help remove stains from strawberries:
- Pour 3 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and half a teaspoon of transparent dishwashing gel into 1 liter of water.
- Mix all the ingredients.
- Apply the prepared solution to the stain and wait a few minutes.
- Rinse the treated area and wash the product as usual.
Household chemicals
Many types of means for controlling pollution on clothes were invented to help housewives. If you do not want to "play" with folk methods and go to the store for a stain remover, then be sure to read the instructions before buying. They are not suitable for all types of fabrics.
Do not use stain removers that contain chlorine or bleach. Choose those designed for colored fabrics. It can be “Vanish” for colored laundry, “Anti-stain”, “Sarma Active 5 in 1” stain remover, “Frau Schmidt”, Faberlic anti-stain pencil and others. Each hostess in their experience is convinced which of them is the most effective.
to contents ↑Stock footage
This article presents the most effective means to combat stains from strawberries, cherries, mulberries and other berries and fruits. They will help return your clothes to their original appearance. Most importantly, do not drag out stains and compare your actions with labels on products.
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