How to wash hair dye from clothes at home?

Absolutely all women on our earth faced such an unpleasant situation, when dyeing hair with special hair dye, the solution fell on clothes. Regardless of whether this clothing is colored or white, it is not so easy to remove paint from it. Therefore, how to remove hair dye from clothes at home, you just need to know. And in this article we will tell you about this.

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We wash the hair dye from the surface of colored clothing

How to remove hair dye from clothes and not harm her? To do this, you need to follow the simplest rules:

  1. Test used products on invisible areas of clothing.
  2. Do not use overly aggressive formulations.
  3. Check fabric type and read carefully badges for clothes.

Important! It should also be borne in mind that white and colored tissues react differently to the drugs used.

To begin, we will tell you about removing paint from the surface of colored clothing.

We remove paint from colored fabric

If the stain is fresh, quickly pull off the soiled thing and rinse it with plenty of cool water. The paint at this stage does not have time to thoroughly absorb and gain a foothold inside the fibers of the fabric, which is why it is washed quite simply.

After washing with water, start washing. Here you can use any suitable tool, for example:

  1. Familiar to you or selected from our ranking washing powder.
  2. Allowed to use ordinary 72% laundry soap - It quite successfully launders a large number of spots on any kind of tissue.
  3. In the fight against fresh spots can help and hairspray, which must be applied directly to the pollution. After this, rub the stain a little - do it so that the varnish penetrates the fibers of the fabric. Next - wash the soiled thing along with washing powder or laundry soap.

We remove paint from a white cloth

As for white clothes, then with it you can use powerful substances:

  • Strong bleach, as well as a special soap, which is called “Antipyatin”. Following the instructions that comes with these tools, you can quickly wipe the hair dye from clothes at home.
  • A complex approach. In the event that the fabric is sufficiently resistant, you can use the bleaching procedure using several products at the same time. First, rub the stain with glycerin, which you can buy at the nearest pharmacy, rinse with water, drip a few drops of salt water and vinegar, wait for several minutes - the stain must disappear.
  • Ammonia. An additional measure of influence will be the use of 10% ammonia solution - another name is ammonia. It is also applied directly to paint stains. The final step, wash the white thing in an automatic washing machine using ordinary washing powder.
  • Professional cleaning. In the event that your white item is made of a delicate type of fabric, contact a dry cleaner for help.Only in this way can you remove stains and keep your clothes in good condition.
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The stain remaining from the paint has already dried up - what should I do?

If you could not immediately remove the hair dye from the clothes, then you will have to work on the thing with more aggressive substances and drugs.

Option 1

To get started, arm yourself with ordinary hydrogen peroxide - you can buy it at the nearest pharmacy, its cost is small.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide quite successfully removes other persistent contaminants - from fat, sweat, deodorant, brilliant green, berries and herbs.

It is used in this situation in this way:

  1. Abundantly fill the spot with hydrogen peroxide and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  2. After soaking, send your laundry.

Important! Before using hydrogen peroxide, test it on a section of tissue inaccessible to the eye to make sure that there is no undesirable reaction of the paint to its effect.

Option 2

In addition to hydrogen peroxide, you can use ordinary table 9% vinegar. But in no case is 70% acetic acid - it is too aggressive for tissues, even dense.

To remove hair dye from white clothes at home with this universal remedy, proceed as follows:

  1. Pour vinegar stain.
  2. Leave on for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse and send to the washing machine or wash it manually using laundry soap.

Important! The same method is well suited for liquidation. grass stains with jeans and other clothes.

Option 3

In the event that none of the above could help you, we introduce heavy artillery into the battle - solvent, acetone, gasoline, kerosene or ordinary liquid for removing nail polish.

Important! Recall that gasoline is well suited for removing varnish from clothing.

Before starting processing, check the fabric for resistance to all of the above substances. If the fabric has remained intact, feel free to start processing the stain - soak a cotton swab with solvent and carefully treat the soiled areas of clothing. After completing the procedure, wash this thing in the usual way for you.

Important! In some cases, some delicate fabrics must not be subjected to various influences - they must be sent to dry cleaners, where they will be cleaned using special chemicals.

Remove hair dye from the surface of a cotton cloth

Usually, when dyeing hair, wear comfortable and practical cotton clothing, which is also the easiest to remove various stains. To wash hair dye with such clothes will help 10% ammonia solution:

  1. Put the soiled thing in a container of water.
  2. Add ammonia to this container - a few drops of 2-3 liters.
  3. Leave on for a few minutes. This procedure is best performed on the street or on the balcony, as the smell, to put it mildly, is very specific.
  4. After this procedure, wash the laundry using any detergent.

Important! Use ammonia as carefully as possible so as not to harm your health.

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Emergency measures during the removal of incredibly persistent paints

As a part of absolutely all paints there is a pigment dye. It is not so easy to remove from both clothes and hair. It is due to such a substance that your curls remain longer beautiful and well-groomed. If the presented methods turned out to be powerless for the “tagged” thing, you can use much more effective, but also more dangerous substances that will save your clothes at home.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia:

  1. According to 1 tbsp. l pour ammonia and hydrogen peroxide into a glass of water.
  2. Heat the water to a temperature of 60 degrees.
  3. In the solution that you have, moisten a cotton pad, and then attach it to the stain.
  4. The liquid must be completely absorbed into the tissue.
  5. After that, rinse your item in cold water, send it to the wash.


  1. Pour 2 tbsp. In a container of warm water (about 1-2 l). l pharmacy ammonia.
  2. Then soak your soiled thing in the prepared solution.
  3. This procedure differs from all other procedures in its sharp unpleasant odor, which will be difficult to remove from clothing.
  4. After this procedure, rinse the item repeatedly in cool water, and then send it to the wash using a large amount good fabric softener.
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We hope that the above methods will come to your aid in critical situations. If you know a lot of the right tips and how to choose the right substance, you can wash off the paint from any clothes without any effort. The main thing - do not pull with this: the faster you start removing the stain, the greater the chance of cleaning your clothes.

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