How to remove rust from white clothes at home?

Probably, there will not be such a person who would not encounter the problem of an unpleasant rusty spot on the surface of his beloved white T-shirt or shirt. A poor-quality metal button or decor elements on this or another thing after numerous washings gave such an unexpected effect and the problem was identified. In order not to panic when this happens, it is important to know how to remove rust from white clothing at home. In this article, we will teach you this.

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Removing rust from the surface of white clothing

Corrosion is far from the most pleasant phenomenon on pipes, sinks, bathtubs. And if traces of it appeared on the fabric - the problem becomes more delicate, because materials for sewing clothes are not as durable as for the manufacture of plumbing parts. Nevertheless, the whole situation is not so critical - there are several effective tools that will help you remove rust from white clothes at home the first time.

Important! If a similar problem arises constantly, then it makes sense to prevent damage to clothing. Learn all about water filters in the apartment.

Household chemicals from rust

In case the fabric is sufficiently dense, take a small amount of an agent, for example, “Cillit” from plaque and rust, apply it for 3-4 minutes on a stain, and after the specified time has passed, wash the item and rinse.

Tartaric acid + salt

For the following method, you will need tartaric acid:

  1. Take a small amount of acid, add to it the same amount of sodium chloride and a little ordinary water.
  2. As a result, you should get a slurry, which you should smear with a stain.
  3. Next, take the thing to where it will be in direct sunlight.
  4. After a couple of hours, wash the product, considering rules for washing different fabrics.

Hydrochloric acid

Also perfectly cleans rust from the surface of clothing, which is made from natural fabrics, hydrochloric acid.

Important! If you decide to use such a tool to solve the problem, than to remove rust from white clothes, be extremely careful and attentive. This is an aggressive chemical that can corrode the skin and damage the cells of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes.

Mode of application:

  1. Place the stained area of ​​clothing in a 2% solution of this acid.
  2. When the contamination dissolves, wash the item in the usual way for you, then rinse.
  3. In rinse water, add ammonia - 3 tbsp. l on 1 liter of water.


In the event that you have a hydrosulfite substance at home, you can use it to eliminate rust spots:

  1. In 1 cup with water, add 1 tsp. this substance and mix thoroughly, then heat the solution to a temperature of 60 degrees.
  2. Now dip the contaminated tissue into the prepared solution.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, rinse the product thoroughly.

Important! Delicate fabrics are best handled. oxygen-containing stain remover.

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Removing rust from jeans

If you ever had to fight against scale, then maybe you have a remedy called “Anti-scale”. With it, you can save not only your household appliances from unpleasant limescale, as well as rust, but also eliminate stains from jeans.

Apply a small amount of “Anti-scale” to a cloth or sponge and rub the place of contamination.

Important! If the method didn’t help and the rusty spots got into the fabric structure thoroughly, you can go the other way - decorate them. To do this, use our selection of ideas, how to decorate jeans.

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How to eliminate rust from colored clothes?

With bright colored clothes, removing stains is somewhat more difficult than with white. All this is due to the fact that most products can corrode the paint on the product. Let's look at some very simple methods on how to remove rust from such clothes.

Chalk and glycerin:

  1. In equal proportions, mix chalk with glycerin.
  2. After that, dilute them with a small amount of water - so that a mixture is formed that will remind you of thin sour cream.
  3. Apply the prepared solution to the place of contamination, and then leave it for 1 day.
  4. Wash your item in the usual way for you.

Acetic acid

This product perfectly fixes the paint, it is used even during the dyeing of the fabric, which is why it will not be able to make your thing faded, much less unattractive. To remove contamination:

  1. Mix 5 tbsp. l acid and 7 liters of warm water.
  2. Soak the thing in the prepared solution for 12 hours.
  3. After that, removing unpleasant rust from the surface of colored clothing will be quite simple.

Important! Please note that the proportion of the product is given taking into account the fact that you will not use homemade table vinegar, but concentrated acid.

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Do it yourself rust

There are other ways to remove rust from clothing at home. Maybe not all of them will be very effective for large and complex spots, but small points of corrosion will definitely be removed.

