Signs on clothes for washing - decoding

A new thing is bought and sits just perfect. You can’t stop looking at her, look at the folds, check how the dress will look with and without a belt, turn on the iron to iron and put on. Stop! Take your time. To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand whether the product can be ironed at all, as well as to wash or bleach. And special icons will tell you about it, if you read them correctly. If you find signs on clothes for washing - decoding will not be so difficult. This will be discussed in our article.

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Why is this necessary?

On sale you can find clothes and linen from a variety of materials. You can do anything with some fabrics, others - they sit down after the first wash, others - you can not bleach with chlorine, fourth - they do not tolerate high temperature. The list goes on for quite some time. In order that the thing does not go into the category of rags after the first wash, and there are special designations.

Is the tag dangerous?

There are housewives who cut the tags out of fear that they will interfere. This should not be feared, because the labels are made of special soft materials that do no harm to the wearer of the product:

  • Do not rub;
  • Do not puff;
  • do not interfere with movement;
  • do not prick.

But these tiny ribbons or squares bring considerable benefit, because it is they who in any situation will tell you how to care for the product.

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Where to look for signs?

In those very distant times, when clothes were sewn exclusively from natural fabrics and mainly by hand, no one had any questions - everyone knew how to bleach linen and what to do with cloth pants. In an extreme case, one could ask a tailor who certainly knew everything about his product.

When the first sewing manufactories appeared, labels also appeared. True, at first only the name of the owner was put on them. It was only later that the manufacturers began to put special badges on the clothes, which were supposed to tell the buyer what to do with the clothes, and most importantly, what should never be done. This tradition has been preserved to this day. True, tags on clothes for washing are now printed not on a piece of cardboard, but on a ribbon or square made of fabric.

Important! Some manufacturers place signs in several places:

  • actually on clothes;
  • on a paper or plastic label;
  • on the package.

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If no labels and packaging

Packaging is most often thrown away, labels tend to get lost, so the most reliable option is to place the care instructions on the product itself. Therefore, before trying to iron a new thing, carefully inspect it.


Branded jeans always have such a tag:

  • It is most often a strip of fabric sewn into the side seam at about hip level. This tradition has been adopted by many manufacturers of trousers, so the necessary information should be sought in this place.
  • If the label is not there, most likely it will be sewn into the back seam directly under the belt.
  • There is another popular place - a pocket. Not a very convenient option, but sometimes applied.

Cardigan or sweater:

  • In the side seam you will also find a shortcut on a knitted cardigan or sweater. This is the most convenient place. But now there are a lot of manufacturers of such clothes, and it is not necessary that each of them follows the tradition.
  • If there is no tag in the right place, look under the collar or in the shoulder seam. The latter is rare, but still occurs.


On the dress, you also need to try to find a washing tag, the decoding of which will tell you exactly how to care for the product. Most likely, she, like most other things, is in the side seam, closer to the bottom of the skirt. Sometimes, for knitted dresses, a label is sewn under the collar - the same as for t-shirts.znaki-na-etiketkah-odezhdyi-nuzhno-umet-chitat


Of course, you will also find a tag on linen. And about the same places as the clothes:

  • in panties, it is sewn into the side seam at the level of the thigh;
  • at the bra - on the left shoulder strap on the back;
  • at the shirt - in the side seam or under the collar.

Important! You should not look for tags on clothes for babies - they are not there, and you will find the necessary information on special stickers.

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Labels for clothes - decoding

All signs that can be found on the labels can be divided into several sections:

  • wash;
  • spin;
  • drying;
  • Ironing
  • whitening;
  • dry cleaning.

There is one main icon for each section;

  • bath;
  • ironing;
  • square;
  • a circle;
  • triangle.

Combinations of icons apply. In addition, others are added to the main designations:

  • numbers;
  • letters
  • straight lines;
  • wavy lines;
  • points.

Important! In order not to rummage before each wash in the directories, you yourself can systematize what you see on the tags, naming the file something like “signs on clothes for washing - decoding, table”, then you will definitely have all the information at hand.

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Tags on clothes for washing - designations

The main sign for washing is a stylized bath. If it is crossed out, then the product must not be washed. You can find the numbers inside the main character:

  • 95°;
  • 60°;
  • 40°;
  • 30°.


The machine wash special designation is usually not applicable:

  • If no hand wash is indicated or no wash at all, then the product can be placed in the machine.
  • The “95 °” symbol indicates that the fabric can be washed in very hot water and even boiled. This is most often white cotton or linen, but it can also be colored, dyed with stable dyes
  • At 65 ° you can wash delicate cotton items and some items from polyester.  
  • If the designation is 40 ° - in front of you is clothing made of thin polyester, mixed fabric or thin cotton, which requires gentle washing. Washable in warm water with neutral detergents
  • The marking “30 °” means that only room temperature or cold water can be used. This mode is recommended, for example, for woolen products.znachki-dlja-stirki-na-odezhde-rasshifrovka


Instead of numbers on the labels, there may also be dots. They denote the following:

  • one point - 30 °:
  • two points - 40 °;
  • three points - 60 °.

Hand in the bath

On some tags you can see the image of a hand lowered into a stylized bath. This means that the product cannot be machine washed, only hand washing is permissible, moreover, in gentle mode. It is impossible:

  • to rub;
  • twist;
  • squeeze out a lot.

Important! Handwash uses lower temperatures than machine wash. If you see such an icon, it means that it is recommended to use warm or cold water, but in no case hot.

Straight or wavy lines

Symbols on the labels of clothes for washing often contain different lines. For example, inside the main character, you can see a wavy line. It stands for water. If there are no more signs, this means that the product can be washed.

