How to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil?

Absolutely every kitchen has towels, which are used, as a rule, to wipe dirty, greasy hands, as a pickup for hot objects and for other purposes. Many housewives, having heard from their friends about the miraculous property of vegetable oil, are wondering how to remove kitchen towels with vegetable oil? In this article we will teach you: how to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil, the tricks of their storage, use and much more.

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All the secrets of washing and removing any stains from the surface of kitchen towels

The kitchen is a magical place in the house. Work is constantly in full swing there, food is being prepared, the housewives are scurrying around, simply put, smoke is a rocker. And by itself it is impossible to imagine a kitchen in which there is no dishes or a towel that is so quickly contaminated, because they are constantly in the process of operation. Stains of fat or coffee, randomly missed strawberries - getting rid of such stains is sometimes an incredibly difficult task. But you really want freshness and purity. We begin to puzzle how to wash kitchen towels, because not to buy new ones every day?

General rules that no hostess can forget:

  1. There is an incredibly large number of types of fabric from which all home textiles are sewn. And not voluntarily, the hand reaches for fluffy, soft and beautiful kitchen towels. But terry towels are not the best option for the kitchen. First of all, because they dry longer, and secondly, a large number of microbes accumulate in them. Therefore, the best choice for use in the kitchen are linen or waffle towels. You can buy these, or you can at our workshops. do-it-yourself towels.
  2. In order for your kitchen towels to serve you much longer, use several towels alternately. At the same time, try to change them as often as possible so that you do not have to worry about how to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil.
  3. You can safely boil white kitchen towels, as well as bleach. In the event that they are not too dirty, you can wash them with the rest of the laundry, which is suitable in color.
  4. Do not wipe the dirty floor with a towel, and also do not grasp at the greasy handles of the stove, lid or pans. In this case, you do not have to wash them daily. Better to spend a bit of your time and make in a style suitable for the design of the kitchen do-it-yourself tack.
  5. After washing, be sure to iron your kitchen towels, then they will be less soiled.
  6. If necessary, you can use disposable napkins or towels that help out a lot while working in the kitchen. And so that you don’t have to climb into a drawer behind them or so that they do not interfere all the time at hand while cooking, find out how to make a paper towel holder.

And now let's talk about how to wash kitchen towels. You must believe that our grandmothers and mothers came up with a lot of ways to effectively eliminate stains or unpleasant odors, they are all different and at the same time easily accessible.How to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil is far from the only unusual and cheap option.

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How to wash a kitchen towel without boiling?

Effective methods that do not require boiling, but requiring soaking the towels before washing.

Soaking with salt:

  1. Type in a container of water - best of all cold, and then lightly salt it. On 5 l of water, put about 5 tbsp. l salt.
  2. Throw your dirty towels in there.
  3. You can leave them in this state for the night, or you can leave them for 1 hour if they are not so dirty.
  4. After that, feel free to wash your towels in the usual way for you.
  5. In the end, they will even be cleaner than after boiling with bleach.

Soaking with dishwashing detergent

  1. Similarly, your kitchen towels are soaked with dishwashing detergent. Take a small amount of ordinary detergent, dilute in water.
  2. Then soak the towels for 10-15 minutes, after which you calmly proceed to ordinary washing with powder.

Important! This method, how to remove kitchen towels from fat without boiling, helps a lot during the removal of fat. But if you are thinking about soaking a white towel, then add a few drops of ammonia to water, then you will not need bleach. By the way, ammonia is the universal remedy for any kind of stains on different clothes. How it can be used - see detailed recipes and methods in our separate article "Removing stains with ammonia".

Soap with laundry soap

Another time-tested method that helps fight against yellowness, greasy stains, and even if you need to figure out how to wash kitchen towels from the smell:

  1. Wet the product.
  2. Lather it thoroughly with laundry soap, which contains at least 72% fatty acids. Why exactly this and in what lies the effectiveness of this familiar and affordable tool, read in our publication “What is laundry soap made of?”.
  3. Place the soaped towels in a plastic bag, then leave for a day. Air must not pass through.
  4. At the end of time, you only need to rinse your towel.

Important! If mold suddenly forms on the surface of the fabric, then wash the products in the usual way, but then rinse with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

Stains can be defeated using vegetable oil

It happens that ordinary washing of your towels is not quite enough, all the stains remain in their places - greasy and dark, still they have not disappeared. And that means it's time to take drastic measures. And here you will be helped by a method in which you need to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil.

Does that sound amazing?


  1. Place a bucket of water on the fire.
  2. As soon as it boils, throw 2 tbsp. l dry bleach, the same amount of vegetable oil and 1 incomplete glass of your washing powder.
  3. Throw dry towels into this mixture, turn off the burner and leave them there until they cool completely.
  4. Then rinse the items in cool water.

Soaking in an explosive mixture

If all else fails, try the following to clean heavily soiled kitchen towels:

  1. In hot water in a volume of about 2-3 liters, add 3 tbsp. l washing powder, soda, vegetable oil, as well as bleach.
  2. Soak your soiled items for 1 night, and wash them in the washing machine the next morning.

Important! In this case, it is best to choose a quick wash.

We use soap and potassium permanganate

If you have a small amount of potassium permanganate available, then with its help you can perfectly bleach kitchen towels without prolonged boiling:

  1. Take an ordinary laundry soap, plan with a knife half of the bar.
  2. Dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water.
  3. Add so much water that the soap has time to soften, plus 10 drops of a solution of potassium permanganate. This solution will be the basis for your whitening.
  4. Pour boiling water over the solution, and then stir.
  5. After that, dip the contaminated textiles into the solution.
  6. Leave the kitchen textile soaked for 1 night, then simply rinse in clean, cool water.

Important! As a result of using this method, you can whiten kitchen towels and disinfect. Potassium permanganate is a fairly strong oxidizing agent. If you have not taken into account the recommendations from the first section of this article, take a note that this method is good to use when washing terry products, because various microbes reproduce in them especially quickly.

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Helpful hints:

  1. Towels that are made of variegated or dark fabric are best for wiping hands while cooking, because fat and other impurities are much less noticeable. And, of course, if possible, try to wash greasy hands, and not just wipe them on your towel. An alternative is paper napkins.
  2. Washing kitchen textiles will not be your headache if there are a lot of them in the kitchen and you will change them often. Ideally, you should have a towel to cover fresh pastries, to wipe your hands after washing dirty dishes, to wipe your hands during the cooking process, to wipe fruits and vegetables, to use as potholders and others.
  3. So that towels with stubborn stains that you use throughout the day do not spoil the look of your kitchen, simply throw them in a beautiful basket - not too high, but not too low. For example, a rattan wicker basket is suitable. Well, you can store clean towels in a conspicuous place.
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In conclusion, I would like to note that even a good housewife has force majeure and may be in the “holy of holies” of the house untidy, forgotten kitchen towel. Do not worry too much about this, because now you know how to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil and other cheap but effective means. So, restoring order in your kitchen is just a matter of short time, and again you will be an absolutely perfect spouse in a cozy house.

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