How to wash soy sauce?

Recently, Japanese dishes, and in particular soy sauce, which is used to prepare various dishes, both in public catering establishments and in home cooking, have become more and more popular. They are seasoned with rice and salads, pickled meat in it or simply used instead of salt. And the use of rolls and sushi without this brackish liquid is simply unthinkable. People often order dishes with this sauce, but the inability to handle the chopsticks correctly can lead to stains on clothing from soy seasoning. Since the liquid has a dark brown color, it can leave very noticeable marks on clothing. Such contaminants are considered difficult to remove. How to remove soy sauce, we will discuss in this article.

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Primary actions

If you have the opportunity to take emergency measures to save things immediately after the appearance of a soybean spot, then you should use them immediately. In this case, there is every chance to easily remove pollution.

You must act as follows:

  • Immediately after you spill the soy sauce on yourself, you need to wash the stained area. This will prevent the liquid from deeply staining the fibers of the tissue and will further facilitate the removal of stains.
  • If an unpleasant incident occurred at a party or in a restaurant and you don’t have the opportunity to wash the fabric with water, you can soak the contaminated area with bread crumb or a napkin.
  • Also, in order to urgently remove pollution, you can sprinkle the stain with starch, salt or use a sugar substitute.

Such simple methods using improvised tools help absorb the sauce and reduce the risk of stubborn stains.

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How to remove a fresh stain?

If the stain is fresh, then soy sauce is washed off very easily. Use to completely remove contamination with washing soap and water.

Cleaning method:

  1. Initially, the thing must be rinsed under a stream of cold water.
  2. Then lather fresh pollution with soap and water.

Important! Dark soap is best suited for these purposes. Do not use soap with a whitening effect, so as not to leave a faded stain on colored clothing and not to spoil it even more.

You might be interested in reading about what laundry soap is made of.

  1. In order for the soap to eat the stain from the sauce, you must wait at least half an hour.
  2. After - you need to rub a little and rinse the fabric in warm clean water.

Important! The Anti-Pyatin soap has proven itself in the fight against similar problems.

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How to remove an old stain?

How to wash soy sauce when the pollution has already dried up and is very well eaten in the fabric? To do this, you can try to use the method that is suitable for fresh spots with one difference - you need to leave the stained soap for several hours. If such actions did not bring the desired result, then you should look for another remedy.

To effectively remove stains from soya seasoning, it is important to choose the right detergent. The option of a cleaner may be different, depending on the fabric and color of the material:

  • For white and light fabrics, the use of bleaches, ammonia, oxalic acid will be effective.
  • On colored and shedding fabrics, glycerin and vinegar will help to cope with pollution.

Important! For all types of fabrics, salt, gel for washing dishes and raw potatoes will be good helpers in the fight against stains.

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How to wash soy sauce with a white cloth?

Bleaches well wash soy sauce with white clothing. You can choose any of these tools that you use constantly.


This tool can be bought at almost any household chemistry store. It will help to cope with a large number of stains on clothes, including pollution from soy seasoning.

Important! Such stain removers are not suitable for woolen and silk items, as well as leather products.

“Vanish Oxi Action” has very positive reviews, it will help you deal with spots the first time.

Important! The tool in pink packaging is considered universal, it can effectively cope with severe pollution - both on white and colored fabrics, while “Vanish” in white jars is designed only for white things.


  1. Apply powder or gel bleach directly to the dirt and immediately wash.
  2. For the best effect, a thing with treated stains can be soaked in water for several hours.
  3. After such procedures, wash and rinse the product as usual.

Amway Spray

Quickly removes dark traces of soya seasoning spray from Amway. Also, this concentrated cleaner will help to reduce the washing time, since the pollution will turn pale immediately when spraying.

Mode of application:

  1. Spray the problem area.
  2. Wash the area in warm water with detergent.

Important! “Sarma” and “BOS” are cheaper analogues, but at the same time no less effective means in the fight against stains from soy sauce. It is enough to soak the spoiled thing in a solution of bleach and warm water.


