Laundry agent Weasel

The huge assortment of detergents on the market constantly confuses every housewife. And each one strives to find its “golden mean”, so that the cost of the detergent powder is affordable, and the washing quality is optimal, and even such a cleaner does not harm health. In this article, we will take a look at Laundry care product. What are its features, how effective is it and whether it will be affordable for you.

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A little about the manufacturer

The manufacturer of detergents of the Laska series is Henkel. The company considers this drug one of its most promising developments. Laska products are used to clean white and colored items, as well as fabrics that are difficult to care for, such as:

  • Wool.
  • Silk.
  • Membrane fabric.

Important! The first products of this series (washing powder) were released in the 70s of the last century. It was a universal detergent with sodium silicate in the composition.

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Types of detergents Weasel

The following types of Laundry care products are distinguished.

  • “Shine of white” - for white linen.
  • “Magic of color” - for colored linen.
  • “Shine of black” - for products of black color.
  • “Wool and silk.”

Important! There is also a special product in the line - “Active & Fresh”. This is a gel that is used to clean sportswear and clothing designed for outdoor activities. The product gives things a fresh pleasant smell, gives a feeling of freshness.

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White Laundry Powder and Concentrate

Laundry detergent "Laska" has long found its fans. This product has been widely advertised on television. A little later, a detergent appeared in the form of a liquid.

Important! Most product reviews are positive, but this detergent may not cope with all kinds of stains. At the same time, it really bleaches things - we are talking about white things that have lost their color over time.

Laundry detergent “Weasel” for white products is available in liquid form. The whitening effect is explained by the presence of optical brighteners and the smoothing of individual fibers.

Application features

“Weasel” proved to be equally good both with hand and machine wash. Wherein:

  • If you are using a washing machine, it is advisable to choose a delicate mode.
  • It is important to correctly calculate the amount of concentrate that you add to the drum of the machine. It depends on the amount of linen loaded.
  • The substance also acts as a conditioner. After washing, the laundry becomes more pleasant to the touch, acquires a pleasant smell.
  • With complex spots, the concentrate copes much worse. To achieve a good result, you must first wash the laundry.

Important! According to reviews, the drug returns the original whiteness of washed products. However, linen that initially has a gray tint does not bleach.

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Weasel Shine Color

This is the name of the product intended for colored linen. The name implies that the drug not only preserves, but also refreshes the colors. According to reviews, it is:

  • Things washed by “Weasel” retain color well.
  • The minus is the same as for white things - not enough good washing abilities.
  • The product is highly soluble in water, and there are no problems with rinsing.

Important! The disadvantage is not its safest composition.

An alternative to “Color Shine” is “Color Magic”:

  • It is also focused on keeping the colors of fabrics vibrant and juicy.
  • You can apply “magic” to work with delicate things, which as a result return a view that is as close as possible to the original.

Important! The manufacturer claims the effect of removing spools from garments. Consumers of this property did not notice, but after applying the product, new spools on clothes do not appear.

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Mode of application

Many people have a question: how to use the “Weasel of the Shine of Black”? The procedure for using funds for black and colored fabrics is similar:

  • With light contamination - 60 ml.
  • With an average pollution - 90 ml.
  • For strong pollution - 120 ml.

Important! For handwashing, the consumption of the product is: for 5 l of water 40 ml of the concentrate “Shine black".


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Wool & Silk

For woolen and silk items, laundry detergent under the brand name “Laska” is used, which gently cleans products, keeping the fibers in their original form. It can be used for both hand and machine wash (the latter involves the selection of appropriate modes for wool and silk).

Important! With manual use, the powder does not dry the skin of the hands, does not cause discomfort.

Gel for working with delicate products is even more convenient if their basis is:

  • Silk.
  • Viscose.
  • Mohair.
  • Sheep's wool.
  • Llama wool, alpaca.
  • Cashmere.
  • Down products.

The dosage of Laundry care products is as follows:

  • With light contamination - 60 ml.
  • With an average pollution - 90 ml.
  • For strong pollution - 120 ml.

With manual use, the consumption of the product is: for 5 l of water 40 ml of the concentrate “Magic Balm”.

This is one of the best tools of this brand, designed to work with delicate fabrics. Initially, the drug was produced in the form of a powder, but then the company converted it to a liquid, more convenient form. Used “Balsam Magic” for hand and machine wash. In the latter case, it is poured into the drum of the washing machine.

Important! The concentrate itself has a fairly strong odor, but it quickly erodes from the fibers. The fabric acquires a light, unobtrusive aroma. A nice bonus is the antistatic effect, which allows you to save on the purchase antistatic.

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Active & Fresh

This Laundry care detergent is intended for the following types of fabrics:

  • Polyester.
  • Polyamide.
  • Fleece.
  • Cotton.
  • Membrane fabric.
  • Microfiber.
  • Products from mixed fibers.

When machine washing, experts recommend that the following dosage be observed:

  • With light contamination - 60 ml.
  • With an average pollution - 90 ml.
  • For strong pollution - 120 ml.

With manual washing, the consumption is more economical (for 5 l of water 40 ml of concentrate).

Important! Wash products using “Active & Fresh” in the temperature range from 30 to 60 degrees.

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As you can see, Laundry care product has its advantages and disadvantages. To really work, you must use the drug strictly in accordance with the instructions and for the type of textile for which the product is intended.