Common lemon

This method is considered one of the most effective during the fight against rust. With it, rust is removed from any type of fabric:

  1. Wrap the flesh of the lemon in gauze and remove the peel.
  2. Attach it to the place of contamination, iron this place.
  3. In order to completely get rid of the stain, repeat this procedure several more times.

Lemon juice

Like lemon slices, you can use the juice of this fruit:

  1. Squeeze the juice.
  2. Generously moisten the place of contamination with juice.
  3. Cover the stain with a paper towel, and then iron it.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Important! If the fabric is thin, you can do without ironing, then soak the contaminated area with lemon juice and just leave it in this state for 25-30 minutes. Then wash the product in the usual way for you.

Vinegar Salt

This method is excellent for removing rust from jeans clothes:

  1. Mix the salt with vinegar in such a way that a light mass is obtained.
  2. Put it on the place of pollution and incubate for 2-3 hours.
  3. Then rinse, and then wash the thing.

A mixture of different acids

To combat old stains, we recommend using a mixture of acids - acetic and oxalic:

  1. 5 g of each of them add to a glass of water.
  2. Heat the resulting solution, and then immerse the contaminated area into it for 2-3 hours.

Dishwashing liquid with glycerin

It is recommended to use such a tool while washing delicate fabrics:

  1. In a 1: 1 ratio, combine glycerin with a dishwashing detergent.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to contamination, soak for 2-3 hours.
  3. Finally, wash the product.

Common toothpaste

Some remove rust stains using regular toothpaste. It’s difficult to say how effective this tool is, but if you don’t have anything else at hand, you can try to use it. For this:

  1. Mix the toothpaste with a little water.
  2. Apply the resulting mass in a thick layer to the place of contamination.
  3. After 30-40 minutes rinse.

Important! Take a whitening paste without colored granules, otherwise - they may leave additional stains on your item.

Table vinegar

It is necessary to act as follows in order to remove rust from white clothes at home:

  1. In an enameled pan, pour 1 cup of water and 2 tbsp. l ordinary table vinegar.
  2. Heat well, but do not boil the solution.
  3. Immerse in it a contaminated area of ​​clothing and let stand for 5 minutes.
  4. After that, rinse the thing to begin with in clean water, and then with ammonia - 1 tbsp. l alcohol per 1 liter of water.
  5. Next, wash your clothes in the usual way for you.

Important! This method can be used both for white things, and for things with colored patterns. The main thing is that these things are resistant to acids.

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In extreme cases, we will use radical measures

If none of the above helped to remove rust stains, it means - it's time to resort to more radical measures. True, these radical measures are suitable only for white cotton fabric:

  1. Wet the rust stain with absolutely anyone detergent for plumbing.
  2. Rub until foam forms.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and wash in a way that is familiar to you.
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How to wash rust spots from a coat or jacket?

If the clothing manufacturer allows washing, then you can choose the right product from those that we described for you above. Choose a product that can not harm the fabric of the product. Before starting treatment, thoroughly clean the item from dust and dirt with a brush. Then remove the stain with a suitable product, gently wash this place, dry it and, if necessary, steam it off.

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Tips for better washing:

  • Try to eliminate stains immediately after their occurrence, in which case it will be much easier to remove the stain.
  • Remove rusty stains before washing, because each contact with water will only aggravate the problem.
  • Acid, which removes rust, can be very aggressive, so work on it only with gloves, in a ventilated area.
  • To eliminate contamination from outer clothing, first clean the product from dirt and dust.
  • Before using any product, test this product in an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. Thus, you definitely can not ruin the thing.
  • It is best to remove rust with vinegar, lemon or other acid. This is all due to the fact that under the influence of acid, rust decomposes into elements that easily dissolve in water, which means they are removed from the surface of the fabric.
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Such contaminants are removed only thanks to incredible work, but it's still worth trying to fight against them. After all, your favorite jeans are worth the effort. We wish you and your favorite clothes to always be in good condition.

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