White underwear 🥝 how to effectively whiten white underwear

The problem of bleaching laundry worries many housewives, as white things give us a feeling of cleanliness that we don’t want to lose. But white linen quickly gets dirty, with frequent washing it loses its attractive appearance, and the stains that appear on it are difficult to remove. Of course, there are many popular ways to deal with this problem. Let us and we will try to understand how the bleaching of linen occurs at home - the best way for yourself you can choose from the options proposed in this article.
to contents ↑Folk ways of bleaching clothes
There are many different ways, how and with what to whiten white linen, including washed, at home.
The oldest and most proven way that some have successfully used to this day. This is not difficult to do. To do this, you need an old bucket or a large-capacity pan:
- Laundry soap should be added to the water, which copes well with all types of pollution.
Important! Some housewives put a little blue or starch, depending on what they want to get on the way out. Blue gives the linen a bluish tint, and starch makes it crispy.
- Things must be put in water before the container is on the stove.
- When the water boils, the fire must be reduced.
- During boiling, things need to be mixed periodically.
Important! The boiling process itself lasts about 1-1.5 hours.
- After the procedure, you should rinse the laundry properly.
- With severe contamination, bleach can be added. To do this, dilute a spoonful of this product in a liter of water, then pour the solution into a container for boiling, and then put the laundry there.
Important! Do not use such a tool too often - it leads to quick wear of the fabric. Baby items are boiled using baby soap.
Laundry soap
Not everyone likes to boil linen, many consider this method to be obsolete, tedious and prefer to use other methods. How to whiten white linen at home without boiling? The simplest, most affordable and effective means is a laundry soap, which, as a rule, can be found at any housewife. You can use it yourself by dissolving in water and soaking things in this solution, or in combination with other components.
Laundry soap plus soda
Grate laundry soap and add the same amount of soda. For smell, you can add lemon zest. Dissolve the resulting composition in water and soak things in it. Your linen will become snow-white!
Laundry soap plus potassium permanganate
How to whiten white underwear (underpants, bra)? For this case, we suggest you use a simple and safe recipe:
- Grate 50 grams of laundry soap and add a few grains of potassium permanganate.
- Pour this mixture with several liters of warm water, carefully dissolve the composition with water.
- Put your laundry in the solution for an hour.
- Then wash it as usual.
How to bleach bedding at home in the washing machine? Soda will help you, however, it will only cope with fresh pollution. Just add it to the compartment of your washing machine when washing, and your clothes will shine with white.
Important! This method also works with handwashing.But to enhance the effect, it is better to use soda in combination with other substances, for example, with ammonia.
Soda plus ammonia
How to prepare a whitening mixture based on soda and ammonia?
- Take half a glass of soda, add two tablespoons of ammonia. Pour all 5 liters of water.
- Stir the solution thoroughly.
- Pour into a basin and put the laundry there for several hours.
- Rinse and then wash in the washing machine as usual.
Soda plus vinegar
If your sheet is stained, then try the following method. There is a very simple way to whiten things with soda and vinegar - they will remove all stains:
- Dampen the problem area with water.
- Sprinkle baking soda.
- Pour vinegar.
- Wash the product in a typewriter.
Ammonium chloride plus hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide perfectly eliminates yellow spots, and also disinfects linen, it can be used independently, diluted in water and poured into a problem place. But in combination with ammonia, it gives the best effect:
- Take ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in combination 1 to 2 and dissolve this solution in several liters of water.
- Put your things in the solution, leave for several hours.
- Stir occasionally.
- Rinse the laundry and then wash as usual.
When bleaching bedding at home, mustard is used. Some consider this method quite effective:
- Dilute the mustard powder in the water and put the laundry there.
- After a while, take out the laundry, rinse and wash as usual.
Few people know about this method, although it is also considered quite effective:
- Take 100 grams of eggshell, sew in a cloth and put in a drum with dirty linen when washing.
- After washing, you will notice that your clothes have become much whiter.
Vegetable oil
Oddly enough, but the problem of bleaching bedding at home can be solved with vegetable oil:
- Pour water into a container and put on fire, bring to a temperature of approximately 90 degrees, but do not boil.
- Add 2 tablespoons of oil, salt, bleach, one tablespoon to the water soda ash, 1 cup of washing powder. Mix well the composition.
- Put things in a large container, fill with a solution, boil for half an hour.
- After the laundry cools, rinse it in cold water.
to contents ↑Important! You can do without boiling, then you need to pour things with a solution and leave for a day.
Ready-made store tools
Now on the shelves of shops you can find many different whitening products, which can conditionally be divided into three groups.
Optical brighteners
These products contain reflective components, so they simply create the illusion of the whiteness of things. Actual whitening does not occur. Such bleaches are often found in powders.
Chlorine bleaches
These bleaches are the oldest, inexpensive and effective, but have one big drawback - chlorine greatly spoils the structure of the fabric. Therefore, if you often use such bleaches, even the best and highest quality materials become thinner and quickly torn. They cannot be poured or poured directly onto the fabric, they must be properly dissolved in water, and washing machines are also negative for such substances, and you will have to manually bleach.
Important! Synthetics, wool, silk cannot be bleached with chlorine bleaches.
Oxygen bleaches
This is the most modern and effective type of bleach that has several advantages. They cope well with bleaching, do not spoil tissue fibers, do not harm health and do not cause allergic reactions. They can be used even with machine wash.
to contents ↑Useful Tips
To make the bleaching process successful, use our recommendations:
- Wash white items separately from colored items.
- It is advisable to sort things not only by color, but also by type of fabric.
- Remove stains immediately - fresh stains are easier to remove than old ones.
- Even new items may turn yellow from long-term storage, so review your stock from time to time.
- If things have rusty stains, then it is better not to treat them with chemical bleaches.
- Do not soak things with metal fittings for a long time and in hot water. The maximum temperature for this case is 40 degrees.
- For bleaching linen, it is best to use plastic utensils.
- When choosing a bleaching agent, refer to the label and make sure that it can be used for this thing.
Stock footage
Now you know how to bleach linen at home. Which option is the best way for you, decide on your own, based on how corrupted things are, how dear they are to you, and how much you want to restore their beauty and whiteness.
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