Calculation of the amount of utility bills

Our calculator is designed to simplify the calculation of the amount of utility bills that you will pay each month. You just need to make tariffs for services, as well as the amount of water consumed, eelectric power or gas, and the program will calculate the necessary amount of money that you have to spend this month.
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Continuing the topic
- Calculation of the amount of meat for barbecue
- Calculation of fuel consumption for a trip
- Smoker's cost calculation
- Calculation of the need for tiles to repair a bathroom or kitchen
- Calculation of the amount of flooring
- Calculation of estimated costs per month
- Calculation of products for the festive table
- Calculation of the number of wallpaper strips for pasting a room
- Calculation of the number of rolls of wallpaper by room area
- Calculation of the weight of laundry
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