Washing feather pillows in a washing machine

For many years, feather pillows have not lost their relevance - sleeping on them is comfortable and pleasant. But they require careful care and attention. In this article, we will cover a topic such as washing feather pillows in a washing machine. You will probably wonder: “Is it possible to wash pillows?” Yes, these products are completely washable, only you need to do it right.

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Washing pillows at home

In order to properly wash the pillow, you need to adhere to certain rules. And first of all, having taken up such an activity as washing a pillow, find out what type its filler belongs to.

It happens 3 types:

  • fluff or feather;
  • synthetic (holofayfer, sintepon, etc.);
  • organic - dry herbs, horsehair, buckwheat, or other husks.

Important! Only the first 2 can be washed, the third is simply replaced after the expiration of the useful life.

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Feather pillow

Washing feather pillows in a washing machineThis type of product is very difficult to clean. If the pillow has not been cleaned and erased for a long time, then it is better to give it to dry cleaning and trust the professionals. There, they will do all the necessary procedures, such as:

  • removal of debris, dirt, fragments of feathers, various foreign objects (sometimes even needles get into it, inadvertently left unattended);
  • removal of dust mites and other harmful microorganisms will be destroyed by ultraviolet light;
  • washing, drying, replacing a bedcloth or pillowcase.

Important! You will get a clean, decontaminated and freshly smelling pillow. If for some reason you don’t want to give your product dry cleaning, and don’t know whether it is possible to wash feather pillows, we will answer you - you can and should do it. You can wash the down pillow both manually and in the washing machine.

Washing pillows in a washing machine

To wash the product in the washing machine, you will need down and feather wash covers. If there are none at your disposal, you can sew them yourself.

Do this by following these guidelines:

  1. The cover should be the size of the width like a regular napkin and 2 times longer than it.
  2. For sewing, you can use the usual not dense fabric. You can’t use gauze for these purposes - fluff and feathers can get out of such a cover and clog your car.

Important! It is not practical to clean the pillows, but to disregard other large bedding. In this case, it is hardly possible to talk about the ideal cleanliness of the bed, respectively - a healthy sleep. Therefore, carry out a general audit and once spend time to tidy up all the components. The information from our other articles will help you with this:

To wash the pillow without incident, follow the rules below.

  1. Spread on a napkin and carefully pour the contents of the pillow into the prepared cover for washing. You need to do this indoors without drafts and strong air currents, otherwise - the contents of the breastplate simply scatter across the floor.
  2. Spread the contents of the pillow into two covers. Under these conditions, the feathers extend better, and the drum will have a uniform load.
  3. Sew covers.
  4. Check their integrity.
  5. If you wash everything in one case, then put a couple of towels in the drum to evenly distribute the load.You can also put special balls for washing down products there, so that the feathers do not stray into a lump.
  6. Set the water temperature to not more than 30C.
  7. If your machine has a wash mode for down products, then select it. If there is none, select delicate mode with extra rinse.
  8. After washing, set the maximum spin mode.

Hand wash:

  1. Spread a feather product. It is better to do this in a room without drafts.
  2. Pour warm water into the bathtub or large container.
  3. Dissolve the detergent in a container. It can be any remedy, but we recommend a soap solution.
  4. Lower the pillow base in parts into water. This is done so that the feathers do not stick together, and it was easier for you to dry them.
  5. Leave it all for a couple of hours - during this time all smells and dirt should go away.
  6. Gently stretch the feathers with your hands.
  7. Use a kitchen strainer or strainer to drain dirty water and wring out feathers.
  8. Rinse the filler of your pillow under running water for a couple of minutes.
  9. Soaked feathers should be washed well again in soapy water.
  10. Rinse them and use the same colander or strainer to drain the water, then squeeze the fluff with your hands.

Important! Remember that when washing such products, it is extremely undesirable to use ordinary detergents for washing, since they are completely washed out of the filler, and their safety for health with constant contact cannot even be discussed. Therefore, be sure to use liquid detergent - machine and manual.

Product drying

To dry the fluff, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Spread wet fluff on a newspaper or well-absorbing paper indoors on a sunny side.
  2. Make sure there is no draft, otherwise the fluff will fly around the room.
  3. Beat and turn it periodically so that it dries evenly.
  4. Drying the filler can take from a few days to a week.
  5. After the feathers have dried, fill them with a new or well-washed old feather and sew them.

Additional down pillow washing tips

Washing feather pillows in a washing machineIn conclusion, we want to add some topical tips for washing down products:

  1. It is better to wash in late spring or summer, as the warm air prevailing in these seasons has a positive effect on the drying time of the product.
  2. If you do not use a colander for hand washing, then close the drain hole with a net so as not to wash the fluff down the drain and clog it.
  3. Tennis balls in the automatic machine will constantly whip fluff and prevent it from sticking during the washing process, add a couple and you will not regret it.
  4. We recommend that you clean the pillows at least once a year, and so that they are less contaminated, dress them after cleaning in 2 pillowcases from chintz.
  5. If you decide to change a bedcloth, then rub its insides with laundry soap. Thanks to this, the base will be less contaminated.
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Synthetic pillow

If your arsenal contains not only familiar feather pillows, but also modern products with synthetic filler, then you need to approach the washing process in different ways too. Wash a pillow of this type is not difficult, you can do this in just a couple of steps. To do this, you need to test the suitability of the filler and, if satisfactory, wash the product.

Fitness Test:

  1. Lay the pillow on a horizontal surface.
  2. Put a heavy book or any other object of the same weight on it.
  3. Wait a little while the pillow bends.
  4. Remove the item.

Important! Watch carefully: if the pillow quickly changed its shape to the original, then such a pillow can be washed, it will serve for some more time. In another case, it is better to replace the filler with a new one.


After passing the test successfully, you can start washing:

  1. Take a look at the instructions on the label - take into account the manufacturer's recommendations regarding temperature, detergents, spin.
  2. Put the product in the washing machine.
  3. Choose a gentle mode according to the instructions (usually it says that you need to use warm water and a liquid detergent).
  4. Add extra rinse and maximum spin.
  5. After washing, dry the product in a warm room with good ventilation.
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As it becomes clear from the above, washing down pillows at home and products with synthetic filler is not as difficult as it might have seemed before. Follow the instructions in this article, follow the tips and your feather products will protect your sleep for more than one year.