However, under the bath can be straight lines:

  • one - a gentle washing mode is recommended;
  • two - delicate wash.

Important! In the first case, you need to carefully maintain the temperature, do not rub much, and if the machine has several spin modes, use the slowest. In the second case, the thing must be washed in a large amount of water, while the mechanical treatment should be minimal. A quick rinse is recommended.

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Clothing Care Label Labels - Spin and Dry

There is a special designation for the prohibition of spinning - a crossed out rectangle with a node in the middle. Drying modes are indicated by squares:

  • not crossed out - it is possible to dry in the car;
  • crossed out - it is impossible to dry.

Important! If it is forbidden to dry, most likely it is impossible to wash.

The combination of squares and circles

If you see a circle inscribed in a square, this means that clothes can be wrung out and dried by any means, including in a washing machine and an electric dryer. The same sign, but crossed out, says that it is impossible to dry in this way.

Mugs, squares, dots and lines

Dots can be added to a combination of a square and a circle inscribed in it - they are inside the figure:

  • one point - the product can only be dried at low temperature;
  • two points - drying is allowed at medium temperature;
  • three points - you can set the drying temperature.

In the same figure, there may be several lines. As in the case of washing, they mean:

  • one is gentle drying;
  • two - delicate drying.


Envelope, pockets, frame

In addition to the circle, other signs can be located inside the square:

  • a triangle that makes the picture look like a sealed envelope;
  • vertical lines;
  • horizontal lines
  • oblique line at the upper left corner.

What does all this mean, let's figure out what the decoding of the signs on the clothes for washing will be:

  • If the square on the tag looks like a sealed envelope, the thing can only be dried vertically. This is usually done on the shoulders.
  • The horizontal line passing through the middle of the square suggests - on the contrary, that the product must be laid out on a horizontal surface.
  • Three vertical stripes say that you can dry, but not wring.
  • Finally, placing three oblique strips on the tag through the upper left corner, the manufacturer strongly recommends that you dry the dress or blouse in the shade.
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Features of ironing are indicated by a stylized silhouette of the iron:

  • If there is only an iron and there are no dots, no dashes, or any other badges - the product can be safely ironed at any temperature.
  • If the main character is crossed out, ironing is prohibited, so you will have to align the folds in some other way.

If you see the dots

An unfilled picture with an iron is rarely found on tags. As a rule, dots are drawn inside:

  • one - you can iron only at low temperatures, up to 110 ° C;
  • two - temperatures up to 150 ° C are permissible;
  • three - can be ironed at high temperature.

Temperature up to 110 ° С is used for processing synthetic fabrics:

  • polyacryl;
  • acetate;
  • polyester;
  • polyamide;

Two points are placed on a product made of materials such as:

  • silk;
  • wool;
  • viscose;
  • some types of polyester.

Important! Clothing made of wool, silk or rayon is recommended to iron through a slightly damp cloth.

Finally, three points indicate that in front of you is a material that is not afraid of a temperature of 200 ° C:

  • cotton;
  • linen.

Only such fabrics can be steamed.

Important! However, sometimes you can see the labels where the iron is drawn, and underneath it is a crossed-out rectangle. This means that you can iron even at high temperature, but steaming is contraindicated.

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Not all tissues tolerate exposure to chemicals equally well. For example, cotton can be bleached with chlorine, and a less durable fabric from such treatment will turn into a fine mesh or even tear. Therefore:

  • If you see a triangle on the tag without any other icons, you can use the most common bleach.
  • The same means the triangle with the inscription Cl inside - you can use chlorine-based detergents.
  • When you see two parallel oblique lines inside the triangle, please note that detergents with chlorine cannot be used.
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Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning conditions are indicated on the labels by circles with letters inside them. If there is nothing in the mug, dry cleaning is possible; if it is crossed out, it is prohibited.

Solvents that can be used are indicated by the letters:

  • A. If you see the letter A - you can safely use any solvents. As a rule, there are no more dashes in this figure. But if there are other letters - there may be horizontal lines.
  • F. If the letter F stands, hydrocarbon, triflotrichloromethane, are used for cleaning.
  • P. The letter P indicates that clothes can be cleaned using hydrocarbon, chlorine ethylene, monoflotrichloromethane.

Important! The horizontal line under the circle with the letter says that the cleaning mode should be gentle.


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Lettering in foreign languages

In addition to the icons that are understandable to everyone, labels may also contain inscriptions in foreign languages. As a rule, they mean fabric. Most commonly used English notation, but there may be others.

Clothing of German companies

To understand what a short inscription on a tag means, it’s not at all necessary to go into the dictionary. On German clothes you can find such signs:

  • Baumwolle - cotton;
  • Lein - flax;
  • Wolle - wool;
  • Seide - silk.

Important! In addition, you can find English or mixed names. The inscription Greencotton indicates that the item is made from eco-friendly cotton. In addition, the designation SESilk - silk can also be found.

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First wash

Any thing has to be washed for the first time. The very first rule is to strictly follow the instructions on the label. But there are a few more rules that will help you:

  1. Soak the product for six hours in warm water - the temperature should not exceed the recommended one.
  2. Wash the product in the same way as you usually wash items from similar fabrics.
  3. If a hand wash is recommended, the powder must be completely dissolved, it is best to use liquid products or gels.

Regardless of which washing mode is recommended, you must follow the general rules:

  • pre-disassemble products by color and type of fabric;
  • empty pockets;
  • to turn clothes inside out;
  • if you are putting things from different fabrics into the machine, set the temperature mode that is acceptable for the most delicate product.
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That's all you need to know about the signs on the clothes. Their decoding is simple and easy for anyone to understand. The main thing is not to lose sight of this information, going to clean a new thing.

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