How to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothes?

Sea buckthorn oil is one of the most useful, and therefore popular folk remedies for the treatment of various ailments. But at the same time, it can leave stubborn greasy stains on the clothes that contain dye. The natural pigment present in sea buckthorn, binding to fat, becomes very persistent, and when absorbed into the tissue, it immediately stains it. These contaminants are not so easy to remove using ordinary washing, so you have to know the secrets of cleaning stains at home. In this article, we will tell you how to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothing, whether it’s fresh or old pollution.

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How to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothes if the stain is fresh?

Try to remove stains from sea buckthorn oil immediately after they appear on clothing. The sooner you do this, the faster you will get rid of it. When the liquid is already well absorbed into the structure of the tissue and dries, it will be much more difficult to cope with such pollution. The experience of many housewives was still found ways to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothes. We offer you the most effective of them.

Salt, Soda or Starch

You can use natural sorbents that will help remove excess fat and subsequently facilitate the washing of the product:

  1. Fresh contamination should be sprinkled with kitchen salt, baking soda or potato starch.
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes to absorb the fat.
  3. If necessary, repeat this procedure several times.
  4. Then pour the dishwashing liquid on the treated area and wait another 30-40 minutes.
  5. After all the measures taken, wash your clothes in the usual way.

Boiling water

Boiling water is able to quickly remove grease from any surface. Therefore, if the type of fabric allows a similar treatment, you can try to remove the stain in this way:

  1. Fresh contamination from spilled oily liquid on clothing must be rinsed with boiling water.
  2. Then the clothes should be washed as soon as possible with ordinary household soap.

Dishwashing liquid

Apply to oily blot dishwashing liquid - This is a very simple and effective method to deal with the orange blot from the sea buckthorn oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour the product on the problem area of ​​clothing and leave for several hours.
  2. After - wash the item in hot water.
  3. Rinse the product.

The pollution will disappear, and the clothes will look like new.

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How to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothes if the stain is old?

Any old spots are always more difficult to remove. So in the case of sea buckthorn liquid, if the fat has already been removed, and the pigment still remains on the fabric. How to remove sea buckthorn oil in this case? Try to do this with one of the following drugs.


Some solvents will help you cope with problematic spots from sea buckthorn fluid that is resistant to aggressive chemicals such as cotton, acetone, white spirit, and refined gasoline.

Important! If you did not find a solvent in the house, you can try removing dirt from the nail polish remover.

Mode of application:

  1. It is necessary to apply solvent to the problem area.
  2. Next - leave for about half an hour.
  3. After - wash the fabric in water with a temperature of about 60 ° C.

Important! Not in all cases can aggressive solvents be used. By removing contamination in this way from delicate fabrics such as silk or velvet, it is likely to damage the material. For such products, you can try acetone-free nail polish remover.

Turpentine and ammonia

Instead of using special tools, you can independently prepare a mixture of ammonia and turpentine, mixing them in equal amounts.

Important! This solution can be easily enough. wipe off sea buckthorn oil from clothing It is from delicate fabrics.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply the prepared solution to a stained area of ​​clothing.
  2. Wait 10-20 minutes.
  3. Then wash the item in the usual way.

Important! If you are not sure about the safety of the selected product, it is better to test this fluid in an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

Sunflower oil, washing powder and bleach

This method was also used by our grandmothers. Sunflower oil dissolves and absorbs orange pigment. We bring to your attention this method, proven over the years, how to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothes, in a modern interpretation:

  1. Prepare a solution by taking 100 g of refined vegetable oil, washing powder and bleach in powder (such as “BOS”, “Persol”, or choose another option that you will use in other cases, from our bleach rating for clothes).
  2. Apply part of the mixture to the problem area and rub a little.
  3. In 10 liters of hot water, add the rest of the slurry.
  4. Soak clothes in this solution for several hours.
  5. After soaking, wash the item in the same water.
  6. Squeeze and wash the product again in the washing machine or manually - as usual.

Important! In this solution, for effective washing, you can soak things with other hard-to-remove impurities, for example:

Potato starch and turpentine

This method is quite effective in the fight against bright greasy spots that sea buckthorn oil leaves on the tissues:

  1. Add turpentine to potato starch to make slurry.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture liberally to the sea buckthorn oil stain and leave for several hours.
  3. Remove the dried crust with purified gasoline.

Important! You can use gasoline for lighters.

  1. If the contamination is still not completely gone, try wiping it with a piece of black stale bread.
  2. Wash a thing in the usual way.

Important! If the pollution was not completely washed off the first time, in no case do not iron the thing, otherwise the stain will be even more difficult to remove.

Hydrogen peroxide

When you are faced with a situation that, despite all the efforts made, there is still a light orange blot on the white clothes, you can simply discolor it with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Moisten a lot of problem area and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. After - rinse the fabric well under running water.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Important! Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide is actually a very aggressive agent. With prolonged interaction, it is able to dissolve even the fibers themselves, and not the dirt on them. Therefore, do not overexpose the product to things, so as not to end up with a hole instead of a spot.

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How to remove sea buckthorn oil? - Special tools

There are also household cleaning products that can perfectly cope with this kind of pollution. Consider the most popular of them, so that you can most conveniently remove the sea-buckthorn oil from your clothes.

Stain removers

For delicate colored and white fabrics, it is better to use special stain removers:

  1. Apply the product selected for the required degree of activity to the contaminated place and leave it for the time specified in the instructions.
  2. For subsequent washing, you need to add a small amount of stain remover to the special compartment of the washing machine.

Important! It is useful to have household chemicals in your home arsenal“Vanish” for white and colored fabrics. Means will come in handy in the fight against various spots. It is enough before putting a thing into the washing machine, apply a few drops of the product to the dirt, rub it and put the laundry product in the drum.


To solve the problem of removing stains from sea buckthorn oil, you can use a soap called “Antipyatin”:

  1. Moisten the problem area with water.
  2. Soap it well and rub lightly.
  3. After a few minutes, rinse the product in warm water.
  4. Repeat this procedure several times.
  5. After - wash the product in the washing machine.

Important! If after washing the orange mark has become paler, but has not completely disappeared, then you can put a contaminated thing in the sun. After a few days, your stain will disappear under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

NixO2 OXi Activ

You can find this tool in the distribution network in the form of a spray in plastic bottles with a spray. It will help you cope with the removal of fresh contamination and will completely do it after double processing.

Important! Apply the spray to the fabric a few minutes before washing.

Amway home SA8

Another very effective remedy in the fight against stains from sea buckthorn oil in the form of a spray. By the way, in the line of this manufacturer there are many other options for removing various contaminants and all of them are famous for their ease of use and effectiveness. Read about all kinds of popular products of this brand in the article. Amway Stain Removers.

Mode of application:

  1. Spray should be sprayed on the problem area of ​​the fabric.
  2. After a while, when only a white mark remains from the stain, wash the clothes as usual.

Important! Oxygen bleaches in the case of pollution from sea buckthorn oil are ineffective. They can only be used as an aid. Such products can only lighten the stain, but do not completely wipe it off.

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Now you know how to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothes at home. If you still cannot solve the problem yourself, or you are afraid to spoil an even more expensive product using alternative methods, you can always use dry cleaning services.

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