How to remove cola 🥝 from clothes

All Coca-Cola fans know what marks she leaves on clothes if she accidentally spills this drink. At first glance, there are no options on how to remove the Coke - all that remains is to get rid of the spoiled thing. Do not rush to do this. In this article, you will learn how to remove a Coca-Cola stain quickly, efficiently, without ruining the fabric of your clothes.

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How to remove Coca-Cola stains from clothes?

How to remove cola?There are many effective means to remove this type of pollution. It can be both household chemicals, and folk, proven. Depending on which preference you have, and which are at your fingertips, you may need these useful tools:

To effectively clean the product from traces of the drink, you will need these additional tools:

  • soft brush for clothes;
  • containers for mixing solutions;
  • sponge;
  • clean cloth.

Armed with everything you need, get down to business.

Important! You can wash Coca-Cola on clothes with washing powder or laundry soap if you apply them in the usual way immediately after the item has been stained.

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How to remove a stain from Coca-Cola?

If you did not succeed, for one reason or another, to take action immediately, and the drink was absorbed into the fabric, do not despair. Follow our tips and your things will return to their former purity.

Tip 1

Modern stain removers are designed to remove serious dirt from the fabric. If you use these and you have such an effective tool available, proceed as follows:

  1. Fill the trace of the drink with the product.
  2. Leave on for 2-3 hours.
  3. Wash in a washing machine, with the addition of the same stain remover.

Tip 2

To solve the problem of how to remove cola, use borax and citric acid. Apply them as follows:

  1. Soak a piece of clean cloth in a 10% borax solution.
  2. Treat contaminated area.
  3. Prepare a citric acid solution.
  4. Treat it with a stain.
  5. Leave on for a few minutes.
  6. Wash in cold water.

Important! After all the manipulations when removing the stain, experts recommend rinsing clothes or things in salted or acidified water with vinegar. This will help return or maintain the color of the product.

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We clean clothes from cola by other means

How to remove cola?In addition to the suggested tips, there are a number of ways to remove Coca-Cola. Each is effective in its own way, so choose the method that suits you based on what exactly is at hand and how extensive the pollution is on your product.

Method 1

Glycerin and ammonia, if you combine these components, well cleanse the fabric from any dirt. Apply them like this:

  1. Mix the ingredients in the following proportions: 2 tsp. glycerol on ¼ tsp ammonia.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab with the mixture.
  3. Handle contamination carefully.
  4. Wash a thing in a way convenient for you - manually or in a washing machine.

Method 2

Using oxalic acid, a large amount of contaminants is removed, including from Coca-Cola. Instructions for using this tool are as follows:

  1. Mix citric and oxalic acids in a 2: 1 ratio.
  2. Pour a glass of water and wait for the grains to dissolve.
  3. Take a sheet of paper and place it under the stain.
  4. Dampen a clean sponge with a solution and rub the trace of the drink.
  5. Wash in warm water.

Important! Before using any product, first test it on an inconspicuous part of the product. This simple maneuver will protect your item from possible damage.

Method 3

Glycerin and egg yolk will help neutralize unwanted marks on clothes of almost any type. If you have such ingredients and don’t need to put on the item urgently, proceed as follows:

  1. Mix raw yolk with glycerin.
  2. Apply the mixture to the desired area.
  3. Leave on for 5-6 hours.
  4. Wash with powder or laundry soap.

Important! Cola can not only give pleasure when used for its intended purpose and problems with dirty things. Practical housewives have long tried it out of the ordinary to use it in everyday life and appreciated the results. We suggest you read about:

Method 4

Another effective method to remove cola is to use bleach or “White” and soda. This option is suitable only for white things, and be sure to consider that these substances are aggressive, so you need to act very carefully:

  1. Wet the product.
  2. Pour soda onto the stain.
  3. Fill with “White” and grind.
  4. After 10-20 minutes, wash and rinse.

Important! Do not pour too much whiteness, as too much can leave yellow spots on white clothing. You can replace “White” with “Domestos”, but be sure to wear protective gloves on your hands when using both of these products.

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These simple and improvised tools will help return your things to their original purity. With the knowledge we have provided you are no longer afraid of traces of Coca-Cola. Drink it for fun!

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