How to remove solid oil from clothes?

Solid oil is one of the most difficult to remove agents, and it can appear on clothes suddenly and absolutely imperceptibly. Of course, like any other contamination, it is better to remove all traces of this machine lubricant in a “fresh” state. But even if you overlooked the moment the spot appeared, in this article we will tell you how to remove the solidol from clothes so that you can correct the situation.
to contents ↑What is solidol?
Solid oil is a yellow liquid that is used to lubricate various gears and other mechanisms that undergo friction. In appearance, the liquid has a thick base, because it consists of a mixture of petroleum oils, which are concentrated using calcium soap. It is due to the base and additional components that it is so difficult to wash solidol.
to contents ↑How to remove solid oil from clothes?
Of course, some people can afford to dry clean such clothes. But for some reason you don’t have such an opportunity, you will have to deal with the stains independently, whether you want it or not. Nowadays, there are 7 ways to remove solid oil from clothing.
The choice of method may depend on several fairly important criteria:
- Type of solid oil. In total, there are three types of such a substance, basically, they are distinguished by their structure.
- Types of funds. Funds can be divided into: folk and modern. And there are also enhanced methods that are included in both modern and folk remedies. If you do not know how to wash the solid oil, then we will familiarize you with some of these tools.
Folk remedies against stains from solidol
Such funds have good efficiency, but it must be understood that the struggle can drag on from a few hours to a couple of days.
Method 1
One of the most affordable means by which you can easily remove solid oil from clothes is table vinegar:
- First you need to prepare a weak vinegar solution. Mix 5 tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water.
- Then take a cotton pad and soak it in the resulting solution.
- Such a solution is applied until the stain is completely eliminated.
Important! After you have cleaned your clothes this way, wash your clothes in the washing machine. If the smell of vinegar remains, wash again and hang to dry in fresh air.
Method 2
If you have a desire to cope with the stain quickly, then ammonia and turpentine to help you:
- Heat a couple tablespoons of turpentine in a water bath.
- Then soak a cotton pad or rag in it.
- Lightly move from the edges to the center of contamination.
- After - carefully treat the problem part with ammonia, and be sure to wash your clothes.
- If after washing the smell of ammonia remains, do the second wash.
to contents ↑Important! Be careful when heating turpentine - be sure to do it in a water bath, and not on direct fire, since such a substance can easily ignite with direct contact.
How to remove solidol with modern means?
If you don’t trust folk remedies with such complex pollution, we offer you several industrial household chemicals, with which you can probably wipe off the solid oil from clothes.
Option 1
Car shampoo is one of the proven means by many owners of their own vehicles. Its use in this case is quite logical, because solid oil is one of the lubricants of a car. How to apply it to tissue to wash solidol? - Very simple:
- Apply such a remedy to the problem area of your item.
- Wait about 10-30 minutes - it depends on the quality of a particular product.
- You can rub the stained area with a cloth or an unnecessary toothbrush a little so that the shampoo reaches each fiber in the fabric of the product.
- Rinse the shampoo and wash in a washing machine.
Option 2
A stain remover can also easily help with a stain from such a substance. Very well proven means Amway and Vanish. But in principle, you can use any of your choice - our high-quality one will help you stain remover rating for different types of fabrics.
Put it on the stain, and leave it for a while, which should be indicated on the package. Then use a brush to wipe the stain, rinse.
to contents ↑Important! If this procedure did not help the first time, then you will have to repeat it until you reach the desired result.
Reinforced washing methods:
- Butter and the most common turpentine are also quite effective. Lubricate the oil at the place of contamination and hold it for half an hour. Then, using turpentine, remove the oil, and then wash it in a washing machine with active powder and household stain remover. So that you don’t have any unforeseen situations at the last stage, look at the selection of rules and useful tips, how and how to wash clothes from different fabrics.
- If your stain lasts long enough, then you should use a duet of refined gasoline and ammonia. First, with the help of purified gasoline, we remove the stain from solidol. To do this, soak any cloth or cotton swab in clean gasoline, then gently erase the stain from your clothes. After which you will have a greasy stain that can be easily removed with ammonia.
- And laundry soap can help you remove solid oil. For this method, you will also need more margarine. First you need to rub the margarine into the area with your stain. After that, clothes should be washed with laundry soap, and the impurities should be thoroughly washed manually or entrusted to this work by the washing machine.
Remove stains
Even if you manage to remove the bulk of this oil from clothing, after washing there may be small greasy marks on the material. Such stains can easily be removed using the most common edible salt or starch - they perfectly absorb fat and oils of any origin.
Mode of application:
- You need to sprinkle a pinch of salt or starch for contamination.
- The selected product should remain on the clothes for an hour.
- Then brush off the contaminated powder and rinse the fabric with water.
to contents ↑Important! Also, alcohol or acetone removes stains well. Apply one of these cleaners to the problem area on your item, then rinse with water for 15 minutes.
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That's exactly what you need to deal with complex stains from automotive lubricants. The main thing is to have a great desire, a drop of patience and you can then wash the solid oil from clothes at home.
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