Can I wash my backpack in the washing machine?

Thousands of people around the world prefer practical and stylish backpacks instead of uncomfortable bags and too tight portfolios. But despite the comfort and amazing aesthetics, sooner or later, each owner has a problem, is it possible to wash a backpack in a washing machine and how to do it. It is very important to know which materials are allowed to be washed and which are not, how to do everything correctly. The fact is that if you make any mistakes, you risk irreparably spoiling the thing. That is what we are going to talk about now.

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Can I wash my backpack in a typewriter?

Oddly enough, many people ask, is it possible to wash a backpack in a washing machine? In fact, there is nothing terrible and forbidden if you act according to the rules.

Important! This applies only to ordinary backpacks, but in no case tourist. They are usually, if of good quality, sewn from specific fabrics and have a water-repellent finish. It will be washed off with standard washing, and the properties of the textile will be lost.

Read more about these in our separate article. "Travel backpacks".

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How to act correctly?

If dirt appears on your ordinary fabric product, you can easily handle it by sending it to the washing machine. The most important thing is to choose the right tool and set the mode correctly.

How to wash a backpack in a washing machine?

  • If you spilled a drink on a thing or other obvious stains have formed on it, treat them half an hour before washing stain remover. If you don’t have it, but there are pollution, you can just soap them with ordinary household soap, which is likely to be at home with any mistress.

Important! If there are stubborn stains on the surface, such as ink, then soak the product in a solution of water and a small amount of vinegar.

  • To keep the satchel intact, place it in special laundry bagput in the drum. Alternatively, you can also use a regular pillowcase.
  • Set the delicate mode, the minimum temperature, and then start the wash.

Important! Even if the product’s tag says that it can easily tolerate high temperatures, do not expose them. Cold water will help preserve the color of the product, extend its operational life.

  • For detergents, gel is best. It perfectly cleans dirt, even in cold water, and is easily washed off. It costs a similar tool not cheap, but affordable, and this is the best option if you care about the condition of your comfortable backpack. If you still have not tested the means of this household chemical product, use our rated liquid powders.
  • As soon as the washing process is finished, remove the item from the cover and, turning and straightening all the pockets, hang it on the street until it completely dries.

Important! It is very important to immediately pull it out of the drum. Otherwise, mold will appear inside, the smell of dampness.

If there is still dirt on the surface, repeat the procedure by increasing the residence time of the item in the stain remover.

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Useful Tips

Try to handle such a thing as carefully as possible, experts generally advise washing it as little as possible. Also pay attention to the following nuances:

  • If there are plastic adjusters on the straps and tongues, it is best to remove them. This will help not spoil the washing machine and material.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the color before washing. To do this, wipe the item with a cloth. If traces of paint remain on it, it is better to wash it by hand.
  • If there is such an opportunity, then clean from both sides - from the outside and inside.
  • Do not forget to put the item inside a special cover or sheet before washing, so as not to damage it and the equipment.

Important! You may also be interested in familiarizing yourself with the workshops and interesting ideas from the following articles:

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How to wash a backpack manually? To do this, fill a deep container with warm water and add some soap. All you need to do is soak the product for an hour and remove stains with a toothbrush or special brush.

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Tourist backpack

This item is strictly prohibited to machine wash. In addition to the above reasons, there are others:

  • The machine is not able to sufficiently rinse the tourist satchel. Chemical elements that linger in the back can cause an allergic reaction.
  • The seams of the product may stretch. The resulting gaps will be quite difficult to sew up without turning to specialists for help.
  • The design will be deformed.

To clean a backpack for tourists, use laundry soap:

  • First, remove all detachable objects - each of them must be cleaned separately.
  • Pour warm water into a basin with water and place soap shavings there.
  • Put the item in a container.
  • After - use a hard bristle brush to get rid of dirt.

Important! Try to act as quickly as possible - the residence time of a thing in water should not exceed half an hour.

  • Once the desired result is achieved, drain the soapy water and rinse the item in clean cold water.
  • You need to dry on the street, but in no case in the house above the heating devices.
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That is exactly what the proper washing of the backpack should be in the washing machine and manually. If you do not want to ruin your thing, then follow our tips and tricks, and you will succeed.

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