How to wash blood

Each person sometimes has adventures related specifically to blood - they had a fight, cut themselves while cooking, or even a regular paper sheet. And from these situations, stains remain on clothes or furniture from which it is almost impossible to remove blood, because they are considered the most difficult to remove. In fact, if you act quickly and apply suitable means for this purpose, then even the most old stain can be removed. What exactly to withdraw blood, you will learn from this article.

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Wash a fresh blood stain

To remove blood from clothes, if the trace is still fresh, you can very quickly. To do this, follow this instruction:

  1. Pour a little powder into cold water.
  2. Dissolve well.
  3. Put your clothes in there.
  4. Rub it.
  5. Pour stain remover.
  6. Put in the washing machine.
  7. Take out and dry.

Important! Do not attempt to wash in hot water. Blood coagulates and it will be very difficult to remove it from clothes. Also, when washing in a washing machine, do not set the temperature above 40 degrees. Otherwise, you have to throw away your product and go for a new thing.

And when choosing a stain remover, pay attention to what clothes it is intended for - consider the type of material, its color. Here we offer you to focus on our ratings and reviews of funds for this purpose:

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How to remove blood from white linen?

Wiping off blood from white clothing is the most difficult task. Sometimes, far from all chemical bleaches can handle it. In order to nevertheless remove blood without a trace, proceed as follows:

  1. Wet white clothes in such a solution: mix hydrochloric acid with ammonia.
  2. Drain the product.
  3. Wet a piece of clothing with scarlet footprints in cold water with ammonia.
  4. Leave the item for 2 hours.
  5. Wash with powder.

Important! By the way, if you still have not had to use such a tool, then find out more about ammonia and its use in everyday life, because it is very effective and suitable for solving various problems:

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Removing old stains from the mattress

Girls and women have a delicate problem and these are critical days. These days, a woman can leave bloody marks on the bed, and they can even go to the mattress. From the bed, stains can be removed by the above means, but the mattress is a problem. It is impossible to put it in the washing machine or manually wash it. How to remove the mattress from the blood so that it is perfectly clean?

Method 1

How to wash bloodIn order to cope with such a nuisance, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cold water;
  • Salt;
  • Corn starch;
  • Peroxide;
  • Clean soft cloth;
  • Plastic spoon;
  • A vacuum cleaner.

Important! All funds that are applied to the mattress, do not leave for a long time. They will ruin the look.

Do all the work according to the following instructions:

  1. Make a paste: take 0.5 teaspoon of corn starch, 1 tablespoon of table salt, a quarter cup of peroxide. The tool should resemble a toothpaste.

Important! If no peroxide is available, use plain water and let the salt remove the trace.

  1. Use a spoon and apply the product on a trace of blood.
  2. Leave it to dry completely.
  3. Scrap the rest of the paste.
  4. Vacuum.
  5. If there is a dirty spot left - repeat all over again.

Method 2

Sometimes there are complex spots and in order to remove them, you need a different method. To use it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cold water;
  • Salt;
  • Peroxide;
  • Ammonia;
  • Clean soft cloth;
  • Cotton swabs;
  • Plastic spoon;
  • A vacuum cleaner.

Instructions for use will be as follows:

  1. Moisten the problem area with cold water.
  2. Sprinkle with salt.
  3. Leave on for several hours - until completely dry.
  4. Clean up the leftovers.
  5. Blot the stain itself with a peroxide swab - for a good reaction, the peroxide should foam.
  6. Wait until the product stops foaming - only after that wipe the soiled area.
  7. Look at the result - if necessary, repeat all over again.

Important! If it still remains, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia to the water and:

  • Put on a trace of blood.
  • Blot to remove fluid.
  • As soon as it starts to disappear, take a washing vacuum cleaner and remove peroxide and ammonia from the mattress as soon as possible, they spoil the inner layers.
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Useful Tips:

  1. Soda is also used to clean blood stains - just mix it with a little water to make a liquid paste, apply to a problem place on clothes or bedding and wait until everything dries.
  2. Do not use warm water, it leads to stains.
  3. Warm glycerin will also be a good way. It is used this way: heat a bottle of glycerin, apply liquid to a tampon, wipe the stain and do not forget to wash the thing.
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In order not to cause a stained clothing or bed, do not delay the removal of blood “for later”. Use tips and let even the most persistent pollution do not scare you.

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