How to wipe varnish from clothes?

When we get nail polish on our clothes, we often throw this thing away, not hoping that there are ways to wipe this substance from the fabric. But still, there are patient ladies who try to erase the varnish, even if such a process goes unsuccessfully. In this article, you will learn how to wipe the varnish from clothing so that its appearance remains the same as before.

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How to remove nail polish from clothes?

Before removing stains of varnish or even other coloring chemicals, you need to know a few nuances:

  • A fresh stain of varnish is much easier to erase than a dried one.
  • Wear protective gloves on your hands so as not to damage the skin and nails.
  • Do not immediately run to wash the thing, because ordinary water only strengthens the effect of varnish.
  • Chemical products are only suitable for natural fabrics. Acetate and fluorescent canvases interact with chemistry, so it should not be used for them.
  • Before you remove the varnish from the clothes, check how your product acts on the canvas in a less visible place.
  • Turn the garment inside out to remove contamination.
  • Do not wash the stain with sweeping movements. It is necessary to slowly remove it, starting from the edges of the spot, moving to the center.
  • Change the swab or rag from time to time - the one you use to remove.
  • Do not forget to wash clothes after removing stains.
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Checking the fabric

You need to check whether your product can withstand the proposed methods:

  1. In an inconspicuous place, we drip one drop of the agent with which we will remove the varnish.
  2. We are waiting for a few minutes, and if the fabric has not deteriorated (it has not changed color or the threads are not corroded, due to which the clothes will break), then you can safely apply this product to the area of ​​clothing damaged by varnish.
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We clean natural matter

Since women of fashion cannot walk groomed and refuse such wonderful pleasure as bright and unusual manicure or their favorite extravagant blouse, we will consider several methods that will tell you how to remove varnish from clothes.

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Methods for removing nail polish from clothes

So, you carefully completed all the checks in high-speed mode and made sure that nothing is threatening the material. Then we act faster so that the varnish does not penetrate further the fibers of your favorite little thing.


This is the most effective way to remove the varnish, as it is designed for this:

  1. Place a folded white fold of fabric under the spot area.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad with acetone and wipe the desired place.
  3. If there are still stains on the surface, try wiping them with a small amount of gasoline (you can moisten a small piece of fabric with aviation gasoline and wipe the stain).
  4. To remove the unpleasant odor of acetone and gasoline, pour on a substance that removes the smell and leave for an hour (you can take a dry baby powder).
  5. Wash the place where the varnish was a regular detergent.

Important! Before starting our procedure, make sure that your tissue is not synthetic - it is contraindicated to remove the stain on it with acetone. Using a similar method, remove stains only from natural materials.

Nail polish remover

You need to do exactly the same as with acetone, but you just have to wash the material with a dishwashing detergent - it will make it possible to remove the greasy stain that may remain after the nail polish remover.


Such a tool can remove traces only from white products. Dampen the cloth with this substance where the stain is and after forty minutes wash your clothes.


Wet the fabric with gasoline and leave for 25 minutes. When time passes, wipe, but not very much.

Important! If you have a white blouse or dress, then to gasoline you can add the same part of the chalk erased into powder. When our mixture dries on clothes, it can be cleaned with a clothes brush. But do not forget to wash the thing.

Denatured alcohol

This alcohol can wipe the varnish from clothes, only a fresh stain. To do this, place a white cloth under the contaminated area and moisten a cotton pad. Next, you need to proceed carefully, so as not to smudge the trace of varnish - process the stain, starting from its edges and gradually moving to the center. When locally clean the surface of the manicure, wash the entire product.

Hydrogen peroxide

Proceed the same way - with a cotton pad. Use a similar tool for light products.

Important! There is peroxide in the spray on sale, if you went to a pharmacy for the drug, take just that. It will be easier to apply to the desired area.

White Spirit

This solvent will help not only wipe the varnish from the clothes, but also remove any stains in the house. To do this, you just need to pour a little of this tool on a piece of tissue and attach it to the stain. Wash clothes using laundry detergent or soap.

Important! Please note that this solvent is very aggressive, so act as quickly as possible and in no case use it on synthetics.


It helps to remove glycerin varnish. For this we need:

  1. Heat it to a temperature of 30-40 degrees (this can be done in a water bath).
  2. Dip a swab in this liquid and apply for a few minutes to a speck.
  3. Wash a thing in any way convenient for you.

In addition to all these tools, you can use the most common stain removers (each has its own instructions for use) and other modern tools.

Important! It must be remembered that using stain removers, the material may lose its color. Be careful!

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We remove pollution from synthetics and thin fabrics

All the methods mentioned above are not suitable for removing stains on artificial matter, since it can enter into a reaction with these substances and just before your eyes disperse, dissolve. There are other more complex methods for this.

Acetone-free varnish remover

The instructions for using this substance are the same as other means, only you need to check its effect in an inconspicuous place. If there is no damage, then you can safely use it.

Hand made stain remover

This method will not cause any harm to the material, and also remove the stain (even if it is not a varnish). Components for its preparation:

  • 15 ml of olive oil;
  • 15 ml of turpentine;
  • 15 ml of ammonia.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix all the components and apply this mixture for 5 minutes.
  2. When 5 minutes have passed, wipe off the substance with a cloth or any other improvised method and wash the item.
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In the event that you did not manage to remove the stain yourself, or if you are afraid to spoil the thing, then the best method for you is dry cleaning. We hope our tips will help you remove gel polish from your clothes.if you accidentally smeared your things by painting nails.

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