Can I wash a leather jacket?

Leather jackets always remain at the peak of popularity, and this is not surprising, because such a thing looks expensive and elegant, fits any look, if worn properly, it is worn for more than one year. But sooner or later, the owner of such a treasure raises the question of whether it is possible to wash a leather jacket. Let's deal with all the nuances of care and washing of genuine leather products.

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Hand or machine wash?

Since all the housewives in the house have washing machines, the most pressing question is: can I wash a leather jacket in a washing machine? We answer: in principle, everything can be washed, but here's what we get at the output - this is an even more interesting question.

Genuine leather does not tolerate the effects of water and cleaning products, since they degrease its surface, as a result - it becomes rough, tough, loses its attractive color. Therefore, if you want your jacket to serve you for a long time and truly, then do not wash it with an automatic machine. Even ordinary hand washing is contraindicated for her.

The leather product can be cleaned locally. Soaking in water completely cannot be.

Important! The less your leather jacket comes in contact with water, the more chances it has for a long life.

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We clean the jacket and remove the stains.

What to do if spots appear on your favorite jacket, how to wash your skin at home? There are ways to get rid of stains, scuffs and creases that inevitably appear even with careful wear.

Wet cleaning

Small dirt can easily be removed with a damp cloth. Wet cleaning is advisable to be carried out regularly, at least once a month, then dust and dirt will not accumulate on the skin and you will not run into big trouble. After the cleaning procedure, it is advisable to dry the wet product by first hanging it on the shoulders. Do not wear a wet jacket or raincoat, as wet skin can stretch out.

Important! Wipe the skin with wet wipes is not recommended, as they contain alcohol, which negatively affects the structure of the product.

Better - buy special leather care products.


If there are small cracks or creases on your favorite leather product, then glycerin will help you. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Moisten a swab and wipe the surface of the product.

Important! Instead of glycerin, you can use an orange peel, however, it can only be applied to black and dark brown products.

Dishwashing liquid

To combat greasy stains, use any dishwashing liquid - dilute it in water and treat the stain. If the tracks are fresh, then they will quickly disappear.

Important! For old stains, you can use “White Spirit” or a soap solution with ammonia. Just pre-test it in an inconspicuous place, so as not to spoil the good thing.

Nail polish remover

Usually such a tool is in the arsenal of any woman. Only in our case it is necessary that it be without acetone. With it, you can remove traces of paint from the skin.

Important! You can also use vegetable oil, but then it will also have to be reduced, since it leaves behind greasy traces.


If you have greasy stains on your jacket, they can be removed with refined gasoline. Just do not confuse it with a car.Mix it with potato flour in a ratio of 1 to 1, apply to the stain and leave to dry completely. Then just shake off the leftover flour and wipe the problem area with a clean, dry cloth.

Important! If over time, inevitable creases, scuffs, or even holes appear on your product, you do not always need to immediately get rid of the thing and change it to a new one. Even with such defects, a thing can be restored. Detailed instructions on this subject are provided for you in a separate article. "How to update a leather jacket?".


Other stain removal methods:

  • Colored items will help peel a chopped onion.
  • White spots can be removed with good quality shoe polish suitable color.
  • The use of carbon tetrachloride gives positive results. Dampen a woolen cloth in it and wipe the problem areas.
  • Traces of ink are removed with alcohol, warm glycerin, or sodium chloride. Salt should be left for 2 days, and then grease this place with turpentine.
  • If blood dripped onto the skin, try to remove it as soon as possible, otherwise - it will be absorbed into the structure and it will be almost impossible to remove the stain. Make a soapy solution and wipe the blurred area.

Important! Well removes blood stains hydrogen peroxide, as well as aspirin, dissolved in water.

  • Mold stains are removed using refined gasoline. To get rid of the unpleasant odor later, wipe the skin with lemon.

In addition to folk methods, there are a huge number of different stain removers that will come to the aid at the right time. Use them in accordance with the instructions specified by the manufacturer.

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Clean the lining

Washing a leather jacket at home involves cleaning the pad. From long-term wear, the lining is saturated with the smells of sweat, perfume and becomes dirty. There are 4 possible options:

  • Replacing the lining with a new one - this is done as a last resort, when stubborn stains and smells appear on it. This can be done in the studio or on your own, if you, of course, have sewing skills.
  • You can wash the torn lining. In this case, you must either open it yourself, wash and sew the lining in place, or find a craftsman who will do the work for you.
  • The easiest option is to turn the jacket inside out and gently wash the lining, being careful not to soak the skin if possible. For washing, make a soap solution and arm yourself with a brush or sponge.
  • You can give the product dry cleaning, where experienced professionals will do all the dirty work for you.

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Leather care

To the question of how to wash your skin at home, came up to you as rarely as possible, follow simple rules for care:

  • Keep your leather products away from heating appliances and the sun, as the skin does not like high temperatures.
  • Try not to walk in the rain in a leather jacket, and if you hit, then use an umbrella.
  • Perform wet cleaning regularly.
  • After cleaning, apply impregnation and a water-repellent - so your jacket will last longer.
  • Care products, depending on the color of the product.
  • Remove stains in a timely manner.
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In this article, we explained whether it is possible to wash leather clothes, why it is not worth doing, and also brought a lot of useful ways that will help you not to resort to aggressive measures, and as necessary to maintain the cleanliness of your favorite things.


