How to wash a pillow from a feather at home?

A few years ago, one of the main pillow fillers was natural fluff and feather. But today, most people have switched mainly to synthetics, but nonetheless, the popularity of feather products remains at its peak. Of course, any pillow eventually becomes as if saturated with dust and dirt, so in this article we want to tell you about several ways to wash a pillow from a feather at home, as well as share tips on how to dry them and speed up the whole process of caring for bedding textile.
to contents ↑Washing down pillows at home
In fact, at home, washing a pillow from a pen is not so easy, but there is nothing unrealistic. You will need a little effort - both during the wash itself and during drying. But the result is definitely worth it, because it is so nice to sleep on a pillow with a pleasant aroma and the knowledge that it is really fresh.
There are several ways to restore the purity of such bedding. Which one to give preference to depends on the following nuances:
- dimensions of your product;
- the amount of time that you are willing to devote to caring for him;
- the presence of a washing machine in the house;
- complexity of pollution and prescription of the previous cleaning.
Based on all these factors, decide on a more acceptable way for you to wash the pillow from the pen at home in a quality and comfortable way.
Important! When deciding to wash the pillows, at the same time it is advisable to clean the rest of the bedding. To make it much easier for you to cope with this time-consuming task, use the tips from our other articles:
Washing pillows in an automatic machine
Very often people wonder, is it possible to wash pillows from a pen in a washing machine? And here is the answer: under certain conditions, washing in an automatic machine is possible.
If you decide to wash the product this way in order to save time, physical effort, then remember a few important rules:
- when washing, set the temperature not higher than 40 degrees;
- set the mode with the minimum number of revolutions;
- choose hand wash or delicate mode.
There is nothing unusual in washing a feather pillow in an automatic machine. It is only necessary to comply with such recommendations:
- For washing, place the product in specially designed laundry bag and set the minimum temperature.
- Pour the powder into the designated compartment, but not more than 50 g. If possible, use a better liquid washing concentrate: it does not foam so much, rinses out more easily and is not as aggressive as some powder products. It will be easier for you to choose a product of good quality if you look through our liquid powder rating.
- After washing, it is advisable to rinse twice so that all the powder is rinsed.
- Then squeeze the washed product by hand, arrange and leave to dry.
Important! Fill a new napkin with dried filler.
Steaming is another option for washing a pillow at home. This is a great alternative to a full wash and does not need to be replaced with a breastplate.
Important! When treating pillows with steam, high temperature helps to destroy all germs and bacteria, as well as rid the product of unpleasant odors and update the material. Steaming removes dust from the natural filler and helps refresh your pillow.
When steaming, follow these instructions:
- Lock the pillow in an upright position. It is best to do this by hanging it with clothespins.
- Then, using the steamer, steam the product on all sides, passing in strips over the entire surface area.
- After a while, repeat the procedure. This contributes to better cleaning and disinfection.
- Wait until the wet pillow dries well, straighten the fluff inside the product and put on fresh bedding.
Important! Since this method assumes that you have a similar technique, we will not tell you how to choose it. But the information about where else in everyday life it will be useful to you will definitely be useful to you. Click on the link“What else can be cleaned with a steam cleaner?”.
Hand wash
When washing by hand, you must not forget the main goal - to wash down or feather. Everyone chooses how it is more convenient for him to do this, but best of all - with the help of a basin with water and a colander.
Following this step-by-step instruction, you will achieve the best result:
- For convenience, during washing, prepare a container in advance with a solution prepared in advance from diluted soap or powder. Water temperature should not exceed 40-50 degrees. Too concentrated solution should not be done so that you do not have to rinse out chemical residues for a long time.
- Start tearing up the product little by little, and immediately spread the feathers in a soapy solution. But do not put all contents too tightly to avoid sticking of feathers and problems with their drying / washing. They should float freely in the washing solution.
- Leave the feathers and feathers soaked for 1-2 hours in soapy water - to dissolve contaminants.
- Next, rinse the fluff under clean, running water. For convenience, you can use a colander.
- Then prepare a new soap solution and rinse the filler more thoroughly.
- Rinse the already clean fluff and feather twice and lay it out in an even layer to dry.
How to dry a down pillow?
If you were able to properly wash the pillow from the pen at home, you will come in handy and some tips on drying it. Incorrect actions can lead to the appearance of a musty smell and the growth of bacteria in a humid and warm environment, that is, to completely nullify all your previous efforts.
So, when drying, you can use these rules:
- After you wash the pillow from the pen - with your hands, straighten all the lumps and evenly distribute the contents into a special bag. Then lay the entire filler on a large towel or sheet and squeeze it as much as possible into a roll. This helps to collect moisture, the more it goes away - the faster the filler dries.
Important! If you do not have time to dry the feathers in the next 2 days, then the feather may begin to mold.
- The washed pillow can be dried in a dryer. To do this, select a temperature of 30 degrees and from time to time mix the feathers in the covers so that they do not dry out lumps. Great helpers in this matter are balls for tennis.
- Sun baths are incredibly useful for feather fillers, as ultraviolet light helps to disinfect. Choose clear, sunny weather, without wind, lay the cleaned, but still moist filler on a large sheet and dry it in the natural environment. From time to time, do not forget to turn the feathers - for 1 correctly selected summer day you can get a finished result.
Important! After the pen has completely dried, gently place it in a new feather bed and sew it securely.
Useful tips for washing down and feather pillows:
- The best time of the year for washing down pillows is summer or late spring, since it is the warm air that contributes to the faster drying of the filler, which is a very important part of washing pillows. In the cold season, the drying process can take several weeks, and this is fraught with adverse consequences for your health.
- When washing fluff in a bathtub without a colander, to prevent fluff falling into pipes, close the drain hole with a special net.
- If you decide to wash the feather pillow in an automatic machine, put a few tennis balls in the drum, which during the washing process will mix the fluff, which will help to avoid sticking.
- We must not forget about the washing of feather pillows - they need to be cleaned no less than once every 1.5-2 years, but more often.
- When changing a napkin, before filling it with fluff, swipe it with dry laundry soap from the inside - this contributes to less pollution of the naporny basis.
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Now you have a few ways to wash your feather pillow at home. We hope you managed to quickly cope with your homework conceived according to plan and you got a good result of your work in the form of perfectly clean, smelling natural freshness pillows. So - now your sleep and relaxation will be even more comfortable and of high quality.
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