Important nuances of washing: which spin class in washing machines is better

Choosing the right household appliances is not an easy task. When choosing a washing machine, it is important to evaluate all its qualities. In order for her to serve for a long time and not to disappoint her work even after many years, it is necessary to thoroughly understand at least those options that will be used regularly. Experts recommend studying the information on which spin class in washing machines is better.

The secrets of effective washing

Spin Classes

What is the best spin class in washing machines?

Today, the washing machine is simply an indispensable assistant. in every house. This unit performs quite a painful job, it erases, wringes, and sometimes dries things. Thanks to a similar invention, modern women have more time for other things.

It is believed that the type of spin in washing machines is one of the most important parameters for evaluating today's models. It displays the percentage of moisture remaining in the washed laundry. A similar indicator is determined by the number of revolutions of the drum per second. The higher the spin class, the faster the scroll, and the drier the laundry.

As a rule, in automatic machines, the number of revolutions varies from 700 to 1700 per minute. The effectiveness of push-ups depends on how wet things are. Brief characteristics of each class, starting with the best:

At what speed should the drum rotate

  • A - the speed of revolutions is 1600. The driest spin is provided, no more than 45% of moisture remains in the laundry. This is the highest quality.
  • B - the speed of the drum per minute equals 1400.
  • C - spin efficiency is 54−63%.
  • Spin class D means that the drum rotates at a speed of 1000 rpm.
  • E - the percentage of moisture remaining after washing corresponds to 72−81%.
  • F - a washing machine of this class will “spin” things at a speed of 600 revolutions.
  • Type G means that in such an aggregate the output will be dry only 10%. Such things will need to be dried over time.

This is the European standard used worldwide.

Some tricks

It matters not only the number of revolutions of the drum, but also how it spins. Suppose some units have a spin mode without ironing. The drum of such a machine rotates in a special way: it spins at one or the other speed, due to which things practically do not crease. So, after washing, you can not iron them, but just hang them to dry.

Valuable professional advice

Often, sellers claim that vertical loading equipment is better at squeezing. In reality, such machines vibrate much stronger than, so to speak, horizontal lines, and this does not make the unit’s work more efficient.

Thinking over which washing machine with which spin class to choose, you should understand all the intricacies of the operation of technology. If you do not make a mistake and buy a suitable unit, then after washing things will always be clean and almost dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Spin mode selection to avoid damaging delicate fabrics

Spin mode A is best used for thick things. - these are jackets, jeans, towels. If they are “scrolled” at a low speed, they will end up being heavy. Owners of washing machines with a low type of spin will need to work hard to pull out of the drum and hang such things.

If for health reasons you have to refrain from physical exertion (or there are some other reasons), it is better to give preference to a unit with a high type of extraction. Of course, such models are sold at a higher price. Not every buyer can afford such expensive cars.

Such a “washing machine” in the future may require high energy costs, because it dries clothes at higher speeds. This is definitely worth keeping in mind.However, now there is the opportunity to purchase a car that allows you to save energy at the fastest “scrolling”. Similar models may be marked:

  • A ++;
  • A +;
  • BUT.

Spin class in the washing machine

Spin type and energy class are interdependent categories. Experts consider the units with the B marking to be the best option, they demonstrate excellent quality of work, while not consuming too much energy resources. On the other hand, most people use the “washer” not too often. So, usually when choosing a machine for energy consumption do not pay much attention.

The cost of one wash also depends on the amount of water consumed. With the same capacity of linen, different models may provide for a different amount of fluid used.

High revolutions can ruin delicate things, for example, silk and wool products. With maximum acceleration of the drum, the threads wear out a lot, lose their strength and become faded. In addition, with a strong spin, things wrinkle more, and then smoothing them out becomes a difficult task.

When choosing the type of spin, it must be borne in mind that the difference between the humidity of the laundry, wrung out at 1000 or 1600 rpm, is insignificant. It can be seen only when washing things from thick materials. However, if you compare the "scroll" at 400 and 800 rpm, the difference will be noticeable. In the first case, the product will be completely wet, and in the second, its humidity will only slightly exceed the corresponding air value.

Different fabrics

How to choose the spin mode

Not all types of materials are erased in a standard way, some of them are considered very delicate. Fortunately, modern washing machines allow you to set the required number of revolutions. There are fabrics for which fast rotation of the drum is unacceptable.

For cotton and jeans, the optimal value is 800 rpm. Experts recommend washing such things using delicate mode. Flax "twist" at a minimum number of revolutions.

Silk and satin are very delicate and delicate materials., therefore, when washing them, it is better to turn off the spin. If this is not possible, it is worth choosing a safe speed of 600 revolutions. Woolen products are also not advised to wring. They can be twisted only at a drum rotation speed of 400 rpm, not more.

Useful expert advice

Criteria for choosing a washing machine

If for the buyer in the first place there is such an indicator as the efficiency of electricity consumption, then in this case it is better to opt for an A ++ type washing machine. If a person is going to dry things in the fresh air (for example, in his own balcony or in the backyard of a private house), you can safely buy household appliances with spin type B and below.

It is important not to forget that poorly wrung things when wet become even harder. This is especially true for blankets, terry towels and rugs. The owner of household appliances with a low spin class will be forced to make more efforts each time to take out wet products and hang them. Perhaps for someone the best solution would be the unit, providing for the possibility of dry washing.

When choosing a car, it is also important to pay attention not only to the type of spin. The washing class also matters. Everything is simple here: the taller it is, the better the laundry is washed. Sometimes it happens that the spin and the wash are of different quality. So, when choosing a model, it is advisable to take equipment with a higher value of the second indicator, otherwise the buyer risks getting an almost dry, but not well-washed product.

Thus, in order to get the maximum benefit from the purchased washing machine and not regret choosing the model you like, you need to carefully study the market, analyze the pros and cons of the proposed equipment options and only then make a decision. Numerous factors must be taken into account, including the type of spin.Today it is one of the key categories for evaluating modern models.

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