Can sneakers be washed in a washing machine?

Having appreciated the practicality and convenience of the sneakers, sports style lovers have long transferred these shoes to a number of everyday ones. But over time, any product, and especially shoes, becomes dirty and requires more careful care, so often there are thoughts whether sneakers can be washed in a washing machine. In this article we will tell you how to properly wash your shoes without damaging them.

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Wash sneakers pros and cons

In order to understand whether sneakers can be washed, you need to figure out what they are made of. Having learned the basic composition of shoes, you can evaluate all the risks and threats that the product will survive during machine wash.

Modern sports and casual sneakers consist of:

  • a sole made of rubber or a foam mixture;
  • leather or leatherette - form the basis of the product;
  • fabric on the inner and outer surfaces;
  • glue used to fasten the upper part of the product with the sole.

The fabric on the inner surface absorbs sweat and moisture, and to give it freshness and cleanliness with manual cleaning is quite difficult, so the best solution to the problem is to use machine wash.

Important! Manufacturers of shoes and washing machines shout in unison about the ban on washing shoe products, which can be seen even on the labels of your favorite shoe pair. How to wash sneakers in the washing machine, if it is prohibited? In fact, they perfectly tolerate such cleaning, subject to certain rules and algorithms.

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What shoes should not be washed?

Based on practice, shoes are machine washable. But if you are thinking about how to wash sneakers in a washing machine, then you should find out the contraindications to “bath procedures”.

Sneakers and sneakers cannot be washed if:

  • cracks and pieces of protruding or protruding foam are visible on the product;
  • sneakers are made of genuine leather, which does not like moisture and cleaning products;
  • “Shoes” are cheap, from dubious manufacturers, especially low-quality China;
  • items of shoe wardrobe decorated with reflectors and glued decorative elements.

If you decide to radically clean your shoes using the technique, you will need tips on how to wash your sneakers in the washing machine so that they retain their shape and do not stick out.

Important! You can conduct a kind of test for tolerance to the product of water procedures. Soak it in a basin or just rinse it under a stream of warm water. If such gentle procedures for sneakers are not very pleasant, then you should not take risks with washing. When the bathing was successful, then you can prepare for loading into the washing machine.

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Sneakers washing process

If the shoes are made of synthetic materials and have successfully passed the soaking test, then you can safely trust their washing with a washing machine.

Important! Well-known manufacturers cover their products with special water-repellent impregnation. In the process of washing, this coating will be washed off, so you will need to reapply it. In shoe stores you can buy water repellent aerosols.


Before loading the product into the drum of the washing machine, it is worthwhile to carry out preliminary preparation, which consists in the following:

  1. Thoroughly clean the outside of jammed pebbles and other debris.This procedure will primarily protect your washing machine from drum damage.
  2. Remove all removable items, such as laces and insoles, from your shoes. They should be washed separately, unless the insoles are glued to the inside of the sole.
  3. Before sending to the washing machine, be sure to place the sneakers in a special bag designed for washing shoes.

Important! If you don’t have a special bag, you can put the sneakers in the old pillowcase. This will protect the drum from mechanical damage by solid parts.

Washing sneaker and sneaker

The washing process itself is quite simple, the main thing is to choose the right mode in which to wash sneakers. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Well, if your car is equipped with a special system for washing shoes, just select it and begin the procedure.
  2. In other cases, select the delicate mode and set the water temperature to no more than 40 degrees. At high temperatures, shoes cannot be washed; there is a risk of deformation and loss of color.
  3. Choose a suitable detergent. Best suited liquid washing gel.
  4. Disable the spin and dry functions, physical exposure and high temperatures can damage the product.

Important! It is forbidden to put several pairs of shoes in the washing machine at the same time - this can lead to glass breaking on the door. Do not be alarmed by a loud sound. When washing shoes, the machine creates much louder sounds than during the processing of linen.


After washing, remove the clean item and dry it under natural room temperature conditions. But very often, picking up a wet product, people wonder how to quickly dry their sneakers after washing. The following tips will help you with this:

  1. After removing the shoes from the bowels of the machine drum, fill it with crumpled paper or a towel. This simple technique will allow you to keep the shape of the shoe, and the material absorbs excess moisture from the inner surface of the product.

Important! Do not use the newspaper, because it can be printed on the inner surface of the sneakers and significantly spoil their appearance.   

  1. Leave the sneakers to dry in vivo at room temperature. Do not place them in direct sunlight or near radiators.

Important! When the shoes will regain a clean and tidy look, you can diversify the usual ways of wearing it. The easiest way to do this is if originally tie shoelaces on sneakers.

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We hope that these tips will help you enjoy outdoor recreation and sports in your favorite shoes. The main thing - do not forget about the importance of timely shoe care!

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