You can treat the sauce stain with one ammonia. If after this procedure, soy sauce does not completely disappear from the clothes, then you should use a special solution.

Mode of application:

  1. Prepare the solution by mixing 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 teaspoon of gasoline, 0.5 cups of medical alcohol.
  2. Apply the prepared liquid to the contamination from soy sauce and wait until it dries completely.
  3. Wash the product in the usual way.

Important! By the way, it is with this tool that most spots can be removed safely for a variety of tissues. See the article for a selection of methods. "Removing stains with ammonia".

Oxalic acid

Any acid has the ability to penetrate deeply into the structure of the tissue. A mixture of oxalic acid and water will help you cope with difficult contaminants.

Mode of application:

  1. To prepare the solution, add a teaspoon of acid in a glass of water.
  2. Pour the solution into a bowl of clothing.
  3. Leave to soak for one hour. After soaking, traces of soy sauce will become less noticeable.
  4. To completely remove traces, the thing you just need to wash as usual.

Important! When washing, consider the information on the product tag and do not exceed the permissible water temperature.

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How to wash soy sauce from colored fabrics?

For bright fabrics it is necessary to use delicate products such as, for example, vinegar or glycerin.


You can remove a small stain if you rub liquid glycerin into the stain. After 20 minutes, the contamination should be washed in cold water. If there is a need for washing, you can use a powder or gel. The action of glycerin can be enhanced with another medication.

Method of application to remove soy sauce:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 4 tablespoons of glycerin.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stain and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off contamination with clean water.


Soaking in vinegar will help you remove the remaining sauce from the fabric. In this case, vinegar acts as an amplifier of the main detergent, and not a cleaner.When you soak things with washing powder, add a few tablespoons of vinegar. The result will pleasantly surprise you, because traces of sauce can be easily removed.

Important! Do not apply vinegar directly to the dirt, as a concentrated product can remove paint and lighten the stain.

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How to wash soy sauce? - Universal tools

There are also proven products that are suitable for all types of fabric. Using them, you can try to remove the soy stain without fear of damaging the matter.


Salt will best help you wash soy sauce off your jeans. It neutralizes the fats that are in the sauce and completely absorbs them.


  1. Sprinkle a generous amount of salt before washing.
  2. Leave the item for a while.
  3. Crush salt
  4. Wash clothes again.

Dishwashing gel

Using a small amount of dishwashing gel can stain the dirt. You can also use it to prepare a soap solution in which to soak the affected thing.

Important! To wash a light thing, choose a transparent gel so that bright stains from colored liquid do not remain on clothes.

Raw potatoes

Raw potatoes are the safest method to remove traces of soy sauce.

Mode of application:

  1. Halve the potatoes and attach to the stain on both sides.
  2. To clean, rub the material with slices and leave the item with potatoes to lie down for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the stain with clean water.

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General recommendations for removing stains from soy sauce

To remove the stain from soy sauce the first time, you need to pre-treat the fabric. To do this, use the following helpful tips:

  • Soy sauce is easier to wash if you do not wait for it to dry completely. In this case, a simple soaking in water for several hours with a good washing powder, for example, may be sufficient. Ariel or Persil. From the spot there will be no trace, and your favorite thing will be saved.
  • Soiled contaminants must be soaked in warm water before washing.
  • Do not use detergents during pre-curing.

Important! If you start to rub the stain immediately, soaping it with soap or sprinkling it generously with powder, you can rub the sauce into the material even deeper. Then the stain may not be completely washed away and leave behind a yellowish mark.

  • Do not dry laundry until you have removed the stain. After drying, contamination will be even more difficult to remove from the fabric.
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So, despite the fact that soybean pollution is one of the most persistent, with them, with some effort, you can still cope. Now you know the answer to the question of whether soy sauce is washed off clothes, and in case of trouble they are already armed with the necessary information. You can remove both fresh and old spots. Just use the right tool, and then the usual wash will complete the job.

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