How to remove the touch from the clothes?

A bar-corrector is a device that is located in a pencil case, bag, on the desktop, almost every schoolchild, student or office worker. It perfectly helps to correct mistakes made while writing some material. But what to do when the bar-corrector hits the surface of the clothes, how to remove the bar from the clothes? The main thing - do not panic. You saw this article, which means you are lucky, because here we will teach you how to remove the stain from the bar corrector on any basis.

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What should be done if contamination from the bar-corrector appears on clothing?

In order to properly wipe the line from clothes, and not to drive the white matter even deeper into the fibers of the fabric:

  • Do not dispose of the corrector under any circumstances. Look at the composition of the correction fluid. You must determine what type your bar corrector belongs to. A device for correcting blots in texts can be made, for example, on: water, emulsion, as well as alcohol based. Dry corrections are also on the market.
  • Having determined the type of corrector, immediately begin to act. The sooner you start the fight against the stain, the more effective will be the elimination of pollution from the surface of clothes.
  • The steps you must take to clean your clothes are similar, but they must depend on the type of corrector.
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General preliminary recommendations

Spots from the bar-corrector belong to the number of contaminants that are very difficult to tear off from the surface of the fabric material, but despite this, they can be tried to be removed using certain chemical or improvised means. However, consider a number of details that may affect the success and effectiveness of such a procedure:

  • Due to its special composition, contaminants from the bar-corrector firmly eat into the fabric fibers of any material. Therefore, noticing corrector spatter on clothing, do not wait for it to dry. It is best to blot the dirt with a sponge or soft cloth, but never rub it.
  • If you notice drops from the corrector right away you didn’t succeed, they dried up, then before starting to influence the pollution with any special means, it is better to clean most of the corrector “dry” from the surface of the clothes. To do this, it is better to use some metal object without sharp edges, so as not to damage the structure of the material, for example, a nail file. Soft toothbrushes will also help you.
  • Trying to remove the stain from the stroke, do not wash affected items immediately in hot water. Boiling will negatively affect this kind of pollution. Under the influence of high temperature, the corrector on the fabric is simply brewed. As a result, it will be practically impossible to remove it, even with potent substances.
  • In attempts to wash spots from the bar-corrector from the surface of the dyed fabrics, do not use bleaches or stain removers.
  • Tools that are created on the basis of alcohol must be used very carefully, especially for artificial as well as synthetic fabrics. Test on the wrong side of your item in the area of ​​the inner seam or on the piece of similar material from which the clothes are sewn.

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Water-based corrector - how to remove from clothes?

In the event that you stained clothes with putty, which is made on a water basis, consider that you are an incredible lucky person. This type of corrective substance easily leaves clothes.

It is possible to clear pollution by means of ordinary soaking. Soak the item for about 20-30 minutes in cool soapy water, and then wash it in the machine in the mode that is suitable for this type of fabric. The stain is eliminated easily and without any labor.

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Corrector on an alcohol or emulsion basis - how to remove from the fabric?

To wipe the finishing touch on clothes on this basis, you have to tinker a bit:

  1. Wait for the corrector to dry on clothing.
  2. Try to gently “dry” clean part of the dried putty.
  3. You can eliminate the remaining pollution with a cotton pad soaked in cologne, vodka or tonic.
  4. After that, wash the clothes in the car in the required temperature mode - it is indicated on the clothing tag.

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Solvent-based corrector - how to wash it off clothes?

The most difficult thing is to remove the pollution from the bar-corrector, which is made on the basis of a solvent. In order to get rid of pollution, take:

  • a piece of clean cloth;
  • several cotton pads;
  • solvent 647, white spirit or liquid polish remover - you can take any of these options.

Next, act in such a way as to remove the finishing touch from the clothes:

  1. Turn the product inside out.
  2. To avoid unpleasant consequences, try the action of the solvent on the inner seam of the product. In the event that the thing does not deform, and the paint has not washed off, then you can safely proceed to cleaning.
  3. Attach a clean cloth to the front of the product to protect things from exposure to solvent.
  4. Carefully treat the surface of the contamination with a cotton pad moistened with a solvent of your choice, move from the edges of the contamination to the center.
  5. At the end of the cleaning, wash the clothes in the machine in the usual way for you.

Important! In the event that you notice that the solvent you are using spoils the fabric, do not proceed to clean it yourself. Get dry cleaning for help. Do not wash clothes under any circumstances. None of the dry cleaners will give you a full guarantee that the contamination from the bar-corrector will be completely removed after you wash the item. Exposure to water, as well as powder, can lead you to say goodbye to your favorite clothes forever.

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Solid bar-corrector - how to remove a stain from the fabric?

It is not difficult to remove the dirt from the corrector tape. Soak a thing in cool soapy water for 40-60 minutes. After that, carefully remove the tape. Wash a thing using the delicate wash mode in the washing machine.

Important! The most difficult thing is to wash away the pollution from delicate fabrics such as velvet and wool. Such delicate things are best left to dry clean immediately, and under no circumstances use pre-curing.

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After reading this material, it will now be difficult for you to be taken by surprise. And the spot from the corrector will not call your eyes and cause your brain to panic, thinking about how to remove the finishing touch from your clothes.

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