How to wash a bathrobe in a washing machine?

Terry bathrobes are cozy and soft, warm and fluffy, always relevant for a bathhouse and home. Another valuable property of such a wardrobe item is that it is durable, but only on the condition that you know how to wash a terry dressing gown in a washing machine or manually and apply this knowledge in practice.

On a note! Hand washing is a rather time-consuming process, especially if you give preference to “home clothes” models up to the heels. Therefore, it is better to still use the capabilities of modern technology and periodically refresh the product in the washing machine. How to do it?

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Features of terry cloth

Mahra is a material with elongated multiple loops or nap. For sewing gowns, threads of various natural yarns of all, even the most refined shades, are used. Moreover, home clothes can be both with one-sided terry, and with double. In the latter case, manual washing is very difficult, not only in terms of convenience, but also the cost of physical effort. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to rinse the detergent well and wait a long time to wait for such a product to dry. And why do this if terry bathrobes perfectly machine wash?

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Important little things

If you just bought new clothes for your home, bath or bath, do not be too lazy to spend a little of your time before putting it on right away. Be sure to wash the bathrobe in the washing machine. This will help:

  1. Remove dust and dirt, which even in the cleanest store hit the fabric. Do not forget that the product was also transported to the store. This is the rule of basic hygiene that everyone should know about.
  2. Spread the threads and loops to make the fabric more fluffy.
  3. To make a thing softer to the touch, which means more pleasant for your body.
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We wash a terry dressing gown

As such, there are not many special rules regarding how to wash a terry bathrobe in a washing machine, but it is very desirable to comply with them. Take note of these recommendations and use them to ensure a pleasant feeling after the bath:

  1. Choose the appropriate washing mode - ideal, with a temperature of 60 degrees.
  2. Choose the right product. Since rinsing the makhra is quite problematic, it is better to give preference to modern liquid products. You can choose such good quality much faster by viewing our liquid powder rating. If they are expensive for you or there is simply no way right now to go and buy, and there is time to wash your bathrobe right now, use your hair shampoo.
  3. To wash a terry dressing gown in a washing machine is desirable with a small amount of bed linen, and even better - terry towels. If you decide to add other things to the drum, sort them carefully: there should be no locks, protruding parts, hooks, buckles. They can catch on loops and just tear the fabric.
  4. Add to the special compartment of the machine fabric softenerto make clothes softer. If you are an opponent of chemistry in the form of softener concentrates, replace the product with ordinary salt. Enough 1 tbsp. l
  5. Be sure to put extra or double rinse. Even when using liquid detergent, it may remain inside the fibers, especially if the pile or loops are long and the gown with double-sided terry.
  6. Spin can be used, but then no more than 500-700 revolutions. If you decide not to expose your bathrobe to such intensive processing, then at the end of the washing cycle, simply remove it from the drum and put it on the wall of the basin to drain.

Important! Usually the dirt moves away from such a fabric, so it is not difficult to remove the terry dressing gown. If, nevertheless, you stained your bathrobe thoroughly during breakfast, then you will have to soak it. Perform this in cold water, after dissolving the powder or washing gel. Rinse thoroughly before basic washing.

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Dry terry bathrobe

How to wash a bathrobe in a washing machine?Be prepared for the fact that this and, most likely, even the next day will not work again to put on your favorite bathrobe. Such things dry for at least 24 hours, but it all depends on the temperature in the room, on the thickness of the terry, on the length of the product.

Therefore, just be patient, hang the wardrobe item on the linen thread on the balcony and wait until all the moisture has left it.

Important! Do not iron the terry dressing gown, otherwise - you can set the loops on and make it stiff.

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Observing such simple rules, the question of how to wash a terry bathrobe is unlikely to bother you yet. Feel comfortable and cozy in your own home, soft and warm home clothes will help you in this!


