Best Laundry Products - Rating

The modern market offers housewives hundreds of names of various detergents, and each of them, according to the creators, is “the best”, able to remove even the most persistent and oldest soils, bleach, brighten and almost turn the thing from old to new. But in most cases, this is a dishonest marketing move, and the detergent does not have any magic means. And in order not to be deceived, it is necessary in a practical way to identify the best means for washing. The rating from this article based on the reviews of the hostesses will help you with this.

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Types of Laundry Detergents

There are several types of detergents that differ in consistency and effectiveness. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the hostess herself must choose what she likes best.

Loose detergents

They are a white loose powder, sometimes with granules of different colors. Powders have been known to housewives around the world for many years, and have shown themselves both on the good side and on the bad side.

mother a housewife with a baby engaged in laundry fold clothes into the washing machine

The advantages of washing powders include:

  • Economical consumption;
  • Relatively low price;
  • Good whitening properties;
  • Well remove dirt from things;
  • An unobtrusive pleasant aroma (but some cheap powders, on the contrary, smell unpleasant).

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But there are disadvantages to these tools, because of which many women refuse to use them:

  • Poor leachability from things (stains and white marks on the fabric remain);
  • Allergic reactions in children and adults;
  • Scale on the details of the washing machine.

Important! To prevent too rapid scale formation, it is enough to use special, water softening agents. One of these is described in detail in our article. "Calgon for the washing machine".


Apparently, there are enough minuses, and all of them are quite serious. But if you take a good powder from the rating of the best, then, of course, you can avoid all these problems and get the expected result, namely clean, bright things with a pleasant aroma.

Important! There are powders for washing with hands and in a washing machine. In addition, there is a powder separation for colored, white, black, baby clothes, as well as for items made of delicate fabrics (wool, natural silk, linen).


Powder tablets

Washing powder in tablets is practically no different from loose powder, except for its shape. Its distinctive advantage is that it is dosed exactly in the volume that is necessary for one full wash in the washing machine. But there is a minus - the tablet does not always dissolve completely, its remnants clog the drain holes.

Important! To accurately calculate your dosage, follow the guidelines in our separate publication. “How much powder to pour into a washing machine?”.


Washing gels

Recently, washing gels have become popular, and there is a rational explanation for this, since such a detergent has many advantages, namely:

  • Well wash off dirt;
  • They have a very pleasant aroma that lasts a long time after washing;
  • Soften the fabric;
  • Available in convenient packaging - either in bottles or in capsules (capsules can combine several gels);
  • Do not leave streaks on the fabric.

POZNAN POLAND - JAN 20 2017: Although global soap and detergent industry includes about 700 companies it remains highly concentrated with the top 50 companies holding almost 90 percent of the market

As you can see, there are many pluses, and only two minuses, but they are significant:

  • They are consumed much faster than powder;
  • They have a relatively high cost.

Important! Depending on the form of release, as well as on the specifics of the device of the machine itself, the rules for using detergents may differ.To make it easier for you to understand all the nuances, we have prepared a detailed review "Where to put powder in the washing machine?".

Each hostess herself decides which laundry detergent to take into account the characteristics of each detergent.

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Top 10 Best Laundry Detergents

We bring to your attention a rating of the best detergents, which are the most popular among consumers and received mostly only positive reviews:

  • Almawin. This is a hand wash. It is characterized by the fact that in a short time it is able to remove absolutely any pollution, including complex ones. Its main advantage is the organic composition, so it does not cause allergic reactions, is an excellent option for washing children's things. Such a tool works with absolutely any temperature regime of water.
  • Faberlic. This is a phosphate-free powder, which is universal and can be used for both machine and hand wash. There are no harmful fragrances in its composition, so it has no smell. In addition, it has components that soften the fabric and protect the machine from corrosion. This tool works at a temperature of 30 degrees and above.
  • Feed Black Color Automa. Another phosphate-free powder, which is intended for the processing of colored things, and deservedly included in the rating of safe detergents. It contains a large number of stain-removing substances, due to which it is possible to remove pollution of varying complexity without harm to the fabric and the brightness of the colors.
  • Burti Hygene Plus. This washing powder, in addition to its direct duties, also has antibacterial, antimicrobial properties. It is hypoallergenic, chlorine is absent in its composition.
  • Losk 9 automatic. This powder is a universal tool, therefore, suitable for washing both colored and white linen. It well removes various kinds of pollution from synthetic, cotton and silk fabrics.

Important! Losk 9 automatic machine is suitable for both hand and machine wash. The most important thing is that after hand washing, it is good to rinse the laundry several times so that the particles of this product that are not dissolved in water do not remain on the clothes.

  • Weasel Shine of color. This product is sold in the form of a liquid gel, designed for washing delicate fabrics such as silk and wool. Due to the special formula, it acts on things in such a way that they are not only carefully cleaned, but also retain their original appearance for a long time.
  • Ecover Belgium NV Industriweg. It is a concentrated washing powder. therefore, you will need it for one wash cycle just a little. For a relatively short period of time, it is able to cope with significant pollution, even with a low temperature regime of water. In addition, this powder is an environmentally friendly product, therefore, does not dry the skin and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Bos plus max. The powder in its composition contains oxygen, due to which it has a whitening and disinfecting effect. It works at absolutely any water temperature, therefore it is a find not only for use in pre-soaking, but also for boiling dirty laundry. Its main advantage is a very low price position.
  • Tide Color Automat. This powder is designed for machine washing colored laundry. The basis of his work is that he is able to remove stains not only from the surface of the fabric, but also its fibers, while maintaining the brightness of the colors. Since there are no whitening ingredients in its composition, it gently cleanses and makes things soft to the touch.
  • Ariel Active Gel. This is a relative novelty in the market of detergents, which is gaining more and more popularity every day. It is sold in the form of a helium concentrate, which is located in a capsule of a water-soluble film. Quite a convenient option, since one capsule is already designed for one wash cycle. Another significant advantage of such a tool is that the capsule is placed immediately in the drum, and the tool acts much more efficiently, as it has direct contact with dirty clothes.

Important! If you like to experiment and seek to protect yourself from the abundance of harmful chemistry in everyday life, use our selection of recipes to make an effective detergent from improvised ingredients:

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The choice of laundry detergent is a special task of every housewife, since she needs to choose the option that will qualitatively remove all impurities from the clothes, but at the same time it will not harm health. We hope that we were able to help you deal with such a difficult dilemma and choose exactly your best detergent.

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