How to wash winter boots inside?

Even if you wear expensive and branded shoes, the problem of bad smell coming from shoes can affect you. Who will like a “bouquet” of caustic aromas? This problem will not only spoil the mood for you and the people around you, but also can easily “tarnish” your reputation. In addition, the nasty choke is a consequence of the multiplication of bacteria that lead to diseases. That is why you need to fight this and know how to always keep the shoes in a clean and sterile condition. How to wash winter boots inside? - Now we will tell about it.
to contents ↑Causes of Stink
To fix the problem, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. In most cases, a nasty choke appears due to a person’s perspiration. For example, in the hot seasons, this is quite natural for each of us, because the body is thereby cooled. Water is a 95% component of sweat, only a few remaining percent are various trace elements, acids, etc. However, this same humidity is a great place to breed a large number of microbes and bacteria. They, in turn, exude an unpleasant amber.
In addition, the reasons for the stink can be:
- low-quality materials used when sewing shoes;
- an abundance of synthetics in the lining and the outer part of the shoes;
- lack of breathability effect;
- lack of shoe care and regular cleaning of dirt.
to contents ↑Important! Also the cause may be the fungus of the legs. And here it is already necessary to be puzzled not only by washing shoes, but also fungus treatment.
How to deal with this?
Most of you probably guessed that all that was needed was to maintain a clean body and legs, as well as clean shoes in a timely manner:
- When our body sweats, we rush to wash and change clothes as soon as possible. In the same way you should act in a situation where you notice that the soles of your feet are sweating. At least twice a day, you need to wash your feet with a washcloth and soap.
- For those who have problems with profuse sweating, you must additionally use a special tool that prevents this. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Ordinary spray deodorant is also suitable.
Some tips and tricks:
- In no case should you be indoors for days in upper shoes.
- Have a few pairs of shoes, tights and socks. Change them as often as possible. And to solve the problem for sure, read which socks are better to buy, since a lot of things depend on the quality of materials.
Important! As a preventative measure, you can do foot baths with bark of oak or lemon once every one to two weeks.
Ways to get rid of stench
If your favorite shoes or berets are already saturated with a nasty smell, then just washing your feet is not enough. Shoes need to be cleaned so that the smell is gone.
Anti-mud method
If this is possible, the first thing you should do is change the insoles. And yet there are shoes in which this cannot be done.
This method will help you to clean winter boots from smell and dirt inside. All that is needed is a cleaning agent, for example, the same washing powder, as well as a toothbrush. Pour a little powder into the boot, dampen with water and clean out any dirt.
Important! Thanks to the small size of the toothbrush, you can easily clean even the most difficult places - seams and joints.
Upon reaching the result, do not forget to rinse the shoes thoroughly and dry them.
Chemical method
It requires potassium permanganate, a special antiseptic or regular hydrogen peroxide, which can be found in almost any home. Dampen a cotton pad and wipe the boots inside. If the smell is very strong, then you can pour the product inside.
Dry method
There are also dry cleaning methods, if for some reason the dilution of moisture, i.e. dampness in shoes, is unacceptable. For these purposes, you can help:
- baby powder;
- talc;
- crushed activated carbon;
- soda;
- flour.
All that needs to be done is to pour a little of the selected product inside and leave for several hours, allowing it to absorb all the smells. After - vacuum the product or shake it well.
Important! Baking soda cannot be used to clean black leather shoes.
Food method
Vinegar is also an excellent tool that will help cope with a nasty choke. Dampen a small piece of cloth, cotton or cotton pad in vinegar and leave inside the boots for three to four hours. You can’t worry about the unpleasant odor from the product itself - it quickly disappears within half an hour after reaching the result.
to contents ↑Important! Vinegar is one of the means for the prevention of fungus. But there are other affordable means that need to be thorough at least once a season shoe disinfection.
Can I wash in a washing machine?
How to wash winter boots inside? If you do not want to risk your boots and in the worst case irreparably ruin them, it is best to collect and study all the care materials. Consult the seller upon purchase:
- Most global brands indicate the necessary information on labels. However, if it is still missing, it is most likely indicated on the official website of the manufacturer.
- The greatest attention should be paid to what material the shoes are made of. For example, regular washing in a washing machine will be good for sneakers and sneakers, and leather shoes will only benefit, but for suede it is "deadly."
- If the boots are not stitched, but glued, then washing is extremely contraindicated for them.
If you are still going to wash winter boots inside and out, then follow these rules:
- The washing mode is special for shoes or the shortest cycle with a minimum temperature of 30 C.
- Means - liquid powder.
- Spin - absent.
Important! You must also use special bag for washing clothes.
How to dry?
In addition, how to clean winter boots from the inside, it is important to know how to dry them properly, because drying is also incredibly important:
- The best option would be to dry your shoes in the shade outside.
- If weather conditions do not allow this, or there are other reasons, then special dryers for shoes will help you. By the way, this is not necessary to buy. There is a separate article on our website from which you can learn several simple ways, how to make a shoe dryer do it yourself.
How to care for shoes?
And now, when you finally achieved what you want and your shoes are clean, it is very important to be able to maintain this state. Follow the recommendations and tips:
- After taking off your shoes, don’t fasten them and especially do not put them in the box - leave it open to allow airing.
- Do not put socks in sneakers.
- If you suddenly get wet in the rain, you should dry the pair with a special electric shoe dryer. It is inexpensive, and you can buy it at any shoe store.
- If there is no possibility to use the dryer, then use an ordinary newspaper or heavy paper.You need to properly fill your boots with it and change it every half an hour or an hour.
- Wash shoes with soap in a timely manner or at least wipe with a damp cloth.
- Use replaceable insoles without fail. Change them once every two weeks.
- Pantyhose and socks made of synthetic materials provoke profuse sweating, and also increase unpleasant odor. For this reason, it is worth wearing only linen made from natural materials.
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These were all the tips and tricks. Follow them, and you are guaranteed to be able to achieve the desired result.
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